Chapter 17

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"OMG... you're telling me I'm a father? I have a daughter? a daughter with the woman I love most in my life?" Fitz couldn't hold on to his tears. "Yes, I'm sorry I didn't tell you before. I had made a promise that day that I wouldn't come near you anymore, because if I was, I wouldn't resist, and you know it," she said. "I know, Liv. I understand, our situation was very complicated," he said. "Before I left, I was going to talk to you about getting another job and we could stay together. But I saw you happy with that Justin and I thought there was no room for me in your life. So... I left. I had to start a new life. but you... you didn't leave my head for a minute. Olivia was very shaken by his words. "I want to meet my daughter. I love the name Michaela. I want to register her with my last name." said Fitz. "Of course... she'll love meeting you. but... Fitz... you need to understand something. Justin has been very important. since I told him I was pregnant, until today... he takes care of her like he's the real father. you have to understand this and not get into a fight with him." she said. "I'm her father, Olivia. I thank him for helping you take care of our daughter. but now I'm going to take care of her, I want to be her father...".

Olivia was happy. she knew Fitz reaction would be exactly that. she chose the best father for her daughter. "If you don't mind... tomorrow I can take Michaela with me to the office... and then you can meet your daughter." "I love this idea... I can't wait." "Okay, now I need to go home. if you can come back to the office parking lot with me. I left my car there." Fitz put his hand on her thigh and started talking softly in her ear, "I want to make love to you...". "Fitzzzz..." "I can see in your eyes that you want... stop denying" he laughed. "I can't... I'm married. "I'm sure you have sex with him... thinking of me." Fitz laughed. he took Olivia back to the parking lot. she took her car and went home.

Olivia came home and saw Michaela sleeping. Justin was already asleep too. As she had imagined, he took care of her daughter all day. *Justin, I hope one day you'll forgive me, but I won't be able to resist Fitz for long." she thought.

It was just another day.
Olivia called Abby and told her everything. "What? I can't believe it, Liv. Fitz is your boss?" Yes, Abby. I told him all about Michaela yesterday. I'm glad I told him the whole truth. But... I'm in serious trouble... the first problem is that he's still beautiful, sexy and muscular. he was very sexy yesterday in a suit. the second problem is that I kissed him yesterday and the third and fourth problem is that he keeps on saying he loves me and does sexual innuendo. Abby... I don't know what else to do. I want to be faithful to Justin. he's a wonderful man. but... Fitz drives me crazy." she confessed. Olivia was outside the house so Justin wouldn't listen. "Liv, you're in serious trouble anyway. You'll have to choose between the man you love and the man you don't love. but you have affection."
Olivia agreed with Abby. "Abby, can I ask you a favor today? I'm taking Michaela to the office to meet her. Then an hour later you can pick her up and take care of her for me? I can't ask Justin to go to the office. Fitz will start with his provocations." Abby agreed to pick up Michaela. Olivia said goodbye and hung up.

Justin hugged Olivia. "Baby, you worked hard yesterday. how was it?" "It was great, Justin. I really liked the internship. today I'm taking Michaela with me. Abby asked me to spend the day with her." Justin said okay.
Justin studied law in college too, but he dropped out of college before graduating. and still hasn't found a job. so help Olivia by taking care of Michaela. "Before you go to work... can we have sex? I woke up dying to have sex with you.". Justin asked. Olivia said yes. they went to bed. while Justin penetrated Olivia. she only thought of Fitz. she remembered Fitz words yesterday... saying that she had sex with her husband, thinking about him and he was right. when it was over... Justin asked, "Did you like it?" "Of course... you were amazing... now I need to take a shower and go out. pack Michaela clothes, please".

Olivia put Michaela in the car and went to the office.

Getting there... she entered with Michaela in her lap and went towards his room. "Fitz, open the door. I have a little present for you out here." she laughed. when he opened the door. he looked at Michaela and was paralyzed... "Get in"... he said stuttering. Olivia started smiling... "Fitz, this little blue-eyed princess, who is a blending of chocolate and milk... she's your daughter." "Mi, this big white man is your daddy." The tears fell on his face. "Can I hold her in my lap?" "Of course you can, Fitz, she's your daughter..." Fitz took Michaela in his lap. He kept smiling.
Olivia watched Fitz play with Michaela and was thrilled. Fitz lost track of the time and played with his daughter. "Fitz, I asked Abby to pick her up because we need to work. but you can go to my house and visit her any time you want and you can also take her to your house." she laughed. "Okay. she's beautiful. she's a perfect blend of my race and your race... bye my beautiful princess. I'll buy you lots of gifts." Fitz hugged Michaela and said goodbye. Olivia handed her daughter over to Abby and went back to work. "So, what's our job today?" Olivia asked. "My job is to take off your panties and then slowly pass your tongue into your pussy..." Fitz laughed. Olivia couldn't hold her laughter. "I'm serious, Fitz."

Olivia and Fitz were working together all day. They were working on a complicated case and they didn't see the time pass.

Olivia left Fitz room to grab a glass of water and she realized that there was no one else in the office, just her and Fitz. When she came back, she soon went to provoke Fitz, "How strange. there is no one else in the office... just you and me..." she said. "Our case is more complicated and so we stayed until later," he replied. "Is that it... or is it some other sexual plan of yours... to try to have sex with me?" she provoked. Fitz smiled. He got up from the chair, stopped in front of her and said: "Who said I want to fuck you?" he laughed. "You are all day long making sexual innuendoes to me." "That was before, now I've lost my will. In fact, now I'm going to my house. to sleep with my girlfriend." Olivia loved Fitz sex games. She was going crazy and excited. Fitz went to the table, picked up he things and went toward the door. When Olivia came in front of the door and said, "No, you're not leaving." He debated, "Olivia, I know you very well. You're all excited, all wet and expecting me to kiss you, throw you on the table and fuck you... but I'm not going to do that. until you admit four things... first admit that you still love me. second that you're crazy to feel my dick in your pussy again. third that I eat you much better than that husband and room of yours admit that while you have sex with him, you think of me.". "I'm going to the elevator, you better answer soon..." he kept walking. until Olivia exploded from the inside. she couldn't stand pretending anymore. "STOP FITZ... come back here now. I admit it..."

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