Regretful and Evacuate

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//Flowey runs away in pain and regret while Demon Chara attacks them Springtrap starts setting the whole underground on fire. The picture doesn't belong to me, I'm using it because he does burn down the undergrounds and tried to do it while the monsters are still trapped from the barrier//.

When they put the fire out, Flowey was all covered in burn marks and he had his head down. "Why did you save me? Why didn't you just let me burn? Do you really think I've learned anything from this? No. Sparing me won't change anything, killing me is the only way to end this." Chris just kept pressing Mercy. "If you let me live, I'll come back," Flowey said but Chris still kept pressing Mercy. "I can't understand, I just can't understand, why? Why aren't you killing me, or leaving me just like your mother did?" He almost wanted to cry until Frisk said something, "you are Asriel, aren't you? The son of the king, the one who helped the first determination to come here before us." "Yeah, so?" Flowey snapped not wanting to talk about it. "I'm not leaving because I have a promise to keep, I promised I would not be anything like my mother, that I would fix her mistakes and free all the monsters like the prophecy says, if you come with us, I can let you see the stars again. Even your sister," Chris answered and he raised out his hand for acceptance. But, Flowey just went underground and ran away.

"I know where Flowey went, Demons know everything, I'll go find him and try to talk some sense into him," Bendy said knowing what Flowey's feeling. "Well, you tried Chris, not let's get home before anything else bad happens," Micheal said as he was going to walk away until a demonic voice said, "oh no you don't! I'm not finished with you stupids yet!!!" "Who said that?" Micheal asked and then Chris said, "it's that Demon Chara I saw earlier, guys, grab the souls before she grabs them." So that's what they did, Micheal grabbed Bravery and their uncle's soul, Integrity. Elizabeth grabbed Kindness and Perseverance while Frisk grabbed Justice and Patience. "I'll go find Flowey!" Bendy said as he ran away. Demon Chara came out to get them, "those souls are mine you Humans!" "No they aren't, you will not take them!" Chris shouted while he was grabbing the old soul necklace he had. "Oh I will get them one way or the other! Humanity will pay for everything they have done to me! When I get those souls, I will be goddess of the entire world! All of humanity will perish in the bottoms pits of hell! Now Chris, do me a favor and give me those sou-" before she could finish, Micheal pinned her and forcefully put the necklace on her, "ok guys! Put the souls on the necklace!" Chris said so Elizabeth, Micheal and Frisk put the souls on her necklace but nothing was happening.

"What? It should get her back, why is it not working?" Chris said as Chara was struggling off Micheal's weight, "get off me you Humans!" "Guys! I can't hold her much longer!" Micheal shouted trying to pin her down long enough. Frisk knew the answer to Chris' question, "it's because it takes all seven, I haven't used my soul yet, I must give up half my soul." "But, that could kill you can't it?" Chris said worried about Frisk but Frisk said, "maybe, but I'd rather it be me than you Chris, you have a family, I don't. They love you more than anything, just like I love you more than anything. I promised I would never let anything hurt you, and I'm keeping it." With that being said, he took his hand out that had his soul on it and then he put it on the necklace. "No! Frisk! Please don't!" Chris shouted but the souls started to do their thing as soon as Frisk put his soul on top of the heart necklace. There was a big blast of light that swiped the group were standing off their feet but Micheal remained on top of Chara.

Flowey was pouting somewhere dark until Bendy showed up beside him, "Flowey, you must listen to me." "What?" Flowey looked behind him and saw him there, "oh ink demon, it's you. How did you know where to find me?" "I'm an ink demon, I have the same demon ability to know exactly where people went and what people are thinking, but that isn't why I'm here, my real reason is this, I know what it's like to feel betrayed and left in the dark." "Oh wow, more pity on me, not entirely what I want," Flowey sarcastically said but Bendy made very clear, "honest! Back then, my creator made me but then he left me in the dark because I was ugly and just like you, I didn't have a soul." "Wait, what?" Flowey asked confused but Bendy continued, "when I was first made from the Ink Machine, I didn't have a soul, so my creator Joey just left me in a dark room and kept me from existence for 30 years. In fact, before, I didn't know I was a monster until when you knocked me out back there, this girl showed me the truth that I never knew until now." "That's actually fricked up that your creator did that to you, but who was this girl that told you this stuff," Flowey asked Bendy but he shook his head, "I don't know, she was wearing a green sweater with a yellow stripe and a heart shaped necklace." Flowey all of a sudden had a shocked face, "Are you talking about Chara?!"

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