MTT Resort

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//I realized Flowey only appeared once to get them in this book, so I might put another scene where Flowey actually tries to get them again after finding out about Toriel's death. Anyways, in this part, they are in the hotel and then they end up seeing Sans again but Chris has to have a serious talk with him about his mother//.

When they continue, the found the same ice cream monster who told them, "Business is excellent here, these two fellas bought all of my ice cream. I've actually sold out of everything, sorry. Wait! I've still got something for you, a big smile, how about that?" "Thanks," Chris thanked as the boys kept walking. When they reached the hotel, they ran into Sans again. "Hey Sans," Frisk greeted and Chris greeted too, "hello Mr. Sans." "Hey. I heard you're going to the core. How about grab some dinner with me first?" Sans offered them, Chris already agreed, "yes thank you, i'm starving." "Sure, and Chris, I know you can't be that hungry," Frisk said and Sans told them, "great, thanks for treating me. Over here, I know a shortcut." He lead them behind the hotel room.

They snuck into the diner without paying anything which felt like the second time Chris ever broke the rules for a good purpose, the first time was jacking a motorcycle without a license or helmets. "Well, here we are." Sans told them as they seated themselves. They were silent for a while until Sans broke the silence, "so, your journey's almost over, huh? You must really wanna go home." "Well, I have to, you understand I already have a family," Chris told him, "yeah, I know the feeling buddo," Sans understood Chris. "Though sometimes, it's best to just take what's given to you. Down here, you've already got food, drinks, friends... is what you have to do really worth it?" Frisk said the opposite, "I might stay, I'm just trying to help Chris get home." Chris thought about what Sans said, but he also knew that his family aren't the only reason why he can't stay, "well, my family isn't the only reason why I can't stay, even if I wanted to, I can't for a dangerous reason."

Frisk wanted to know the dangerous reason, "wait, what is it?" Chris took a deep breath and he said, "I know I told Frisk a little bit about my crazy dad who nearly tried to murder my brother all because he did something unforgettable to me, that left a scar on me, permanently." Chris showed Sans his scar and then Sans had a little bit of concern, "what did he do?" "Well, don't get mad at him, but he threw me in an animatronic's mouth and the animatronic... well, it bite down on my head and nearly killed me, but it's ok, I forgave him and I understood it's not technically his fault. We think our father programmed the animatronic to do that, to well kill children. What I'm trying to get at here is the dangerous reason is our dad even though we left him, he is still trying to get us and he is planning something awful he's going to do to us," Chris told them the truth. "He sounds pretty messed up," Sans said and Chris told him, "he was and the last time I wanted to stayed somewhere for too long, he arrived where we are and he ended up burning the place down, literally."

Frisk thought about everything Chris told him, and then he said, "he's not going to come here, is he?" "I hope not, he's probably never heard of Mt. Ebbot or any of the monsters as well as my mother," Chris said then added, "That reminds me, Sans, how was my mother like in her times down here?" Chris asked Sans hoping everything the diary told him wasn't true. At that moment, Sans sort of hesitated, why did he have to mention Emily? he thought, but then he decided to say, "well, she was a good girl, but then she decided to make some terrible mistakes, she and her brother did... well, then she... oh forget it, I'm rooting for ya both, kiddos."

"What's wrong?" Chris asked when he realized Sans hadn't cracked a pun ever since they got here, he knows he usually does. Sans didn't want to tell them but he had to, "let me tell you a story, so you know how I'm a sentry in Snowdin forest right? I sit out there and watch for humans, it's kinda boring. Fortunately, deep in the forest, there's this huge locked door and it's perfect for practicing knock knock jokes. So one day, I'm knocking them out, like usual. I knock on the door and say knock knock, and suddenly from the other side, I hear a woman's voice, 'who's there?' So, naturally, I respond 'dishes,' 'dishes who?' 'Dishes a very bad joke.'" Chris almost wanted to laugh at that but he tries to hold it in. "Then after a dozen of them, she knocks and says, 'knock knock.' I say 'who's there?' 'Old lady.' 'Old lady who?' 'Oh! I didn't know you could yodel!'" Sans said then Chris just laughed, "I'm sorry Sans, I know this is serious, but I couldn't hold in my laugh from these jokes, you and Frisk are both equally funny." Frisk just smiled and Sans did too even though he always smiles, "we kept telling each other jokes for hours, eventually I had to leave, but she told me to come by again, then I did again, then again, then again. It's a thing now. Telling bad jokes through the door. It rules." I have a feeling he's talking about Toriel, Chris thought thinking of the worst things that could happen to her that made her not call back.

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