Chapter 20

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Grace walked into Fitz room... angry, and slammed the door. "What's Grace? You're in my work environment. Are you crazy?" "So....while I'm at home, you're here in the office eating out that intern Olivia Pope? There's no point in lying, Fitz, she's already told me everything." Fitz didn't understand anything. "What?" he said. "Come on Fitz. confess.
You left me for that woman...? "What do you mean by that? If you're thinking of making any racist comments about Olivia, I've already warned you that this is a law firm and I can sue you for racism myself" Fitz started to lose patience with Grace.
He kept talking... "Grace, I didn't want you to know this way.
I wanted to tell you... but it's true... I love Olivia, she's the woman of my life. We have a daughter together... I tried to fall in love with you, Grace. but I couldn't." Grace was even angrier when Fitz confirmed everything Olivia said. "What? you have a daughter with her? Were you cheating on me with her? Fitz, I'm not an idiot... I'll get my stuff from your house and leave. You'll never hear from me again. Goodbye." "Grace waits..." he tried to apologize, but she was mad as hell and she left.

Olivia saw Grace leaving and went inside to talk to him. "Fitz, I'm sorry. I didn't want to ruin your relationship, but your girlfriend offended me and I can't stand being humiliated by your girlfriends anymore." she confessed.

Fitz hugged her and said, "Stay calm... I bet Grace said horrible things to you. Just like Mellie... I'm sorry about all this." "I've reached the limit of my patience. Mellie and Grace both insinuated that I'm a bitch and that I just want advantages from you. They don't know me and they judge me by the color of my skin. I can't take it anymore, I said it all in Grace face... I said it for me and Michaela. I don't want my daughter to hear the things I had to hear. She has my race and your race mixed together and she's going to suffer a lot of prejudice for that." Olivia said sad. "We're going to educate our little girl, so she can be a strong and brave woman like her mother," he replied.

Fitz changed the subject. "It seems that now I am officially single." he said. "Fitzzzz...". she smiled. "Liv, I want to invite you to spend the weekend with me at my house? Me, You and Michaela, together... just the three of us... like a beautiful family we are." Olivia found the invitation amazing. She was all happy. "Fitz, you can take Michaela. As for me, I'll think of your invitation with affection..." he smiled and said okay, his intuition said she'd accept.

The work in the office is over. Fitz stopped by Olivia house and took Michaela with him.

Michaela and Fitz were having a great time at his house. -

Olivia was at home with Justin. She wondered how perfect it would be for her to spend the weekend with Michaela and Fitz at his house, so she was thinking of making a surprise.

It was then... that Olivia... took courage to tell Justin everything. - "Justin, I need to talk to you. It's very important. Don't say anything... just listen. Please.
When I married you, I loved another man, but I could not stay with this man because he was my teacher and so I agreed to move on with you. It's just... just that this man came back into my life, he is no longer my teacher, he makes my heart beat very strongly, I love this man, and for that reason... I did a horrible thing with against you... I kissed Fitz... *her stuttered a lot* and... I... I had sex with him in the office... I'm sorry, Justin. You're an amazing man, you deserve a woman who really loves you. So I'm asking you for a divorce... you can see Michaela as many times as you want. You will always be her second father.". Olivia finally told him the whole truth.

Justin stared at her and his eyes were filled with tears.

Justin couldn't say anything. He really loved Olivia and couldn't believe that she had betrayed him. "Justin, say something..." she asked.

"Olivia... you and Michaela will always be my family. I'm very hurt with you. I didn't expect this betrayal from you... but... one day I will be able to forgive you. I know I will... I'm leaving the house today. Then we'll talk about the divorce." Olivia was feeling very guilty and didn't say anything else.

Justin took some clothes and left the house. -

Olivia took a shower, packed some of her and Michaela clothes. She got in the car and headed for Fitz house.

She knocked on the door and Fitz opened the door with Michaela on his lap, "Hi, can I come in?" she said.

Fitz opened a smile. "Of course you can, Liv." "Michaela, what's this mess you're making at Daddy house?" Olivia held her in her arms. "I bought her some paint and leaves to play with. But she painted the walls and the couch. Fitz laughed.
Olivia and Fitz been playing with Michaela all day. Until Michaela went to sleep. Olivia and Fitz decided to watch a movie together. when the movie finished, Fitz looked at Olivia and said, "I really wanted to sleep with you tonight and wake up tomorrow with your beautiful face on my side. but... I already know what you're going to say. that you're married and that your husband is waiting for you at home." he said sad.

Olivia climbed onto his lap, held his face and said, "Look into my eyes and listen to what I'm going to tell you... I love you, I love you like I've never loved another man. There is no one else among us. I finally told Justin everything... I'm single, and today I'm going to sleep with you. My heart is all your Fitzgerald Grant. *She took advantage and spoke softly in his ear* and my body is also all yours.
because I'm gonna want to have a lot of sex with you and in various positions." she laughed and kissed his mouth.

Fitz couldn't believe it. "Is that really true? Are you free? Will you sleep with me tonight?" He hugged Olivia very strongly. "Yes..." she confirmed. "I love you so much, Liv. I am the happiest man in the world. I want to marry you..." he said. "I also want to marry you... I'm going to settle the divorce papers still with Justin." she said.
Fitz took Olivia in his arms and took her to bedroom, he put her to bed. he took off all her clothes and said, "I want to make love to you all night. prepare your pussy, because I'm gonna fuck you all night." he said with a dirty face.

Olivia smiled and said, "Then come make love to me." -

Many Hours later.... "Fitz, you're a sex and orgasm machine" Olivia joked. "I still want more... I love you too much, Olivia Pope. You're the most beautiful, intelligent and hot woman I've ever met and I want to be able to call you my wife one day...". Fitz said.

They went to sleep together. --- Finally... Olivia, Fitz and Michaela are having their happy family moments.

Will anyone be able to disrupt their happiness again? Mellie, Edison, Grace, Justin...?

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