Chapter One

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Law classes begin today. Olivia and  Abby were looking forward to the first day. They got ready and went in Olivia's car.
Fitz and Mellie were experiencing a  crisis in their relationship. Fitz liked Mellie, but he didn't love Mellie, and he wasn't crazy about her. Mellie wanted to propose marriage.  "Fitz, we've been dating for months. I think it's time for the  wedding," she said. "No, Mellie... it's still too early for the wedding.  let's... we have classes today." Fitz changed the subject. They went to work
Olivia and Abby walked into the room to wait  for the teacher. When Fitzgerald Grant walked in, he immediately turned  the spotlight on, "Wow, Liv, Our teacher is really hot," said Abby.  Abby, you have a boyfriend," Olivia recalled. "I'm dating... but I'm not blind Liv," they laughed. Olivia looked at Fitz and thought, "My God, how handsome and charming he is." "Hello Class, my name is Fitzgerald Grant  and I'm the law teacher here at this college and I am ecstatic for our class,"he said. Olivia so mesmerized she couldn't take her eyes off of him. She didn't know she just couldn't.

Two Hours go By

The  class is over. Abby told Olivia that she was going to her boyfriend  David house. So Olivia took her car and left alone. Fitz also left alone  in his car, since Mellie still had classes in college.

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