MTT Resort part 2

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//the boys are almost to the core but then they encounter Mettaton but hopefully it's the final time they do.//

The boys were now on their way to the core, they found the elevator. Alphys called them again, "this is it, that's the elevator that will take you to the Core." Frisk and Chris both nodded and then they held each other's hands, "let's do this," Chris said to Frisk, they both started walking to the elevator and then Frisk pressed the button, however, the button's light wasn't on. He pressed it again, but there was still nothing. "What do we do?" Chris asked Alphys on the phone, "What? The elevator should be working. W-well then! Go to the right and keep heading up." "Let's go Chris," Frisk grabbed Chris' hand and they walk right, however, there was a pit instead of a path. "What? That pit isn't on my map! Forget it! Let's try the left side!" Alphys said then the boys moved to the left side and they kept going up.

Suddenly, a couple figures stopped them and pulled them into a fight, it was Majick. They tried to act but nothing really was working, "can we just fight it?" Chris asked but Frisk said, "no, we must spare him." He spared the monster and then they let them pass. "That was close, wh... why are there so many monsters down here? I mean it's no problem, right? W-w- we've just got to keep moving forward," Alphys told them. When they kept moving, a electric field is blocking the path. Frisk looked around for a switch and then he pulled it. It activated lasers in the same order, Orange, Orange and Blue. They bypassed the laser and kept going. "Ok, go right, wait no! No! Go up!" Alphys was saying, Chris started to have odd feelings about Alphys now, but they just went up. They got pulled into another fight by Knight Knight. Frisk thought about what to do, but then he pressed Sing and then he started singing to the monster an old lullaby. After two tries, he succeeded in putting the monster to sleep.

"Wait, I thought this was the right path, could you both go back to path on the right again?" Alphys told them but then Chris said, "oh come on!" They just did it anyways and they found a lot of lasers. "Uh oh, don't worry, I will deactivate the lasers, what? It's not working. Ok, I'm just going to turn off the power and then you can just run through. Don't worry, I've got everything under control," she told them and so the power went off. They ran through but the power turned back on when they were half way, they stopped underneath blue lasers. "th- the power... it's turning itself back on. Damn it! When it turns off, move a little and then stop. Ok? Y-you won't get hurt," she told them as the power turned back off. They kept going and then stopped when the light turned back on. This kept happening until they've reached the end. "S- see? I've got everything under control. Everything's under control!" She said but just as soon as she said that, they run into another fork in the road, "what? This doesn't look like my map at all, I- I'm sorry guys, I have to go," she hung up the phone. "Oh no, are you serious? I'm having extremely bad vibes here," Chris said but Frisk just saved their spot. They saw signs that lead west and south on the left, but east on the right. "Let's go left," Frisk pointed and then Chris followed Frisk.

They've done a puzzle to open the door to The End, they walked through but did get attacked by the same monsters they just fought but they found a switch and pulled it. They went to the right then took that path to the Core until somebody blocked their way. That somebody was none other than Mettaton, "oh it's you again," Chris sassed then he thought, great, I'm turning into Elizabeth. "Oh yes. There you are darlings. It's time to have our little showdown! It's finally time to stop the malfunctioning robot... not!! This was all just a big show. An act! Alphys has been playing you for fools the whole time." Mettaton told them then Chris shouted, "what! No! You are lying!" "Robots never lie darling, she reactivated puzzles, disabled elevators, and enlisted me to torment you. All so she could save you from dangers that didn't exist. And now it's time for her finest hour! At the moment, Alphys is waiting outside her room. During our "battle," she will interrupt. She will pretend to "deactivate" me, "saving" you one final time," Mettaton explained you them making them both more angry. "I hate you!" Chris yelled making Frisk shocked as he looked at Chris' soul changing to black, "Chris! Don't say that! It will mess up your soul!" "You see, I've had enough of this predictable charade. I have no desire to harm humans. Far from it, actually," Mettaton explained, making Chris stop his anger and his soul changed back to normal, "wait, what?" "My only desire is to entertain. After all, the audience deserves a good show, don't they? And what's a good show without a fight," Mettaton told them but then Alphys barged through the door right after he said that.

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