Fight or Flight!

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//Springtrap sets the undergrounds on fire after he drenched the whole place in gasoline, then he finds them and fights them but the group have a choice whether they should fight Springtrap once and for all or if they should run to get out of the undergrounds before it crushes them. Once again, the picture is not mine//.

Flowey and the Afton kids recognized that voice, they looked behind them and they see Springtrap/William Afton with a match in one hand, and surprisingly, Chara in the other, holding her by the throat. "Dad! You let her go Now!!!" Micheal threatened and Flowey snapped, "you traitor! You tried to light me on fire after I tried to do what you asked of me! Now let go of my sister!" Springtrap laughed and then he said, "sure children and monsters, but first, you've gotta catch her in the Flames!" He lit the match and then threw it on the gasoline, lighting the place on fire, then he said, "say goodbye to her." Chara started trying to get out of his grasp around her neck, but he threw her near the flames. "Oh no! Help!" Chara shouted as she fell. Micheal yelled, "Flowey! Throw me to her!" Flowey grabbed Micheal, threw him to Chara. Before she could hit the flames, Micheal grabbed her and they both tumbled away from the fire. Micheal ended up on top of Chara again but he quickly got off.

"You have messed with the wrong monsters, you are going to have a Bad Time!" Sans said as his eye glowed blue, he tried to pick up Springtrap's soul but nothing happened. "Nice try Skeleton! I don't have a soul!" Springtrap sneered as he pulled out the same knife Flowey saw in Toriel's house. "You killed her! You monster!" Flowey yelled while snarling. Sans just decided to summon his Gaster Blasters and shot them at Springtrap who dodged them. Springtrap swiped his knife at him but Sans dodged. While they fought, Chris realized the pieces of the ceiling were going to fall on Sans, "Sans! Watch Out!" He ran, pushed Sans out of the way and the pieces fell in front of Springtrap, blocking his view of the group. "Um, thanks kiddo," Sans said as Chris got off him and helped him up. "We have to get out Sans, this place is going down, and I've gotta free the others before it's too late," Chris tells him and he nods. "Guys, let's get out!" Sans told everyone. With that said, Papyrus picked up Sans and started running at high speed towards the direction of the barrier. Flowey turned into Omega Flowey, grabbed Toriel's dust bag, her dress, and bowed down for the others to get on. Chris still carried Frisk's body got on last and Omega Flowey ran to the direction of the barrier as well.

After crawling his way from the pieces of the ceiling, Springtrap saw Omega Flowey running, then he found a shortcut and then he smirks at them. After a while of fleeing, they were close to the entrance of the barrier, but then the path got blocked and then more pieces of the ceiling fell onto them, trapping them inside. "Oh no," Omega Flowey started panicking that he turned himself back and tried to get away from the flames. To top the worst that could happen, Springtrap caught up with them and started digging his way to them. Chris was trying to look for a way out, but he found two, one blocked with flames and the other Springtrap was trying to get them from. "We jump through the flames!" Chara said but then Micheal shouted, "are you crazy girl?! We will burn." "I think she's right, which is worse, being burnt or ripped apart by Daddy?" Elizabeth said while pointing at the flame blocked exit. "B-but fire is a plant's weakness! I'll die if I touch those flames once more!" He said but then Bendy told him, "ink is flammable, I've also been created with gasoline, but I'm not afraid to touch the flames if it's our only way to get out, but I've also been trained for acrobatics like jumping through hoops of fire. What do you say we jump out of this together?" "Besides, if your clothes are on fire, stop! Drop! And roll!" Elizabeth added. "Oh frick me," Micheal said and jumped through the flames. "Come on Azy, you won't be doing it alone, you won't be doing anything alone, not anymore," Chara added when she jumped through the flames. Chris threw Frisk's body over the flames and he jumped through. This suddenly became a debate between Flowey's Fate and his survival. Should he jump through and get burned again by the flames or if he should stay and let Springtrap get him? Bendy still waited for Flowey to decide as Springtrap dug closer to them. Flowey decided, "Bendy, get me away from this psychotic Rabbit person!" "Great choice," Bendy said as he quickly scooped up Flowey from the ground, right before Springtrap could grab them, Bendy jumped through the flames like a lion in a circus during a jump through the ring of fire trick. After that, the group kept running by themselves to the barrier.

Sans and Papyrus saw the group running to them and Papyrus called to them, "Human! Use your soul to bust the barrier!" Chris followed that order by telling Flowey, "Flowey! The souls!" Flowey grabbed the souls with his vines and faced them towards the barrier. "Come on punk! You've got this!" Undyne cheered for him, then Alphys, "d-do it! W-we believe in you!" "Go Chris! Go Plant!" The dog gaurds cheered for them. "Save us you two!" Monster kid cheered for them. "Knock it dead darlings," Mettaton surprisingly said in his new rebuilt body. "You've got it kiddo, you too Weed," Sans said for them to here. Chris showed his soul on his hand, holding onto Frisk, ran up ahead, held his soul out and he had touched the barrier. The barrier started to shatter, then that was when the monsters were finally free.

The monsters were up the surface for the first time in forever, seeing the undergrounds in flames with smoke coming out of the hole and yet, the stars still shown bright in the sky. "You did it guys! You did it!" Sans complimented Chris and Flowey. "We all did it," Micheal said while Chara looked at him, "mostly Chris, your brother is very brave, and so is mine." Flowey however, wasn't in the mood to celebrate, he set Toriel's dress and bag of her dust down and he looked sad. "Hey, Flowey, I remember you always wanted to see the stars, real stars, well, they are out now," Chris said trying to cheer him up. "He did this, he killed my mother, if I see that Bunny Bastard's face again, I will rip it right off!" Flowey growled. Chara sat by Flowey's side and wrapped an arm around him. Chris felt bad for him and so did Boris, who looked at his new soul, Kindness, then at the bag of dust, he saw what he had to do. Chris heard movement behind him and he saw Frisk waking up seeing the surface stars above him, "uh, Chris? Where are we?" "Inch Worm! You're ok!" Chris cheered as he ran to Frisk's side. "Determination Buddy!" Frisk held his arms out and Chris hugged him tightly, "I thought you were gone, but to answer your question, we have made it to the surface." "You... almost killed yourself... for me," Chara said and Frisk told her, "well, yeah, I even did it so my Determination buddy wouldn't have to."

Suddenly, the moment had to be ruined by one savage bunny, yes, Springtrap had appeared again, with his knife out and walking towards Sans. Flowey sensed Springtrap's presence, he turned his head to see Springtrap right behind the distracted Sans. Flowey went underground and moved closer in between Sans and Springtrap, "Sans! Watch Out!" "What?" Sans looked behind him to see Springtrap and Flowey. "It's Time to Die!" Flowey yelled with a creepy face as he stretched up with his teeth open and then he bit down on Springtrap's neck. He ripped his throat out causing Springtrap to choke on his gurgling blood and fall to the floor. Sans looked in horror and surprise, the only monster he hates and who hates him too had just saved his life on his own. Flowey had blood dripping from his mouth and fangs, "Ha! How's that now Springtrap?! You murdered my mother and tried to murder me! This! Is! What! You! Deserve!" "I'll.... come.... back.... I always do....," Springtrap spoke his final words before dying again.

"Damn Weed, you just saved my life, and no one told you to," Sans complimented. "Um, I did it because he killed Toriel and I hated that," Flowey tried to hide himself calling Toriel 'mom' and the fact that he is starting to soften up. "Well, I'm sure if the queen was here, she would have been proud," Sans said even though he already heard Flowey say 'mother' but he wanted to play along. Then a soft voice came from behind them both, "and you sure have."

The Afton and The Orphan (FNAF and Undertale crossover)Where stories live. Discover now