Police chase and Dreams

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//yes, they were about to get caught by the police on their way back home. I realized that they made about five violations on five street laws, one is obvious because they don't have helmets on. Two, they are riding at night which you aren't suppose to. Three, they are underage riding because neither of them have a license and they aren't over 16. Four, they jacked that motorcycle because it's not theirs, and finally five, there is more than two people on the thing. Yeah, why did I put this in the story? Because I'm referencing a movie scene from my childhood that I've always wanted to reference in one of my books and I love to show how savage these kids are. Also, another part where Chris tells Micheal and Elizabeth's about his dreams he is having that are not The Nightmare Animatronics//.

Finally, the kids were on their way home, "Oh My Gosh, their faces though, when I screeched, they were like 'Ahhh!'" Elizabeth, sitting in the back again, mocked those bullies and then laughed. "We are the Aftons, which means we are the Kings!" Chris cheered from the front. "So, does it feel necessary or good to get revenge on someone Chris?" Micheal, who was controlling the motorcycle, asked from the middle. "Well, yeah a little, I mean there was no harm towards them, but it did feel kind of good," Chris answered. "You darn right Chris, nobody messes with the Aftons that's for sure!" Elizabeth cheered from behind and Micheal added, "sis, you are right, nobody can touch us now."

But, just when he said that, they heard a police siren from behind them. They all look behind them and see a police car coming towards them. "Oh man," Micheal said with wide eyes, Elizabeth added, "oh man," then Chris added, "oh man." "Crap! Oh crap!" Micheal faced forward freaking out then Chris started freaking out too, "you gotta let me out! You gotta let me out!" "Pull over to The Side of The Road!" The police said from their intercom and then the lights of the police car turned on. "Micheal! They Just Turned Their Lights On! They Just Turned Their Freaking Lights On!" Elizabeth yelled from the back freaking out just as much as the boys were. "Micheal! Aren't you going to pull over?!" Chris shouted over the sound of the motorcycle but Micheal just shook his head, "I'm not pulling over, hang on guys." He put the motorcycle on third gear and then they were going faster on the road.

"Looks like we've got a few children going for a joyride in their dad's motorcycle, oh well, let's just pick them up and then send them home. You know kids, that is if the attorney doesn't mind." The cop laughed as the camera person still had the camera facing him, then he asked, "is this thing still on?"

"Are they filming us?" Elizabeth asked seeing the camera man in the cop car, "they're taping cops!" "Mommy! Mooommy!!!" Micheal was saying freaking out like he was going to wet his pants. "Ok guys, let's calm down, we can lose them, I mean it's just one cop car right?" Chris tried calming everyone down until two more cop cars turned on their lights to reveal they are here. "There's three cop cars! There's three cops cars!" Micheal was freaking out now that he screamed, "We're Gonna Dieeee!!"

Back at the house, Ian and Brendon were watching the TV show Cops in their room and then they saw three kids on a motorcycle being chased by three cop cars. "Is that?" Brendon asked and then Ian recognized them as the Afton kids, their dad's creations. "Oh sh**, they are on Cops, is that copyright? Or is this legit?" Brendon nodded, "this is legit, I'll tell dad!" He got up to go get Scott but Ian stopped him, "wait, we aren't snitches, let's not tell dad because this is epic and besides, they could have a reason to steal that bike." "Yeah, like stealing someone's bike and then getting cops on them," Brendon said but Ian just said, "let's just wait till they get home and just us can get to the bottom of what the heck just happened."

"They're gonna throw us into Jewy!" Chris said and then Micheal shouted, "it's Juvy! Not Jewy!" He looked to his right to see the hill side, "hang on very tightly guys!" He told the, and then he rode the motorcycle right off the road. They kept riding through the tall grass, "the top criminals of Houston Most Wanted Posters! That's our future!!" Chris shouted. Until, as soon as they got close to a forested area, the motorcycle rode right through the trees. Then, it hit a rock, the kids just got off the motorcycle and made a run for it. The cops got out of the police cars and chased them on foot, "their making a run for it, let's go!" The kids did not stop running, they just kept on going, "they're getting away, let's go!" The cops kept shouting to each other. "Oh! Frick Me!" Micheal kept shouting as the cops kept running towards them, "Frick Me!!!" "Hit it right!" Elizabeth said as she turned to her right and then her brothers turned right.

They saw it was the end of the trail, "uh oh, what do we do now?" Chris asked very frightened as the cops were getting closer. Elizabeth pressed her arm plate and then she threw them both up in a tree and she laid down like a broken down animatronic, "don't move guys." "Sis!" Micheal said but then as the cops showed up, he shut up and watched from up the tree. The cops just saw Elizabeth in her Circus Baby form laying there, "what the?" The cops just looked confused seeing her lay there, the kids remained silent up the tree and the cops decided to scout the area for them. After a while of scouting the area, they could not find the kids. So, they drove away leaving the kids in their spots.

Elizabeth turned back into her child form and then shouted from up the tree, "the coast is clear guys, let's go home." "Um, I would if I could, but I can't get down, I'm scared of heights!" Micheal said from above. "I can't get down either," Chris said from above too. "Ok, hold on," Elizabeth just said as she turned back into Circus Baby and then climbed back up. Micheal was breathing heavily out of fear from looking down, then Chris decided to distract him from his fear, "um, what happened this evening, you were out, we're you sick or something?" Micheal looked back up at Chris and then he said, "um, no, it's just, didn't get much sleep last night." "I keep having the same dreams," Chris said but before he could explain, Micheal interrupted, "let me guess, the nightmare animatronics?" "No, I'm over those nightmares, in fact, I've actually hadn't had them since we moved in with Scott, these dreams are different," Chris said.

"Are they about me? Don't make me blush Chris," Micheal teased and then Chris said, "no Micheal, I fell down a dark hole, and I was in a kingdom full of monsters." Micheal stopped laughing when he heard the monster kingdom part, "a monster kingdom, what kind of monsters were there?" "There were two skeletons, a tall one and a short one, the short one was wearing a blue jacket while the tall one was just wearing a red scarf. There was even a goat monster, actually two of them, the male one was the king. And I even saw a talking flower." This got Micheal, Chris has never been told the story of The Monster Kingdom their mother visit before, both he and Elizabeth have never been told that before. "I even keep seeing this girl who looked around your age, she wears a green sweater with a big yellow stripe in the middle and she has red eyes," Chris said almost like he believes these dreams mean something. "Is she hot?" Micheal teased again but Chris said, "Micheal, it's not one of those dreams."

Elizabeth finally reached up to them and took them down the trees. "I heard the conversation, something about a dream about a kingdom full of monsters and a girl," Elizabeth said then Chris asked something, "do you guys think I'm going awfully mad?" Micheal decided to tell them as they walked home, "ok listen Chris, I don't think you're mad, mother told me a story about the monster kingdom when I was your age before she left. She said she went there with our uncle on her side of the family when she was a kid, she made it out alive but her brother didn't." "But if she went there, where is this monster kingdom?" Elizabeth asked and Micheal answered, "it is underground, I think she said it is in a mountain called Mt. Ebbot, wherever that is." "What about the girl in my dream, who is she?" Chris asked and Micheal just answered, "I don't know, I remember I saw red eyes in my closet, I think the girl in your dream could be the same person in my closet." "But what do they mean?" Chris asked and then Micheal just said, "that's easy to answer, they don't mean anything, I always dream that I could fly but then I just fall out of my own bed, all it means is that if I even try to fly, I would just face plant on the floor like," he made a falling noises and then  fart noise like someone face planted, making both of them laugh.

They reached their house and Chris just asked while still laughing at the joke Micheal made, "Why do I tell you anything Micheal?" "Because you like me baby bro," Micheal said as he opened the door. "I do love you," Chris said as he walked in. Elizabeth walked in after him and Micheal just smiled and shut the door behind them. Ian and Brendon just sat there and said, "you guys are bada**es, we saw what you guys did." "Hey, stepbrothers, we had our purpose to do that, let's say it was sweet revenge on once old friends but now old enemies," Micheal just explained to them.

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