Chapter 14

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Olivia agreed to talk to Marcus. Abby came in and left Olivia. They walked to a farther place in college. "Professor Marcus... I want to thank you for yesterday. I don't know the reason, but I understood that you helped me." "You got away from Cyrus yesterday. But you won't be able to get away forever. You'll have to explain yourself today... as soon as he arrives. That's why I called you here. Olivia, I've been friends with Fitz since we started teaching together at this college. I know how hard he struggled to get a law degree and get that job. his family has a lot of money, but he never wanted his manipulative father money, he wanted to make his own money. he built a respected career in this important college...". Olivia interrupted, "What are you trying to tell me?" "Fitz told me about your relationship. I know everything. and that's why I'm here. Fitz is in love with you, he really loves you, Miss Olivia Pope. I'm a witness to how much he suffered when he was away from you. "I love him too..." answered Olivia. "Olivia, he's in love and he won't be able to break up with you. But you... you can... if you really love Fitz like you say. you won't be able to carry the blame for ruining his career. you know what a scandal it will be if it comes to the surface. you know he'll be kicked out and his name will be marked forever as the teacher who fucks the students. he'll be ruined. you know what you have to do... do it for him. if you love him, sacrifice yourself for love." Marcus said that and left.

Olivia was paralyzed by everything Marcus said. she needed to make an important decision.

Olivia knew Marcus was right. she was too involved with Fitz to realize this on her own. Marcus words went straight to her heart. she knew she had to do it. she had to get Fitz away from her.

Olivia missed Fitz class today. she sent a message to him.... saying that she was in her car on a deserted street waiting for him. Fitz read the message and went to the scene.

Fitz stopped his car and soon after got into Olivia car. "Liv? what are you doing on this deserted street alone? because you missed my class today?" "Fitz, pay attention to everything I'm going to tell you now... you were the best thing that happened in my life this year. when I went to law school, my goal was only to become a lawyer... but I also met the man of my life, I met the best teacher, the most caring, gentle, beautiful, hot and respectful man in the world. I fell in love with you, I love you... and it is because I love you so much, that I need to do it for both of us. I don't want to be responsible for ruining the career of the best teacher I've ever had in my life." Fitz started saying "OLIVIA, STOP..." she asked to keep talking. Fitz was already in tears. "Never forget that I love you, I love you very much. You will always be the love of my life. but I need to move on... from now on, we will just be a teacher and student. be happy, you deserve to be happy. come back with Mellie and try to be happy. please don't be sad without me.". Olivia asked Fitz to get out of the car. He didn't want to get out, but she begged him to leave.
He went.

Fitz was devastated. he took the car and left aimlessly. he walked down the street walking around alone. Fitz was very sad and lonely before Olivia. He only talked to Marcus and lived in a loveless relationship with Mellie. Olivia was like a sun that illuminated his life and now he doesn't know what to do.

Olivia called the phone at Fitz house. she imagined he wouldn't go home. she knew him very well.
Olivia wanted to talk to Mellie. "Hello?" said Mellie. "Mellie, it's me... Olivia Pope. I just want to tell you a few things. I don't know why, but my intuition tells me that you said something to Cyrus and that's why he called me into his room yesterday. So... you can be happy now. I ended my relationship with Fitz. but I did it because I love him, I did it to save his career. I didn't do it because of your unloved woman gossip. congratulations, you did it. Fitz will be all yours... but know one thing... he loves me. he wants me. he only thinks of me. he's crazy about me. when he has sex with you, it'll be in my body that he'll be thinking. when he kisses you, it'll be in my mouth that he will be thinking... goodbye, unloved". Olivia hung up the phone.

Mellie knew that everything Olivia said was true and she was very shaken.

Mellie immediately called Cyrus and denied it. She said she was jealousy of him and invented things. Cyrus didn't believe much, but left Olivia and Fitz alone.

A few weeks went by... Olivia did not answer Fitz calls, did not exchange words with him in college. she moved on and he also had to move on.

Olivia and Abby decided to buy pregnancy tests because of the fake contraceptive that David exchanged.

Abby went ahead and did the test first. She left screaming of happiness in the bathroom. "I'm not pregnant. I wasn't in the fertile period. I can't wait to tell David face that his sick plan to exchange my birth control for a fake one didn't help. he's going to go on without being the father of my baby." Olivia entered the bathroom to take the pregnancy test when Olivia left. Abby asked, "Positive or negative, Liv?" "Positive" said desperate Olivia. "Abby, I am pregnant with my teacher." Olivia and Abby kept looking at each other. "Liv, I'm really sorry. all this is David fault. this sick idea of him changing contraceptives. what now? what are you going to do? are you going to tell him?" "No, I can't tell him. If I do, he'll want to take over our baby. I have to follow my promise to stay away from him. "Are you going to have an abortion?" Abby asked. "No, I'm going to raise this baby. Will you help me?" Abby hugged Olivia "of course I'll help. you're my sister." A few more weeks went by... Olivia decided to give Justin a chance. She started dating him and they were doing very well in the relationship. -

Fitz had received an incredible proposal. to teach at another law school and in another state. he thought this would be a great opportunity for him and Olivia to come back. since he would no longer be her teacher. when he was going toward her... Fitz saw Justin kissing Olivia, the two of them looked happy. they were both the same age and Fitz thought Olivia had met someone her age.
Fitz suffered a lot until he decided to take the new job. Fitz went away to start a new life and he could not say goodbye to the woman in his life.

When Olivia and Abby arrived for class. there was a new teacher in place of Fitz. he introduced himself and said he was going to replace Professor Grant, who had received an opportunity to teach in another state. Olivia did not know that Fitz had left. "Abby, he's gone... he's gone... I've lost the man I love and the father of my baby. I've lost my Fitz. he'll meet another woman and forget me." Olivia was very shaken. "Liv, stay calm. you're pregnant." -

Class is over. Olivia and Justin got into her car. Olivia decided to talk to Justin about her pregnancy. "Justin, I'll be honest with you. I don't know if you've noticed that I'm too sick and my body is changing. because you men are a little slow to notice these things. I'm pregnant... and it's obviously not yours. I had a complicated relationship before you. I'm pregnant with him and he doesn't know. He can't know... and I can't tell you the details. but... if you want to break up with me, I'll understand." she confessed. "Olivia, I realized you were very sick and your breasts were bigger. I agree to raise this baby with you. I accept... I'll raise it like my baby.". Justin said.

Olivia thanked Justin for understanding her situation. she found a kind man to help her care for the baby. but she didn't love Justin, she wanted the love of her life and his name is Fitzgerald Grant.

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