Chapter 6

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Fitz warned Marcus by message that he was coming. he left Olivia at home. she went in, took a shower and went to sleep.
Fitz went to the bar to meet Marcus. "Marcus... I'm sorry. I was late. thank you for waiting for me. I really need to let off steam. I'm blowing up inside." "It's okay, Fitz. I've been drinking here... you can vent, buddy." "Okay... I'll tell you how it all happened. I gave my student a ride because her car broke down halfway... Olivia, her name... so far... so good. So... So... he started to stutter. So... what Fitz?" Marcus asked. "I can't explain what happened inside the car. Olivia woke up something inside me, it's not just the sexual attraction I felt for her, her smile drove me crazy. seeing her smile did me good. in short... I kissed her mouth in my car for two straight days. now just before I got there, I was with her in my car... she was sitting on my lap, kissing me and you can imagine how excited I got, she wanted to have sex and I couldn't have sex with her. because I had a bad conscience crisis. for you to have an idea, the other day Mellie rode me and when I had sex with her, all I could think about was naked Olivia. I know it sounds horrible for me to tell you that. it seems like I'm some pervert who likes to rub his students. but you know me...". Fitz got it off his chest. "Fitz, I'll give you some advice. from what you told me. you're very close to falling in love with her. you'll fall in love and it'll be much worse later. get away from her now. it's the best. try to get back to the good times with Mellie." Marcus was sincere. "I think you're right..." Fitz agreed.

Fitz sent a message to Olivia. telling her to wait for him tomorrow before going to class, on the street near her house.

Olivia saw the message. She woke up, dressed up and went to wait for Fitz on the combined street.

When Fitz arrived and stopped the car. "Get in" he said. "What do you want? Olivia asked an angry question. "I need to talk to you... about the two of us," he said. "Speak..." Olivia kept waiting for him to talk. "If someone finds out about our relationship, I'd lose my job and maybe even have to change my profession, depending on the size of the scandal. and you... would be expelled and that would hinder your future as a lawyer. i don't want that. i think you should find a man your age and be happy. go your way, Olivia.". Olivia didn't believe Fitz words: "What? you think I'm like an object? you kissed me, you told me you felt something different about me, you said I was special... and I believed like an idiot. that's why you didn't want to have sex with me. because you already have another student to have sex with. you used my feelings and I thought you were really feeling something for me. i hate you, Fitz. never talk to me again in your life. bye" Olivia got out of the car and slammed the door.

Fitz was extremely saddened by Olivia harsh words.

Olivia arrived crying and furious. She told Abby everything.

What happens now? CONTINUE???

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