Chapter 3

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Fitz stopped the car. "Thanks again.  Professor Grant." Olivia thanked him. "It was nothing" he said. The two of them stared at each other for a few seconds. Sexual tension took over the car. Olivia looked into Fitz mouth and Fitz looked into Olivia mouth, when someone honked in the back of them. They took a fright. Olivia took the opportunity to get out of the car. Fitz had a hard on and he thought *I can't believe I got excited about Olivia. She is my student...... this can't happen anymore.* he kept repeating to himself and left. Before Olivia got out of the car. she checked Fitz pants and smirked and said to herself *He had a hard dick, and I made him hard. I can't  believe his this flustered for me." she started laughing alone.
Fitz went home. he was lying in bed thinking about Olivia. *She is beautiful those lips, that smile and that body. If she wasn't my  student...*Then Mellie interrupted Fitz thoughts. "Hey, baby... I just got here, I'm going to take a shower." When Mellie got finished in the bathroom, she threw the towel on the floor and went up to Fitz. I want to have sex  now baby" she said. When Mellie rode Fitz, he imagined Olivia riding him, he closed his eyes and couldn't stop imagining Olivia naked.  "Wow, Fitz... it's been a long time since we've had sex like this. What were you thinking about when you closed your eyes?" Mellie asked. "Thinking  about sex Mellie" Fitz answered and changed the subject.
Olivia was at home alone. Abby was still at David house. She started thinking about Fitz *He's so beautiful, hot, sexy, those  muscles, imagine those hands of his touching my body, imagine that mouth of his kissing me and that sexy voice of his talking dirty in my  ear...... I can't be crazy, he flirted with me and he got excited about me."  she smiled all alone. until she went to sleep.

The Next Day ____________________________________________________________________
Olivia and Abby were getting ready to go to another class of Fitz. Olivia car was being repaired and they went by bus.
When Olivia and Abby arrived at college. Olivia saw Mellie passing her hand  on Fitz face. Abby soon said, "It's a shame... that the hot teacher is dating Mellie." Olivia was shocked by Abby revelation: "What? He is dating her?" Olivia asked. "Yes... yesterday the girls told me that  Fitz and Mellie are a couple," answered Abby. Olivia got angry.  *I mean he has a girlfriend and yet he was flirting with me? he must think I'm just another beautiful student for him to have sex with like I'm stupid................ Olivia and Fitz spent the whole class staring at each other. Then class was over. Abby said goodbye to Olivia and went to find her boyfriend.
Olivia was heading towards the exit, she was going to take the bus and go home. when Fitz showed up next to her. "Hi, Olivia..." Olivia was mad at  him. "Hi. "Did you manage to fix your car?" he asked. "No... my car is being repaired." "So... you want a ride again? I can drop you off at  home." Fitz asked. "No, thank you, Professor Grant. I don't want your  ride" she answered. "Olivia did something happened? I did something to you that you didn't like?" Fitz asked confusingly. "No, I just don't want a  ride with you perverted teacher," she let it slip. Fitz asked  "pervert?" "Yes Professor Grant,  yesterday you were flirting with me, don't you think I noticed?" Fitz had no reaction.  "Olivia, I can explain." "Explain what? that you have a girlfriend and you still flirt with a student in your car?"

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