Mt. Ebbot

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//this is the chapter where the problems finally begins after probably three boring chapters, it's finally starting. Although in this parts, it starts off Elizabeth having a problem only girls understand, then Micheal realizes Chris went missing and then when he finds Chris taking a rocky path in a mountain, he recognizes it as Mt. Ebbot and then that's when Chris's problems start//.

Chris was running for he didn't know how long, in fact he didn't know why he was running, or what he is running from. He saw a silhouette in a distance, it looked Micheal's age or from what he could see. As he ran closer to it, it got more visible to determine the features it had. The figure standing there waiting patiently for him had the same green sweater with a yellow stripe on her belly, she had pinkish cheeks and brown hair, kind of the same color hair that Chris had and red eyes. This is the same girl Chris had seen in every single dream and what Micheal told him, is the same girl Micheal saw in his closet when he was 8, he didn't know why. "Oh, it's you again, what are you doing here?" Chris asked hoping this time she could answer his question after all the previous times he had seen her and asked her only to be given no answer. However this time wasn't going to be just like every other dream he had about her, because the girl actually opened her mouth to tell him, "I'm here for a reason Chris, you must not waste time, the kingdom needs you Chris, you must go to Mt. Ebbot, claim your soul partner and rescue the monsters, please." "But who? Who is my soul partner? Hello?" Chris was calling for her, hoping she didn't go away forever, the girl appeared again and said, "the monsters are in danger, you're a determination, you're best at bringing peace, do the same for the kingdom, go to Mt. Ebbot, go, go."

Chris woke up the next morning, thinking about what he dreamt about, a determination? What does that mean? Chris thought thinking about what the girl said. His partner she said in his dream but he didn't really know he even had a soul partner, he always thought Fredplush was his soul partner, speaking of Fredplush, he figured he had to go because this sounded serious and life threatening. So, Chris grabbed Fredplush sort of waking him up. Chris, what are we doing? Fredplush asked a little confused as Chris was still packing up, "Fredplush, we have to leave, just me and you. This is important, the monster kingdom I told you about, I finally know what my dreams have been telling me, that kingdom needs my help and I have to do this." But what if it isn't real, it's just a story your mother told your brother to help him not be scared of monsters anymore and-, Fredplush was interrupted by Chris when he had a realization, "wait, but what if because she knew we would be going there and she wanted to prepare us for it. But she told Micheal the story, not me, I was 2 when Micheal was 8, so why didn't she choose Micheal since he knows more about it then I do? I'm guessing she and the girl in my dream have chosen me and another person because we have... determination." This sort of helped him figure it out, but now wasn't the time to figure out the rest, he had to go and now. "Let's go Fredplush, this kingdom really does need us, hopefully our partner might help us figure it out." So, he and Fredplush wrote a note explaining where they were going and that they would be back soon and he left it on his bed.

When Chris left the house, Elizabeth screamed, waking Micheal up. He heard that scream and then hurried over to Elizabeth, "Sis, what's wrong?!" "I'm bleeding to death or something," Elizabeth said covering her legs. "Wait, what?" Micheal asked a little confused. "I just woke up and I saw blood on my sheets and then I looked down and underneath me, I'm ble-," Elizabeth tried explaining but then Micheal figured out what that meant and he interrupted, "ok, um... gosh, how do I explain it? Um, well uh-." Luckily, Bendy, Boris and Alice showed up, "good morning Elizabeth, we heard you scream and we came to check on you," Bendy explained and then Micheal said, "um, Alice, there seems to be a problem with Elizabeth that I really cannot explain but maybe you can." "Um, first off, what is it?" Alice asked then Elizabeth said, "I'm bleeding to death, underneath me, and I don't know why Micheal can't explain it." Bendy and Boris looked grossed out and they said, "um, we'll give you guys a private talk, Micheal you should do the same thing, it's no place for a boy." "Ok Elizabeth, first let's wait for the boys to leave, then I'll explain from the start," Alice told her.

Since that day, Alice has been a lot nicer to Elizabeth and Elizabeth has done the same. Although they did have bad times when they first met, but since she saved her from the studio, they started seeing each other as friends. "I'll go wake up Chris," Being appropriate, Micheal gave them some privacy to talk, he left the room and started walking to Chris' room in which he had the door shut as always. He knocked the door and called, "Chris, time to wake up." He waited for a response but he got none of that, he called again, "Chris, get up please, and if you are awake, please respond so I know the nightmare animatronics didn't kill you." Still, there was no response, Micheal started to freak out, he figured something was wrong, even thought this was privacy invasive to open the door and walk in, but he did so. He saw that Chris' bed was made and saw Fredplush wasn't there either, I didn't hear him walk around this morning, could he have-, Micheal thought until he saw a note on Chris' bed. He walked over to read what it said and it said, 'me and Fredplush have gone to Mt. Ebbot, we will be back soon, I promise. -Chris.' Oh no, Micheal thought knowing what Chris was putting himself into.

Chris and Fredplush found the rocky trail and they were taking that trail all the way til they reach a forested area. "Fredplush, I'm pretty sure this is the area Micheal told it would be at," Chris told Fredplush. Chris, do you even know what you are putting yourself into? Fredplush was warning him but Chris said, "I know I might die here, but I'll make sure that doesn't happen, besides we won't be entirely alone." I still don't know what you are talking about, who is this 'partner' you speak of? Fredplush asked and Chris explained, "in my dream, the girl told me that when I get there, I would meet somebody, she even said that he was suppose to be my soul partner, whatever that means, but he might help us, now let's keep following this trail to Mt. Ebbot."

After an hour, they have made it and they found a big hole that they recognized as the entrance to the kingdom. "Ok, let's do this," Chris said as he walked over to the hole to see how deep it is. He saw it was really deep, he was nervous at first, but he had to do it, he had to get down there one way or another. Suddenly, "Chris! Get Away From There!" It was Micheal, he stopped him from jumping down. "Micheal?" Chris said until Micheal said, "what are you doing?! Why did you run away?" "Micheal, I had to, you were right, the monster kingdom really exists, and I have to get down there," Chris explained but Micheal told him, "do you even know Mom's story about what happened when she went there? She got out but her brother did not, the king had-." He stopped when Chris's foot slipped inside the hole, hanging on for life Chris screamed, "Micheal! I'm slipping! Help!" "No!" Micheal dashed to try and grab Chris until he lost grip and fell down into the dark hole.

Micheal was in full on panic mode, he tried to think about what to do, until he figured he should go grab the others. So that's what Micheal did, he turned around and ran to grab Elizabeth and his new friends so they can go get Chris together.

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