Mother Secrets Revealed

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//in this part, the boys get the guards to confess their love towards each other, then Chris and Frisk ended up splitting up because Frisk knows the diary must be read for answers, that's where the secrets Chris' mother had been hiding have been spilled, well, almost all of them. The art doesn't belong to me just so you guys know//.

"Hey! You! Stop Right There!" The voices repeated, bringing fear into Chris. They both looked back to see the same guards, "hey guards, is there a problem?" Frisk asked trying to make it sound like he doesn't know anything. "We've like, received an anonymous tip about two humans wearing striped shirts. They told us they were wandering around hotland right now." They said. "Well, uhh," Chris hesitated but the guards interrupted, "I know, sounds scary, huh? Well, just stay chill, we'll bring you someplace safe." "I think we'll pass on that," Chris tried talking it out until the guards stopped walking to look at each other.

"Huh? What is it bro?"

"The shirts they are wearing?"

"Like, What about it?"

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking? Bruh, this is like, mega embarrassing. We like, actually totally have to kill you and stuff."

"Oh boy," Frisk said as they both were pulled into a battle. "Let's try to clean their armor for them," Chris pressed the button and was reaching to clean it but they pushed his hand away, "like, hands off the merch, team attack." They threw their attack but the boys dodged it. They still keep try to do that, but they still said, "like, give us your souls, team attack." The process kept repeating until Chris noticed the second had taken off his armor saying, "armor too hot." The first guard started shaking, Frisk knows what that means and he tells him, "bro, be honest with your feelings, tell him how you feel." "Um Frisk, I don't know how that works, they are both boys, right?" Chris told him actually not sure about the guards. However, the first guard was starting to talk, "I... I..." "hmph?" The second gaurd asked and the first guard continued, "I can't, I can't take this anymore. Not like this. Like, 02, I like, I like you! The way you fight, the way you talk bro... I love doing team attacks with you. 02, I like, wanna stay like this forever." Chris was actually looking back at Frisk and blushing as the guard was saying that. "I mean, uh.... psyche Gotcha bro," he said not meaning it but 02 said, "01?" "Yeah bro?" 01 said, then 02 asked, "do you wanna get some ice cream together after this?" "Yeah, bro," 01 answered. The spare button was open for Frisk to press and so they spared them.

"Um, Frisk?" Chris asked him and Frisk said, "yeah Chris?" "Um... well... I just... I just thought of a nickname for you, I notice the way you climb things, you almost climb like an inch worm, so I've decided you nickname shall be Inch Worm," Chris just said even though he had more to say than that. Frisk just smiled and said, "aww, that's cute, in fact, I think I have one for you too, how does Determination buddy sound?" "Haven't you always been calling me that?" Chris asked and Frisk said, "mayyybe, I just think it's a cute name, especially for a cute little boy like you. Just thought you'd like it." "I do like that," Chris said smiling, Frisk smiled back at him. I sense you guys love each other, as in a way like those guards from earlier, Fredplush said while smirking at them both but Chris covered his mouth, "Fredplush! Heh! Teddy bears say the earnest things, even if their owners can only hear them." the two stayed like that the whole time they walked until the room went dark.

The phone rang and it was still not Toriel, it was still from Alphys, "I'm back! Another dark room, huh? Don't worry, m- my hacking skills have got things covered!" Don't tell me anybody, this is Mettaton's doing again, is it? Chris thought but then as soon as the lights turned on, they were on another TV show, this time a news broadcast, "knew it." "Are you serious?" Alphys said and then Mettaton said, "Ohhh yes! Greetings Beauties and GentleBeauties! This is Mettaton reporting live from MTT News! An Interesting Situation was arisen in eastern hotland! Fortunately, our correspondents are out there, reporting live! Brave Correspondents! Please find something newsworthy to report! Our ten wonderful viewers are waiting for you!" Chris started smiling nervously on camera. Frisk started looking around and then he points at a dog, "should we use this one?" "What a sensational opportunity for a story! I can see the headline now, 'a dog exists somewhere!' Frankly, I'm blown away!" They both decided and Chris said, "Mister, we've decided the dog." Attention viewers! Our correspondents have found... A Dog." Frisk just wanted to stall just because he doesn't want to die, so he said, "um, actually, I have a problem with the word 'dog,' I don't use the D word for sake, because I think it's really really wrong. So, I would suggest if either of you say something like, 'Canine American.'" "Since when?"  Chris asked with one eyebrow up, not understanding anything Frisk is saying. "Yeah, whatever darling, look at its tiny ears, tiny paws, fluffy tail, wait that's not a tail, that's a fuse," Mettaton said but Frisk still kept stalling, "how much is this Canine American in the window?" "Frisk! That's a Bomb!" Chris screamed while he pointed at the dog, but then everything else was technically a bomb, "everything is a bomb!"

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