Where is Chris? And Manipulation

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//the picture isn't mine, and yes William Afton or Springtrap comes back. in this part, there will be three scenes, one s when the group go into the undergrounds and start questioning Flowey of where Chris is. The second one is when Chris and Frisk are forced to battle Toriel in order to get pass the door to leave the Ruins. The final scene is when William Afton/ Springtrap actually starts manipulating Flowey into helping him kill the kids and threatens him with a plant's greatest weakness if he says no//.

The group found the monster hole that leads to the kingdom. "Is this it Micheal? Bendy asked and he answered, "yes, this is the hole our mother told me about." "Ok, who's down to go down first?" Elizabeth asked and Alice stepped back, "not me." "Yeah, I'm Outta Here!" Boris said as he stepped back but then Bendy grabbed them both, "calm down both of you, I'll go first how about that, besides, I bet it's longer than it looks." And so, Bendy jumped down, the others waited to here him thump, but they just heard him say, "like I said, I'm still falling!" "Ok, I'm going down," Micheal said and then jumped down, he fell for what felt like forever, now I'm feeling really bad if this is how Chris felt when he fell this long, Micheal thought. He was going to hit the ground until someone grabbed him from hitting the ground, it was Bendy who had his wings out. "I wouldn't let you guys hit the ground," Bendy said as he set Micheal down and then he went to catch the others as they fell.

When they all were on the ground, they heard a squeaky voice, "Howdy!" "Did you say something Ben?" Elizabeth asked Bendy but he shook his head, "that wasn't me." "I'm behind you," the voice said as they all turned around. It was Flowey, the flower Micheal was told to never trust. "I'm Flowey, Flowey the Flo-," Flowey didn't finish because Micheal grabbed him by his stem and choked him. "You! I know who you are! Where is Chris?!" Micheal threatened while choking Flowey. "Micheal! What the heck are you doing?" Elizabeth asked and Micheal answered, "guys, this is the flower we are not suppose to trust." "Ack, let me go... please," Flowey was trying to say while being choked but Micheal just squeezed tighter, "you know why we are here! Where is our little brother?!" "Ok! Calm Down! Who are you talking about?!" Flowey was yelling while trying to gasp for air. "Micheal, he's right, calm down, choking someone is not going to get an answer out of them," Bendy told him then Micheal laid his hands off his stem and Flowey took a big breath. "I don't have him, if you're trying to look for a kid with a black shirt and two white stripes, he just went with Frisk that way," Flowey pointed his leaf in the direction they went. "Wow, but wait, who is Frisk?" Elizabeth asked him and Flowey just explained, "the other human with a blue sweater and two magenta stripes, if you ask me lady, you look familiar." "That's because you probably know Our Mother was down here when she was a kid with her brother who is dead," Micheal said then told everyone, "come on guys, let's go now."

Flowey got a little confused, did Emily have kids? If so, who is their father? But that would also mean that they are probably just like their mother, they are going to leave him down here alone like She did. Speaking of Father, at that moment, just when Flowey thought that was all the humans that came down here, a deep voice said, "hello!" Flowey looked behind him to see what he didn't expect to see.

Frisk did not expect to see Toriel standing there, "goat mom, what are you doing?" Toriel turned around and said, "um, nothing, both of you, go back to the house and don't follow me please." No! don't obey! follow her! she's going to do something awful! Fredplush told them and for once, Chris followed Fredplush's advice and they both followed her to the exit of the Ruins. "Ahead of us lies the end of the ruins. The one-way exit to the rest of the undergrounds. I'm going to destroy it so no one will ever ever able to leave again. Now be good children and go upstairs." "No Toriel, I can't let you do this," Chris finally said but Toriel instructed, "do not try to stop me. This is your final warning." "No, I can't!" Chris fought back. "Look, I'm just as upset with Chris as you are, but I think he should go home, he has a family already and it's the right thing to do," Frisk said trying to be wise. At that point, Toriel told them, "there is only one solution to this, prove to me you are strong enough to survive."

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