Snowdin part 2

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//yeah, I'm splitting this up into parts. Not much happens but they run back into Papyrus again but this time they have to solve his puzzles. There will be fighting, no worries, just be patient//.

The moment they walk, they run into another dog guard, this time his name was Lesser Dog. Of course, Chris still repeated the same petting action, then they spared it and then they continued. As the continued, they ran back into Papyrus and Sans, "you're so lazy! You were napping all night!!" Papyrus said in annoyance, but Sans just said, "I think that's called... sleeping." "We're Back!" Chris got Papyrus' attention. "Oh, ho, the humans arrive. In order to stop you... my brother and I have created some puzzles! I think you will find this one quite shocking!" Papyrus told them then Chris asked a little nervous, "is that either a expression or does this actually involve electricity?" "Well, yeah, when you touch the walls of this maze. This orb will administer a hearty zap! Ok, you can go ahead now." Papyrus told them but Chris didn't want to now, "um, I think I'm good." "No, Chris, we must do this, if we give up, he'll get us," Frisk said while he pulled him back.

One step they took and lightning struck Papyrus instead, "Sans! What did you do?!!" "I think the human has to hold the orb," Sans told him, "Oh, okay," Papyrus said. He went over to gives us the orb, however, he left a path that gave away the puzzle, "hold this please." Chris just held it as Papyrus walked the same path again, "okay, try now!" Frisk and Chris just smirked it off and they followed the path easily.

"Incredible! You slippery snail!! You solved it so easily... too easily! However! The next puzzle will not be easy! It is designed by my brother, Sans!" Papyrus told them.

"Does it involve puns, because I'm just gonna solve it already." Chris said.

"No it doesn't! At least I hope! But you will surely be confounded, I know I am! Nyeh Heh Heh!" Papyrus answered Chris.

"You know, even though he wants to capture us and he laughs just like a hyena, I actually kinda like him," Chris said to Sans then Frisk added, "me too." "Told ya he ain't bad," Sans said smiling even though he always smiles and can never stop. The boys ended up finding a ice cream vendor then Chris got excited, "ooo, look ice cream!" Frisk actually wanted some ice cream as well, so they both walked up to the ice cream stand. "I don't understand why these aren't selling... it's the perfect weather for something cold," he said looking down, but then he saw the boys there and he got excited, "Oh!!! Costumers!!! Hello! Would you like some Nice Cream? it's the frozen treat that warms your heart! Now just 15G!" "Sure, we'll like two please, wait do we have that?" Chris asked looking very disappointed, Frisk checked his pockets but suddenly, he pulled out a pocket full of gold pieces, "strange, I didn't bring anything before." He gave him 30 gold pieces and then the vendor gave them two Nice creams, "here you go! Have a super duper day!" "Thank you!" They both thanked and then they continued walking.

They run into Sans again, "hey, whatcha got there?" "We got Ice Creams, or I guess you guys call it Nice Cream," Chris told him while eating his Nice Cream. "I've been thinking about selling treats too. Do you want some fried snow? It just 5G," Sans said obviously joking. "Nah I think we are good." Frisk said, "Ok, I can tell that's a joke, snow can't fry," Chris said then Sans just laughed, "you're right, it's still too low." Chris just smiled and shook his head, "I like you." "Hey look, a snowball!" Frisk said as he kicked it but it just slid into a goal. "Wait, this was golf ball, oh, well that was fun," Frisk said and just continued walking. Then, they found Sans and Papyrus again. "Human! I hope you are ready for... Sans! Where's the puzzle?!" Papyrus asked his brother but Sans just said, "it's right there, on the ground. Trust me. There is no way they can get past this one." They both walked over to it and they saw that it was a word search. "Oh, I'm best with these ones," Chris said with confidence. Thanks to Chris' knowledge on Crosswords, they finished it already, "done!" "Sans! That didn't do anything!" Papyrus complained, "I knew I should have used today's crossword instead," Sans just said.

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