Chapter 8

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Fitz didn't know what to say to Mellie. "Come on... Fitz... answer me?" Mellie was angry. "No big deal... Mellie... her..." Fitz started to stutter. "Her asked me to have a private conversation... about personal problems in her life and thought it best to lock the door so that no one would interrupt us.
Mellie didn't believe anything he said, "Personal conversation? are you a law professor or a psychologist? Fitz, I'm not an idiot. Your student who left here is a very beautiful woman, do you want me to believe that you were alone with her... for a personal conversation in her life?" Fitz said it was just that. Mellie got angry and left.

Fitz already tried to break up with Mellie once, but Mellie came back saying that she loved Fitz very much and couldn't live without him. *I need to break up with Mellie and stay with Olivia," thought Fitz. he went house.

Mellie knew there was something strange going on between Fitz and the student. Her felt threatened as a woman... and decided to propose to Fitz that they have a child together. when Fitz got home... Mellie was waiting. "Fitz... I'm sorry. I got jealous. because your student is very beautiful and also younger than me... you know... I was thinking and I think I'm going to stop taking contraceptives... I think we should have a child to unite us even more as a couple."

"Mellie, we're not having a baby now. You know very well that our relationship is not the same as before... you know... I think we should end our relationship. I like you, but now just as a friend... if you need me I'll always be here to help you. but I don't love you anymore as a woman, Mellie. that's the truth" Fitz opened her heart to her.

Mellie was furious at Fitz. "I knew it, Fitz... you're flirting with that student... you were fucking her in the classroom, right? you left me for her because she's prettier? is that it? Fitz, I love you so much... please don't abandon me. I don't know how to live without you." she started screaming. "Mellie, don't ever repeat that. are you crazy? if someone hears you say I'm having sex with a student. that could ruin my career forever and still hurt Olivia. our dating is over, Mellie. it's over... I don't want to hurt you. but it's over.". Fitz said. "Olivia? is already calling her by her name. Fitz, I know you're nervous now. Tomorrow we'll talk better... I'm going to sleep at my mother's.". Mellie left.

Fitz could only think of Olivia. He took a shower and soon got into the car again.
Fitz stopped the car on the street where Olivia lives and sent a message to her "Olivia, I'm here in the car, where I left you on the day of the ride. come here? please... I really need to talk to you."

Olivia was watching a movie with Abby when her cell phone showed Fitz message. Olivia looked at the message and was happy and nervous at the same time. "Abby, it's Fitz... he's texting me. saying he's here by the street and he wants me to meet him. what do I do? "Liv, you like him. So it's no use pretending you don't like him. You're in love with Fitz... so you'll... go soon. but be very careful, don't let anyone see you. you know this could hurt your professional future." said Abby. "You're right, Abby. I think I'm in love with him. I don't know what to do... I want him, I want to kiss his mouth and make love to him... but I know that's against the rules of college. I'm afraid of damaging his career as a teacher and my future in college. Olivia was honest with Abby. "Liv, you two are going to have to come up with a plan not to be seen together. But now... go soon... go get your man. just don't forget to tell me later if his penis is big and thick." Abby and Olivia laughed.

Olivia changed her clothes and went down to talk to Fitz. her got in the car and said "Hi"

"Hi".... Fitz answered. "What are you doing here? Are you crazy? Somebody might see you here and suspect you," her said. "I'm crazy about you... Olivia Pope. I can't take it anymore, I want you, I want you... forgive me... forgive me for leaving you alone, I was confused about our teacher-student relationship. but now I'm sure what I want. you still want me?" he asked.
Olivia looked at him and said "You are forgiven... and yes... I want you, I want you very much.". Olivia jumped into Fitz lap and kissed him.

The kiss started to get hotter and hotter. That's when Olivia said... "Last time our kiss got that hot. I tried... I tried..." she stuttered. "I tried to have sex with you and you didn't want to. So... I don't know how to act now." Olivia was sincere. "You know why I said no to our sex that day? first because I was feeling very guilty, for reasons you already know and also because our first sex has to be special. in my bed or your... not in my car. then... we go house? we go to my bed? I want to make love to you all night." he said.

Olivia got all goose bumps and smiled. "You know how to use the right words. Yes, let's go to your house. But... where is your woman? Olivia asked. "My woman... is you, Olivia Pope. I'm done with Mellie. The house is empty and we can be together all night. if you want...". "Let's go," her said.

I can't believe you're here in my house and we've just made love," said Fitz... Olivia smiled and said, "Now I won't be able to pay attention in your classes because I'll remember your penis. Professor Grant." Fitz started laughing. Olivia soon began to think about the reality of their lives together. "Fitz, we need to talk about our reality. what are we going to do? how are we going to meet?" her made a sad face. "Liv. can I call you Liv?" her nodded yes. "Liv... I promise we'll talk about it. But now... I want to kiss you and I want to make love to you again. I don't want to talk about our reality now. okay?" Olivia smiled and said he was right.

Olivia and Fitz had sex in various positions..... - "I'm very tired... I didn't know you were in such a good mood. You broke up my pussy. Fitz," the two of them laughed together. "Now... let's talk about our reality. About our complicated relationship," said Fitz.

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