Chapter 4

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"Olivia... please... let me explain... I  don't want you to think that I am disrespectful to my students. Or that you think that I try to have sex with my students, please let me give you a ride again and on the way we talk?" he begged. Olivia was curious to know what he was going to say and accepted the ride. Olivia sat in the car and Fitz started talking... "First of all, I want to  apologize you're right, I did flirt with you but, I want you to know, that I never flirted or fucked with a student and I never cheated on my girlfriend." Olivia was nervous and was looking at the floor.  Fitz continued, "I don't know what happened, you woke something up inside me somehow. Yesterday when you smiled, I was mesmerized by your smile. You're too beautiful Olivia Pope." Olivia heart was beating too fast and she didn't know what to say. "Since yesterday..., I can't stop thinking about you. I know I'm your teacher and I have a girlfriend, but you haven't left my head.? What am I supposed to do?" Olivia was thrilled with his sincerity. somehow, she knew he wasn't lying. "I believe you... actually... I felt the same way as you, I can't explain... I just didn't stop thinking about you." she confessed. Fitz arrived on her street from her house and stopped the car. They kept  looking at each other. Olivia started smiling... "Wow, what a beautiful smile and what a beautiful mouth..." said Fitz. Olivia decided to take action. She got close to his ear and said quietly, "Do you want to kiss me, Professor Grant?" Fitz didn't believe Olivia words. "Yes I want to kiss your mouth, Since yesterday" he confessed. "So...kiss me." Fitz held on to her face and started a soft kiss, soon the two of them stuck their tongues in each other's mouths... they kissed each other for a few minutes, they both smiled.
Olivia and Fitz kissed for a few minutes.  Fitz caressed Olivia face and said, "There's something about you that drives me crazy. I can't explain what it is." Olivia smiled and then asked, "So now what happens? Are we going to pretend that this kiss never existed or are we going to kiss each other every day like  this?" "It's impossible to pretend that this kiss never existed. I know it sounds horrible for a teacher to ask this of his student, but we're going to have to do this hidden. you know." Fitz said a little bit of  a no-brainier. Olivia agreed. They kissed again and Olivia got out of  the car and left. When Fitz got home Mellie was waiting for him. "Where were you, Fitz?" "I decided to walk alone for a while, Mellie.  That's it." "Walk alone you sure Fitzgerald?" "Yes,  Mellie..." Fitz answered and went to bathe. Olivia came home all smiling. Abby noticed and asked, "Liv, where were you? You look like you were riding a hot man's cock. Abby laughed. Olivia laughed and said, "I haven't sat on his dick yet... but I intend to do it soon. Abby laughed again. "Who is he,tell me?....... Wait tell me you're not back with Edison?" "No, Abby... it's not Edison. If I tell you... you have to  promise not to tell anyone, if anyone finds out, it's the end of his career as a teacher and I'll be kicked out of college." Abby was confused, "Professor, Liv? what do you mean, what teacher? Wait....when I told you that Professor Grant was Mellie boyfriend, you made an  angry face. NO, are you flirting with the hot teacher?" Abby was shocked. "Yes, much more than flirting, he kissed me today." Olivia told Abby everything and went to sleep soon after.

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