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Olivia continued her relationship with Justin. her belly was growing and she was managing to reconcile pregnancy and college. she still misses Fitz a lot... he never called or sent word. -

Fitz was giving his classes at the university. he started dating a woman named Grace. he was trying to be happy. but he couldn't forget Olivia. Marcus was also a law professor and the two of them had plans to open a law firm together.
- *The time passed very quickly...* here begins the second phase of this history: -

Olivia had already given birth... she was a girl and her name is Michaela. she was born with the same blue eyes as Fitz. Olivia was very excited when she saw that Michaela was a perfect blend of her and Fitz. She thought about telling him the truth about her daughter several times... but now she didn't know where to find him. Olivia was married to Justin, but her heart still belonged to Fitz.

The day came for Olivia and Abby to graduate from college. "At last the day of our graduation has come... today we will be officially lawyers." Olivia and Abby hugged each other.

Fitz was back. Marcus convinced Fitz to come back and they will open the new law firm together. Fitz was still dating Grace and she will live with him. Marcus told Fitz that Olivia was pregnant and he didn't suspect that the baby might be his. since she was taking contraceptives.

Olivia and Abby got their diploma and now they're officially lawyers.
Olivia went home to celebrate with her family. she entered the room and Michaela was sleeping... she looked at her daughter and reminded her of Fitz "Mi, today I'm graduating in law and your father is the best law professor in the world. one day you will meet your father, I promise." when Justin entered the room and started kissing Olivia "Are you sad? you should be happy." Fitz and Marcus were thinking about the graduate students who could be interns in their new office. "I can't wait... I was here selecting the best college students for our internship," said Marcus. "So tell me... what are the best names?" She was the best law student in college and now that she's graduated, he wanted to hear her name. "Fitz, I know you... you know the first name I'm going to quote. You haven't forgotten her yet, have you?" "No, Marcus... I can't get her out of my head. I love her with all my heart and I know she'll be an incredible lawyer. That's why we're putting her in our office." Marcus interrupted "Fitz, she invited the college staff to her wedding. So I know. She's married now and has a daughter... and you have your girlfriend Grace."

Olivia was in bed with Justin. he looked at her and said "I love you, Olivia." Every time Justin said he loved her, she wanted an excuse to run away and not say anything. she couldn't say she loved Justin, because she loved Fitz. she thought about Fitz every day. she looked at Michaela and remembered Fitz. she kissed Justin and remembered Fitz kiss. she had sex with Justin and remembered how Fitz made love to her. but Justin was good to her and Olivia didn't want to hurt him.

Michaela was crying in her crib. Olivia thanked him for that. "Michaela is crying again. I'll take care of her." Olivia got out of bed and went to her daughter. Justin was sad, he knew Olivia didn't love him. but he loved her and thought it would be enough.

Olivia gave food to her daughter. she left Michaela with Justin and went to visit Abby. they didn't live together anymore. but they were still like sisters. "Abby, I miss you," they hugged each other. Abby decided to forgive David for what he did with the contraceptives and was living with him. "Now let's talk about other matters... I miss Mi. why didn't you bring her? "I left her with Justin..." Olivia said Justin name with a sad face. "What's the matter, Liv... you and Justin aren't happy anymore?" Olivia decided to let off steam... "Abby, you know I still love Fitz. I can't forget him. Where is he? I wish I could tell him that we have a beautiful daughter together and that she has the same eyes as him. I'm sure he'd be very happy. I wish I could kiss him, make love to him, say I'm a law graduate and he was the best teacher in my life. "Where does he live now? We can look for him later... on the internet, on social networks...". Abby said. "I don't want to hurt Justin. He's very good to me and my daughter. He takes such good care of her. I just wish I could move on... but I can't."

Fitz and Grace were watching movies together. They started kissing and the weather heated up. Grace started to open his shirt and Fitz started to remember the amazing way he and Olivia made love. it was like her body had a perfect fit in his body. "Grace... no... now no... I have a lot of work to do today. now that we've opened the office... tomorrow we'll start the interviews with the interns. a lot of work. I'll find Marcus." he kissed Grace and left. -

Fitz got in the car and went to the office to find Marcus. "I'm going to call them now and schedule the interviews. You know Olivia will be here tomorrow, are you ready to meet her again?

"Of course I'm Marcus. I want her here because she's a brilliant lawyer. she's very smart and I'm sure we'll win many causes with her talent. I know she's married and I'll respect that. *At least... I'll try to resist her. He thought, "I also have Grace and I'm trying to move on with her. Don't worry." "I just want to ask you, Marcus. Please... I want Olivia to be my intern. tomorrow... as soon as she gets here, tell her to come into my room and don't say anything about me. I want to tell her..." Fitz said. "Fitz, Fitz..." Marcus shook his head and said okay. -

Olivia was at home with Michaela when her cell phone rang. "Hello? "Hi, Olivia. This is Marcus. Remember me?" "Hi, Marcus... of course I remember". "I'm calling to invite you. Congratulations on the diploma. Do you already have a job?" "No, I don't have a job yet...". "I have a great opportunity for you. I opened a law firm with a partner... we're selecting the best students who graduated with you and guess what? you're first on our list. your talent is known throughout the university. would you like to do an internship with us?". Olivia was all happy. "Of course I accept the invitation. I'm very happy to be first on the list." Marcus passed all the information on to her and said he's expecting her at the office tomorrow.

What will this reunion be like?

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