Chapter 16

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It was just another day.

Olivia woke up all happy with the new job opportunity. "Justin... take good care of my little girl. I'm going to the internship interview." "Okay, good luck baby...". "Thank you. .

Olivia arrived at the office.

Fitz was waiting for her in his office. he was very anxious and didn't know what to say. what to do... Marcus received Olivia. "Good morning... Olivia. be very welcome. as I told you on the phone, I have a partner... and this partner makes sure that you are his intern. he admires your talent too much. his room is this big one in front of you. you can knock on the door." he said.

Olivia did what Marcus said and knocked on the door.

Fitz heard and knew it was Olivia... he said, "Get in... Olivia's heart was coming out of her mouth, she recognized his voice. *I know that voice. That voice is Fitz's... I can only be crazy...* she opened the door and when she came in she was paralyzed. "Good morning, Liv..." "Fitz...?

Olivia was paralyzed. she thought she was dreaming. she looked at Fitz and he looked even prettier. it looks like the weather just did him good. those blue eyes, that beautiful hair, those muscles... he was in a suit and looked very sexy. "Fitz? you're the partner Marcus mentioned? you hadn't left for another state? is that a joke?" "It's no joke. Olivia... I had really left. I taught at another college, but Marcus convinced me to come back. we became partners and opened this law firm. Marcus just selected the best... and you know you're the best... you're the smartest... and the prettiest, too." he got up from the table and started to approach her.

Olivia was going crazy with Fitz words: "and because did you tell Marcus that you only want to work with me? there are several interns out there waiting for an interview" she said.

Fitz walked closer to her and locked the door. He stopped in front of her and said in her ear, "Because you're the best and I want to work with the best." Olivia got horny with Fitz talking in that sexy voice in her ear. *Olivia, you're married. Olivia, you have Justin. Fitz is past* she kept repeating it in her head.

Fitz kept teasing her. "Wow, you've managed to get even prettier and you look really sexy in that lawyer outfit." "Stop... Fitz... Stop... it's not like before. I'm married now." "I know, Marcus told me that you married... you love him? says by looking into my eyes that you love your husband and that you've forgotten me?" Olivia didn't say a word. "See? you can't say that you love him. because you still love me... just like I still love you... can I kiss your mouth?" he asked. she started to stutter and said "can". when he was going to kiss her mouth. Grace knocked on the door. "Fitz... baby... open the door. I brought your coffee."

The sexual tension in the room was enormous. "Grace, I'm in an important interview with an intern. I'll pick up the coffee with you in a moment. thank you." he said. Grace decided to sit outside and wait for him.

Olivia was jealous, "She called you Baby? what? you're not ashamed? you have a new girlfriend and is locked in this room with me... wanting to kiss me. just like you locked me in the college classroom and said you wanted to make me moan... when you were still with Mellie. you're a pervert, Fitz." she said. "Olivia, don't be ridiculous... you know very well that I fell in love with you... when I was still with Mellie. and now... I'm just dating another woman, because the woman I love has abandoned me." "Of course, you were my teacher and I couldn't ruin your career." "Now what? I'm not your teacher anymore... I want you, Olivia." Fitz held Olivia by her waist, "I want you, I want to kiss you, I want to make love to you... I want to marry you.". Olivia was exploding into love and horny. "Now... now... I'm married to Justin. "You don't love him... you love me... your mouth is begging for my tongue to get into it. your pussy I bet is wet and you're crazy to make love to me, I'd put you on this naked table and make you moan the way you like it." Fitz said. Olivia couldn't resist anymore. she jumped on Fitz lap and gave him a tongue kiss. in a few seconds Olivia remembered that she was cheating on Justin and stopped the kiss. "STOP FITZ... I can't do this to Justin. He's at home now taking care of our daughter *she made gestures with her hands pointing at her and Fitz* Michaela is not his daughter of blood and yet he does everything for her...". Olivia spoke without thinking and then understood what she said. "What did you say? our daughter? Marcus told me about his pregnancy, but I didn't think it was possible for her to be my daughter...".

"Fitz, open that door now." Olivia spoke with a serious expression. "Olivia... I want to know about what you just told me." Fitz begged. "Fitz, open this door. You called me here today to work, so I'm going to work now. When we're done working... we talked about Michaela." Fitz agreed and opened the door. Olivia left the room and went to settle things with Marcus.

Grace was suspicious of Olivia and Fitz behavior: "Who is this woman? and why have you been locked in the room with her all this time? "It's a new intern... I was giving her instructions. Grace... I don't have time to talk right now. I need to work. wait for me at home. thanks for the coffee." he said. Grace delivered the coffee and left. "Fitz, what were you and Olivia doing in this room so long? won't you tell me you two were having sex?" Marcus asked.

Fitz started laughing. "No, Marcus... we didn't have sex... that's because she didn't want to... I wanted to have sex with her at this table" Fitz laughed and Marcus shook his head. "Fitz, Fitz... Olivia is organizing some things I asked her to do. Let her work in peace."

Olivia and Fitz managed to work well together. they flirted a few times. but did not make any more physical contact.

When Olivia was leaving. Fitz caught her attention at the door, "Olivia, you promised me... I need to understand what you meant...". Olivia agreed to talk to him. "Let's talk where?" she asked. "It might be in my car... I'll stop somewhere quiet. "Fitz, I'm just going to get in your car to talk. You don't even think we're going to get sex or anything." Fitz laughed and said okay.
They got into Fitz car and he stopped on a quiet street. "Okay..." he said.
Olivia started talking... "It all started when Mellie gossiped about us for Cyrus. I have no proof. but I have my intuition and I know it was her. after Cyrus talked to me... Marcus came to me to talk and he opened my eyes about our relationship. he was right, Fitz. he as your friend did what i would do in his place. so... i thought it best to finish with you. it was better that way. and it was after we finished that i found out... that i was pregnant with you. i know, you must be wondering how i got pregnant, if i was taking contraceptives. it sounds like a movie scene, but it was reality. David went crazy because Abby didn't want to give him a child and he switched her contraceptives for fake pills. Mine ended... I took her contraceptive a little before our weekend together and that's when our daughter was conceived... Yeah, Fitz... you are a father, you have a beautiful daughter and she has the same blue eyes as yours." Olivia confessed.

Fitz was paralyzed and his eyes were filled with tears.

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