Aftons To The Rescue!

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//this part isn't the end of this book, it maybe the end in the game but like I always say, it's not the end of this book. In this part, Chris and his family and friends finally reunite but Chris can't leave his best friend plus every other monster. They go to Frisk's rescue only not to see Asgore, but something beyond Micheal's childhood stories//.

Chris waited for a while, he felt so worried about Frisk, he couldn't help it. If only he wasn't so scared of everything, maybe he would be with Frisk and fighting to protect him. He searched in his pockets but then he found the locket and the heart shaped key, he remembered the girl in his dream had this same exact necklace on. Maybe, just maybe there is a chance to fix all this without having to kill Asgore, what if this is what Chara had been trying to tell me, Chris thought. Suddenly, he saw movement in the darkness, then he saw red eyes and a red smile show in the darkness. He got confused but then he said, "um, Chara? Is that you?" "Since when did a stupid human like you guess that right?" She said in a demonic voice, then she laughed demonically. He remembered Sans talked about how since Chara's death, her soul had two sides, a good side and a demonic side. He could guess that was her demon side, so he fought back, "no, you are not Chara! You are a demon!" This only made her smile more creepily and she said, "oh why thank you," she laughed again. There were familiar voices coming towards him and Demon Chara, so she just disappeared.

"Hey! Get back here coward!" Chris shouted to her until the voices got closer, he recognized them as Micheal, Elizabeth and his Inky friends. "Chris!" Micheal said as he saw Chris. "Mikey!" Chris said as they both ran and then hugged each other. Elizabeth joined in, "Chris! Guys! Chris is here!" "Chris!!!" Bendy, Boris, and Alice shouted and ran to hug him. Micheal's face went to serious when he told Chris, "Chris! We've gotta go home, Now!" "Wait guys, I can't leave Frisk or any of these monsters down here, I don't wanna make the same mistake Mom made," Chris explained to them. "What mistake? Sans killed our uncle? I already know he's the monster," Micheal said but Chris corrected him, "no, I mean yes he did kill our uncle but Sans had to. He and our mom had started a genocide against the monsters so Sans stopped the, before they could kill the king. She left all these monster to rot underground, this was her mistake that she wants me to fix. Me and my best friend Frisk, he's going to die and I have to save him." "But Chris, Dad is at it again, he's here and he's going to try to burn this place down just like he did to the Studio," Micheal explained serious, Chris couldn't believe he heard that. "Really?" Chris asked and Elizabeth nodded. "Well, I much rather save all the monsters and Frisk here even if dad burns me alive," Chris said determined to save the day. Micheal just rolled his eyes, "whatever you say Chris, at least let your bigger siblings help you take out this Asgore person." Chris nodded. "Shall we go and warn the monsters down here," Alice asked and Boris nodded, "can we?" "Alright, you two get Sans and tell him what's happening, then I want you guys to tell all the monsters to meet us at the barrier which is here," Chris told them but said, "Bendy, you stay with us, we will need a ink demon to stop somebody I encountered before you guys got here."

Meanwhile with Frisk, he was getting really weak and Asgore was getting weak as well. Frisk stood back up, he raised a fist in the air and then knocked him in the face, lowered his HP to one HP. "I didn't want to do this, but you've lead me no choice," Frisk said to Asgore breathing heavily. Asgore breathed heavily and said, "ah... so that is how it is... I remember the day after my son died. The entire underground was devoid of hope. The future had once again been taken from us by the humans. In a bit of anger, I declared war. I said that I would destroy any human that came here. I would use their souls to become godlike. Then, I would destroy humanity... and let monsters rule the surface, in peace. My wife, however, became disgusted with my actions. She left this place never to be seen again." Frisk felt bad and listened to him. Asgore continued, "Truthfully... I don't want power... I don't want to hurt anyone... I just wanted everyone to have hope... I can't take this any longer. I just want to see my wife. I just want to see my child. Please... young one... this war has gone on long enough. You have the power... take my soul, and leave this cursed place." Frisk was now feeling awful, he has to decide to kill Asgore to let Chris and his family go, or to spare him so they all could stay down here forever. He didn't know what to do, oh man, if only Chris was here, I wish I didn't leave him.

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