Meet Frisk

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//this is the part where Chris and Frisk finally meet, another part is when Micheal assembles a search party to go after Chris and Frisk in the undergrounds, and when William comes back to plan another plan, a genocide//.

Chris kept falling and falling while Fredplush was trying to tie a blanket to Chris. It was a pretty long fall so Fredplush was able to finish tying the blanket to Chris' shoulders and the blanket stopped Chris from falling, working just like a parachute, a little. The blanket helped Chris fall safely without breaking a leg as he hit the ground on a pit full of flowers. Chris looked around to see where he was, "at least this is nice that we landed on some flowers." "Who are you?" They heard a voice say, they looked to their left and saw a boy with brown hair and his eyes were shut. He was wearing a blue sweater and two magenta stripes across his belly. He was looking at them with a little bit of fear but trying his hardest not to show it. "Wait, it's ok, I'm Chris Afton and that's Fredplush, and we mean no harm." "Frisk is my name and Why are you sitting on Flowey if you mean no harm?" Frisk said pointing underneath him. "Who's Flowey?" Chris asked and then someone muffled, "I'm Flowey, Flowey the Flower you idiot!"

Chris looked underneath him and then got off, "oh sorry." Flowey took a big breath from being sat on, "two humans now, this can't be anymore perfect." "What do you mean perfect? Have you been expecting us too? Well we are here now and we are going to save all the monsters from the prison in which they are trapped in," Chris said with pride but Fredplush had a bad feeling about Flowey, Chris, let's ignore the flower, I don't trust him. "Your bear talks, oh well, I'll just take three lives rather than two," Flowey commented while both Chris and Frisk asked, "what?" "That's right, down here, It's Kill or Be Killed!!!" Flowey made a creepy face as he said that. Suddenly, a fireball was thrown at his face and then he went away. "What did I just witness, was there something I missed?" Chris asked Frisk and Frisk answered, "yeah, he threw these weird pettels that he calls 'friendliness pettels,' but I just dodged them all and he got so mad until you came and sat on him, you missed a lot stranger." All of a sudden, a goat woman appeared, she was wearing a dark purple and blue dress with a symbol in the middle of it, "what a terrible creature, torturing such poor and innocent youths. Ah, do not be afraid my children." "Who are you lady?" Chris asked and the goat answered, "I'm Toriel, the caretaker of the Ruins. I pass through this place everyday to see if anyone has fallen down. You guys are the first humans to come down here in a long time." "I came for a purpose," Chris told her and she said, "come then, I'll guide you both through the catacombs."

There's a lot that Micheal hasn't told me about this place, Chris thought and then Frisk decided to start a conversation with Chris, "you said you had a purpose to be down here, right?" "Yeah, I had a dream about this girl who told me that the monsters are in trouble and that I need to find my soul partner," he explained to him. "Your soul partner, only determinations have soul partners, are you a determination?" Frisk asked him but Chris said, "I don't know, the girl in my dream told me I was, but what is that?" "A determination is a red soul a human has, and determination means you never give up, you will always keep trying no matter what happens, you are determined to do things right," Frisk explained then showed Chris his soul. "That's what our souls look like?" Chris asked and Frisk nodded. "But, I don't have a soul on my-," he checks his hand and sees a red heart on it, "oh wait, that wasn't there before." "Maybe your soul has found your soul partner, maybe we are soul partners," Frisk said getting to the bottom of this soul partner thing.

Back on the surface, Micheal had made it to the group and he took heavy breaths. "Micheal, what's wrong?" Bendy asked then Micheal said fast, "Chris fell into Mt. Ebbot and we have to go get him out before the monsters kill him!" "Hold on, what?" Elizabeth asked again and Alice added, "go slow please." Micheal repeated slowly this time, "Chris is in danger, he fell inside Mt. Ebbot, the place that has a monster kingdom underground, and we must get him out of there before those monsters kill him." "Ohhh," everyone said then Elizabeth said, "how did he end up on Mt. Ebbot in the first place?" "I don't know, he said something about how he has to be there because he wants to help the monsters, just like you with Bendy, I think he gets that from watching you," Micheal answered then added, "well, we cannot just sit here, he is doing something that could take his life easily if he is alone which he is, so we've gotta get him, please help me." Bendy stepped forward and said, "I'll help, if these monsters kill people, you'll need an Ink Demon who is more invincible then they are to help you." "I'll go too," Boris added while wagging his tail and then Alice said, "sure, I'll go help you, I'm not afraid of monsters." "You know I'm down for anything crazy Mikey," Elizabeth said with a smirk. Micheal felt relieved then said, "ok, first things first, we need a rope and an anchor."

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