Defend yourselves and I can't stay here!

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//this picture doesn't belong to me, it belongs to its rightful owner. So in this part, after Toriel gets them through, she leaves them for a little while and then they must get to her house without getting killed, however, when they make it, the next day, she asks them a question Chris didn't expect and he answers with truth. This might be very long but it won't be boring long//.

They go to a room with a sort of spiral, and Chris sees Frisk walk up next to a star and start doing something that looked like saving a profile with it. "What are you doing?" Chris asked him and he answered, "saving our profile, using determination, we must do that in case we die and we want to continue." "I'm sorry, what?" Chris asked not understanding what he meant, "We are determinations, right?"


"We determinations have the power to save our spot and respawn when we die."

"So, is that how every time the nightmare animatronics kill me, I always come back, and why I am still alive even after I've been thrown into Fredbear's mouth."

"Wait, what was that?"

"Um, nothing, I'm just rambling on."

Frisk just let it go even though he knows Chris is hiding something. Although, he is hiding something as well, but would rather not think about it. "The ruins is full of puzzles, you must solve them to get from room to room," Toriel told them then she said while pointing out, "only flip the switches I labeled for you." That's what they did, during that, Chris found a sign that said, 'only the fearless may proceed, brave ones, foolish ones, both not take the middle path.' What does that mean? Chris thought hoping it didn't mean he was going to die down here. There was another sign that said 'stay on the path,' and 'please press the switches.' When they were done, Toriel complimented, "splendid, I'm proud of you little ones." "Um, thanks," Chris said and then they start moving into the next room.

They were in the Dummy-Fighting room. Toriel continued to talk, "being a human living in the undergrounds, monsters may attack you. You will need to be prepared for this situation, however, worry not. The process is simple. When you get close to a monster, you will enter a Fight. During a fight, stalk up a friendly conversation. Stall for time and I will come resolve the conflict. Practice talking to the dummy." She walks away to let them practice, so they both go up to one dummy and then the fight begins. "What's happening?" Chris asked Frisk and he said, "this is where the fight begins I guess." "Well then let's go fight it," Chris was about to go punch the dummy until Frisk stops him saying, "hold on, she said strike up a conversation, not fight it, so that's what we are going to do." Chris looked at the dummy then back at frisk, "what should I say?" "I don't know, hello maybe," Frisk answered but Chris had another thought in his mind. "Hello dummy, you look uh... lovely today... is that a new haircut? That's a beautiful face you have there and..." he couldn't think of anything else and Frisk just face palmed at the cringe coming from the boy he just met. Chris thought of what else to say and then he said, "and nice big fat nose you have."

Frisk couldn't take the cringe, he walked over to him, pulled him aside and said, "do you know how to talk to someone?" "Not really, what can I say, I was homeschooled," Chris told him and then Frisk explained to him, "that explains your socially awkwardness, well, when talking to someone, you don't say I love and then add negative stuff about them, it's called sarcasm. That's like someone walking up to you and saying, 'hi, I love how ugly you are.' Not nice isn't it? You must be nice about your choice of words or how you start out a conversation like maybe this, 'hi, how has your day went? My day was good.' Or compliments must be something like this, 'I love the way you shine, or I love how unique you are.' Ok, now try that." Chris walks back up to the dummy and said, "hi, how has your day gone? Mine is great, I met my soul partner." This did make both Frisk and Toriel smile and Frisk complimented, "good job Chris."

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