Chapter 5

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Fitz came to college for another day of  class. When Fitz was getting out of the car, he find Marcus. who was  another college professor and a friend of Fitz. The two of them started  talking, "Fitz, I don't want to get involved in your personal life but as your friend, I would like to warn you. Yesterday I saw you and a student coming out of the college gate together and getting into your car. I know that clearly the student is over 18 years old. but you remember the last teacher who was caught with a student, right? The news spread and he couldn't get a job anymore as a teacher, he had to change  profession. The student was obviously kicked out and lost her education but all I'm saying is be careful, buddy." Marcus words fell like a bomb to Fitz. he already knew all that Marcus said, but listening... he had a bigger impact. "Marcus, I'd like to talk to you about this after class... you'll find me in that bar as usual," said Fitz. Marcus agreed. Olivia and Abby entered Fitz class. Olivia smiled at him all the time and he reciprocated. The class ended... "We have to be more careful, a teacher saw you getting into my car yesterday. Luckily he is a friend of mine."  Olivia agreed and said, "Take me to a deserted street, I know a street that only has trees around it. Perfect I want to kiss you." she laughed. Fitz sent a message to Marcus saying it would take a while and  went with Olivia to the street she asked for. Fitz stopped the car on a deserted street. Olivia soon jumped into Fitz lap and started kissing him. "How good your kiss is Professor Grant." said Olivia with a naughty face. Fitz said, "Stop calling me Professor Grant. Call me Fitz" he said. Olivia smiled and agreed. The kiss got hotter and hotter. Olivia started rolling on Fitz dick, he started to get crazy horny. Ig was then that Fitz put his hand on Olivia's ass. Suddenly Fitz had a heavy conscience crisis, remembering everything that Marcus said, remembering that Olivia was his student and remembering that he was cheating, Mellie...* then he immediately took his hand off her ass. Olivia thought it was weird..."Fitz, you can put your hands on my ass. I gave you permission..." Olivia didn't realize that Fitz was weird and kept rubbing against him. When Olivia started taking off the blouse she was wearing, she was wearing a bra... Fitz held her hand "Olivia, don't...stop. I think it's better if we go." said Fitz with a sad expression. "What? why, Fitz? you don't want to have sex with me?" asked Olivia. "Olivia, obviously I want to have sex with you. you are extremely beautiful and sexy. but here is dangerous. Someone can see us." he said. Olivia got very angry and climbed out of his lap, put on her blouse and said "Lies, Fitz! there's no one here. There are only trees, you don't want to have sex with me for another reason, maybe because you prefer Mellie, take me home, Fitz...". "Olivia, listen to me..." "No, Fitz... I want to leave." Fitz did what she asked. He took Olivia home and went to the bar to meet Marcus to talk.

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