Chapter 18

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Fitz made a dirty smile. he came back to her and said, "Speak, I want to see you repeat every word here in front of me. Go on, Liv... admit it. No more pretending..." Olivia was already dominated by how horny she feels for Fitz. she decided to say it all... "OK, you're right... I still love you. you're the man of my life. I can't forget you. yes, every time I had sex with Justin, I was thinking about you. and yes... I'm wet, horny and I want to make love to you... here and now... I want your thick, big penis in my pussy... now..." she finally confessed.
Fitz went crazy with horny by Olivia's words. "I knew it..." Fitz took her in his arms, laid her on the table, threw everything on the table on the floor. He laid on her body and started kissing her mouth... a hot kiss and despair of love and longing. he started to pass his hand on her thigh. Fitz took off her coat, then her blouse... then took off her pants... took off her bra, panties... and left Olivia lying naked on the table. "I've always dreamed of sucking you like this... on my office table"
he said. Olivia was going crazy with such a horny. Fitz put his mouth on her breast and started sucking. Olivia started to moan. "That's right, Liv... moaning loudly. I like to see you moan..." he kissed her belly and then stuck his tongue in her pussy. while he was sucking her pussy, his hand was squeezing her chest. Olivia wouldn't stop moaning and screaming. "Not to Fitz... not to stop...".. Olivia came to her orgasm. She was in paradise. "Now stick your penis in me" she begged. Fitz opened his jeans. He pulled his dick out and said, "I wanna eat you on four... here leaning on the table." Olivia smiled and did what he said. she loved that position. she turned on all four. Fitz stuck his penis in her pussy. Olivia screamed... he pulled her hair and started shoving it hard. Olivia kept groaning and screaming... "Go Fitz... Go... Go... strong..." Fitz was going crazy and pushing harder and harder. Olivia made a sign saying that he could cum inside her and that's what he did.

Olivia looked at Fitz and started smiling. She was so happy with him that she didn't remember Justin at that moment. "Fitz, I can't believe we just had sex in your office. it's all your fault... you make me horny crazy." she covered her face with shame. "Me? *he laughed* I was going to the elevator when you screamed that you loved me and wanted to make love to me. you who seduced me with all your beauty. and what a beauty... Miss Olivia Pope.". Fitz joked and hugged her. "Liv, now we're officially together again?"
When Fitz said that. Olivia remembered Justin and the feeling of guilt dominated her again. "Thank you for reminding me... that I'm a horrible person. I'm married and I'm here fucking you. I'm a horrible, horrible person..." quickly her expression changed from happy... to sad. "Olivia, stop it... you love me and I love you. It's so simple for you to say that to your husband and ask for a divorce," he said. "Fitz, it's not simple at all... Justin supported me when I said I was pregnant with another man. He supported me, he accepted me, he says he loves me every day... even though I never said I love him. he takes care of Michaela,  he takes care of me... I can't just walk up to him and say... Hi, Justin... I fucked my ex-boyfriend today and I'm going back with him. bye... I can't do that, Fitz. I care about his feelings. he doesn't deserve it. I'm sorry... but I need more time.". Fitz was jealous and angry at what she said. "What? You're telling me you're going to stay with him? You're not going to file for divorce? You're kidding me, Olivia?" "Fitz, I'm sorry... I love you. but I can't hurt Justin like that. a person who only did me good. I need time." she said goodbye to him and left. Fitz was very sad and went home.

On the way home, Olivia kept thinking about. She doesn't want to hurt Fitz, who is the man she loves and she doesn't want to hurt Justin, who the man she has an affection for.

When she got home. Justin had prepared a dinner for her. he left the wine she likes on the table and everything was arranged. as she took a while, he ended up sleeping on the couch.
Olivia felt even more guilty. *He prepared dinner for me... and I was having sex with Fitz... I'm horrible, I'm horrible... she thought and repeated it in her head.

Olivia went to the room to see Michaela and she was sleeping like an angel. she smiled and looked at her daughter. -

Another day... "Good morning, baby... you were late yesterday. I made dinner for both of us..." said Justin. "Yeah, I saw... I'm sorry. I went to a lot of trouble. Justin, I need to talk to you about something... about Michaela father... I told you that day... I couldn't tell her father I was pregnant. and I'll tell you because... I don't know if you know Professor Grant, you were in the other class room. but you must have seen him walking through college or heard of him..." "Yes, I know who Professor Grant is..." She kept talking... "So... I hope you don't judge me by that... but... I fell in love with my teacher, we had a relationship and I got pregnant with him. For obvious reasons... I had to break up with him and I couldn't say I was pregnant. He's gone... but now he's back. He's one of the bosses of the office that I do internship. I found him again... and I've told him about Michaela. anyway... he wants to be present in her life and I said he can come here to our house today." Olivia was relieved to tell Justin about it. At least... she said something.

Justin was shocked by Olivia revelation. He had no idea Michaela father was Professor Grant. but he didn't judge Olivia. "Baby, I confess I'm surprised by this revelation, but I'm no one to judge you. You did what you thought was right. and... it's okay for him to come here today, it's his right. I just want to ask you one thing. Do you still love him?" Justin asked.

Olivia was very nervous about Justin's question. When Olivia was about to answer... Michaela started crying very loudly. Olivia stuttered... "I'll... take care of Michaela... later... we'll continue the conversation." Olivia took the opportunity to run away from the conversation. She took care of Michaela, then took a shower and left for the internship. -

Olivia and Fitz worked together all day. Fitz was still hurt by her words, but he smiled at her most of the day and she also smiled at him. The day went by very quickly.... They were already leaving the office. "Shall we? Olivia asked. "Come on... you go ahead and I'll follow your car... to your house and your husband's." he said ironically.

Olivia stopped her car and Fitz stopped right behind. They walked into the garden of the house. Olivia asked Fitz not to tease Justin. "Fitz, don't you start with your provocations and your insinuations in front of him," she said. "I won't tell your husband that you said you love me yesterday, I won't tell him that I sucked you off and then I made love to you at my table." Fitz pretended he didn't see Justin at the door and ran to hug Michaela. "My little princess, how are you?" "Fitz, aren't you going to talk to Justin?" Fitz pretended he didn't see him. "I didn't see you... what's your name again? Justen? Jostin?" Fitz provoked. "Justin..." he answered.

A few minutes went by... The climate between Fitz and Justin remained strange. Justin preferred to leave the house. He was not happy with the situation. "Baby, I'm going out to buy some stuff at the market." Justin kissed Olivia mouth and said he loved her. Fitz was exploding with jealousy.

Olivia, Fitz and Michaela played together. They got it for the first time... a family moment.

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