Chapter 12

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Olivia and Abby went to Fitz class. Olivia avoided smiling at him. the class ended and Olivia passed away from Fitz. not to arouse any more suspicion. she got in the car and went home with Abby. "Liv, this is the address. I'll go ahead with David to arrange our dinner at the house. I'll be waiting for you and Fitz." Olivia agreed and Abby left.

Olivia sent a message to Fitz and he was already coming.

When Olivia was getting ready. her cell phone rang. it was Edison. "Olivia... it's me... Edison. do you think you got rid of me? wait for me. you'll still be mine." "Go to hell, Edison."
Olivia hung up the phone. She didn't want to let Edison ruin her happiness.

Fitz has arrived. Olivia got down and into Fitz car. "Hi, baby... Abby gone. she gave me the address. I'm so happy to spend the weekend with you." she said. Fitz grabbed her face and said, "You look so beautiful. In fact, you're beautiful every day. I'm going to be the luckiest man in the world... to wake up next to you this weekend. Let's go?" Olivia and Fitz went to David's house.

Olivia and Fitz arrived at the house. Abby opened the door and introduced Fitz to David... as Olivia boyfriend. "Liv and Fitz, you guys are just in time... dinner is ready," said Abby. Olivia and Fitz washed their hands and sat down to eat. they ate, talked and laughed together. David warned Abby to go to the room.

Abby went to talk to Olivia before "Liv, your and Fitz's room is the first at the end of the stairs. go and shower with your muscular teacher." Olivia thanked Abby.

Abby went up with David. Olivia went to Fitz and hugged him "it looks like we're all alone. You want to go up to the room now?" he said yes and they went up.

Fitz sat on the bed. Olivia sat on Fitz lap...looked into his eyes and started saying, "I want to tell you something very important. Fitzgerald Grant... I love you. I've fallen in love with you, my heart is all yours. I know everyone will judge me, they'll say I'm a bitch and I'm interested in your position... who just wants advantages and to have sex with the teacher. but I don't care... because you're the man who won my heart. you make me so happy...". Olivia kissed his mouth. Fitz was in tears with Olivia words. "I love you too. you're the woman of my life. my Olivia. I don't care if you're younger than me and I don't care about the judgments. I just want you." he said. "Make love to me? I love when you have sex with me. I go to paradise... when you suck my breasts, suck my pussy and then you put your dick inside me and I feel like I'm all yours..." Olivia confessed. "I make love to you as many times as you want... Olivia Pope" he replied.

Olivia and Fitz made love several times. "You're older than me... but you have much better sex than all the young men I've ever had. not to mention those muscles. do you sleep in the freezer or something?" Olivia joked. Fitz turned all red. "I'll consider this the best compliment I've ever received," he said.
They hugged and talked until they slept.
It was another day.
Olivia left Fitz asleep and went pick up to get breakfast for him. "Good morning, Abby and David," she said. "Good morning, Liv. How are you? Did you like the house?" Abby asked. Olivia said she liked it very much.
Abby pulled Olivia and asked her quietly so David wouldn't listen. "How was the night with Fitz? tell me. I want to know everything." "It was amazing Abby... I told him for the first time that I love him and it was beautiful. He was thrilled and said he loves me too." Olivia said and laughed.

Olivia hugged Abby and thanked him again for the invitation.
Olivia picked breakfast and went back to her room. She kissed his mouth and said "Good morning, my beautiful and hot teacher." Fitz smiled. "Good morning, my beautiful and sexy student". they had breakfast together.
Abby knocked on the door. Olivia opened, "Good morning, Professor Grant," said Abby. Good morning, Abby," he answered. "Liv, I've got an idea for today. there's a nightclub nearby. let's go? I know you two can't be seen together. but with all the smoke and colored lights, you can stay well hidden. what do you think?" Olivia thought... she looked at Fitz and they agreed to go to the club.

Mellie was trying to figure out where Fitz went. "I wonder where they are. Fitz can't be seen with that student in public. where did he take that bitch?" Mellie kept thinking.
Mellie was sad and angry at the same time, she loved Fitz and was no longer able to deal with his rejection. "Fitz, you're going to have to forgive me for that. But I'm going to do it for you." Mellie thought out loud.

Olivia and Fitz... Abby and David spent the day having fun in the house. They cooked together, watched Netflix, and were enjoying the garden of the house.

Mellie sent a message to Cyrus and said she had something important to say. Cyrus received Mellie at his house. "Mellie? when you texted me. I didn't get it. what are you so serious about telling me?" "Cyrus. I'll tell you something about Fitz... but I want you to know, it wasn't his fault, he was the victim of a student's game, she used beauty and youth to seduce him and secure all the advantages in his future career as a lawyer," Mellie said.

When Mellie said that. Cyrus remembered Fitz's scene with Olivia in the parking lot. "Mellie... you're trying to tell me..." She interrupted, "Yes. I'm saying that Fitz is having a relationship with a student in college."

Cyrus was shocked by Mellie revelation. He liked Fitz very much and didn't know what to do. -
Olivia was getting ready for the club. She was looking in the mirror... with a tight black dress... that was marking her body.

Fitz hugged her from behind and said, "Wow, how can you get beautiful and sexy every day? you'll drive me crazy." Olivia smiled and said. "Thank you, you also look very sexy with this shirt marking your muscles." Olivia and Fitz got in the car and followed Abby and David's car to the club.
Olivia and Abby got into the club together. Fitz and David went in the back. David separated a VIP place and well reserved for them. Abby said in Olivia ear "that's it, Liv. Here it's very private and with all this smoke, no one will see you sucking on your law professor's tongue." Olivia started laughing.
Olivia hugged Fitz and said, "Let's dance? I love this song." Fitz smiled and agreed. Olivia and Fitz drank and danced together all night. she spoke well in his ear "Fitz, my love. I'm so happy... I love you. thank you for being this amazing man and gentleman." she smiled. "I'm the luckiest man in the world... I have the heart of the most beautiful, sexy and intelligent woman I've ever met." they kept dancing. until it was time for them to come home.

The weekend passed quickly. soon it was another day and they had to get back to reality.

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