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A few weeks later... Olivia and Michaela moved into Fitz house.

Olivia and Fitz were finally living everything they dreamed... of together without them having to hide and enjoy family life with Michaela.

Michaela and Fitz were playing in the pool. Olivia was watching them both and smiling, "Fitz, it's time for Michaela to get out of the pool and get some sleep. she's been agitated all day and it's your fault. you two look like you have infinite batteries." she joked.

Olivia bathed Michaela and put her to sleep.

Fitz hugged Olivia and said, "I'm the happiest man in the world." Olivia kissed him. "Fitz, since tomorrow's the weekend... we can make dinner with my family and yours. we never made a family dinner. my mom and dad went to my old house with Justin. i still haven't said i'm separated. we can officially introduce ourselves as a couple to them." she said.

Fitz agreed with Olivia idea.

They lay in bed to sleep. Olivia climbed over Fitz body and the two of them started a hot kiss. Fitz squeezed her ass and said, "Are you out of panties? I love it." Michaela cried in her room and got in the way of the couple's plans. they started laughing. "Now I understand when they say that a child won't let his mother and father have sex..." said Fitz. Olivia laughed.

"Good morning, love of my life," said Fitz. "Good morning, baby. Am I the love of your life?" she asked with a smile. "You know you are..." "I love you, baby." answered Olivia. -- Olivia and Fitz warned about the family dinner. "Will your mother and father like me? You know... Mellie and Grace are white and completely different from me." Olivia said with a serious expression. "Liv, I'll be honest with you. my mother I'm sure she'll love you and Michaela. my father... he's always made disgusting, racist comments... and I've always fought him for that. I've walked away from my family because my father is a controlling, sexist and racist. my father who dare not offend you and Michaela in front of me..." said Fitz. "And my father... has that thought... that as a black woman, I have to marry a black man. he met Justin and didn't like the fact that he was white. he liked Edison. is it going to be a good idea this meeting? could end in a big fight between our families." Olivia confessed. "One hour this meeting would have to happen, Liv. So... let's continue with our dinner," he said. Olivia agreed.
A few hours later... Olivia and Fitz prepared dinner and were waiting for their families to arrive. when the bell rang... Olivia family came first. Maya soon hugged Olivia and Michaela. "How beautiful my granddaughter looks," she said. Eli looked at Fitz with a strange face and said, "Olivia, wasn't your husband another white man? who is that? what's going on here?" said Eli. "Father, stop...". "Eli, is that any way to talk to our daughter in front of her boyfriend? Maya tried to solve the situation. "Dad, me and Fitz are going to explain everything to you. But we're going to wait for his family to come too and then we'll explain everything all at once...". Eli didn't like the situation at all. "Maya, have you noticed that Michaela and Fitz's eyes are the same? Olivia tricked us into saying that Michaela was the daughter of that other white man, Justin. What is Olivia doing with her life? "Eli, she's an adult woman. Let's wait and see what she has to say. shut up." Maya said.

Fitz opened the door... his mother Georgia hugged her son. she looked at Michaela and smiled. "Fitz, this beautiful girl is your daughter? the eyes...". "Mom, I'll explain everything to you in a little while." Fitz found out about Michaela recently and he hadn't told his family yet.

Jerry entered the house, talked to Fitz and started looking at Olivia and her family with a strange face. "Father, if you make any racist comments here today, I'll put you out of my house myself," said Fitz.

"Calm down, Fitz. I just want to understand what's going on here. The last girlfriend you took to our house, after Mellie. was a blonde... Grace the name, right? so who's that black woman there?" Jerry asked ironically. "It's the woman I love and I hope you respect that," said Fitz. -

Olivia and Fitz asked everyone to sit at the table. So... they started talking... Olivia took Michaela in her arms and said, "I know you all don't understand anything. That's why Fitz and I are going to explain everything that happened... since the beginning of our story.". Eli interrupted, "Daughter, start by telling me... who is this white man with blue eyes and where did you meet him? Maya slapped Eli. "I told you to shut up, Eli." "Dad, Fitz... I met him in college... he was my teacher." admitted Olivia.

Everyone was in shock. "What? you're telling me that this white man, much older than you were your teacher in college? he seduced you? these white men think they can do what they want. but not with my daughter." Olivia shouted "Dad, stop. I'm an adult woman. when I met Fitz... he was my teacher. but he didn't seduce me. I stayed with him... because I was attracted to him and because I fell in love with him. in short... I had to separate myself from him for obvious reasons. so I married Justin. and I lied to you... Michaela is Fitz daughter." she confessed.

"Obviously Michaela is not that Justin daughter. we're not idiots. Olivia, I helped you pay for college to graduate and become the best lawyer in this country. not for you to sleep with your teacher. what a disappointment." Eli got up from the table and went into the garden alone. "Liv, you're a adult woman and you know what's best for you. If you say you love Fitz... I don't care if he was your teacher. I care about your happiness. you and Fitz make a beautiful couple and gave me a beautiful granddaughter." Maya hugged them both and got up from the table to talk to Eli in the garden. -

Fitz's mother was crying. She didn't know she had a granddaughter and was very happy to find out. "Because are you crying, Mom?" . "Don't worry, I'm crying with happiness... because I found out I have a beautiful granddaughter... Olivia is a beautiful woman and I can see in your eyes that there is real love here" Olivia took Michaela into the lap of Georgia and went into the garden to talk to her parents.

Fitz took advantage of Olivia departure and went to talk to his father, "Aren't you going to say anything? Michaela is your granddaughter. Aren't you going to hug her?". Jerry answered, "If you wanted to fuck a bitch student. that's okay... this Olivia is really hot. you should have slept with her and that's all. but you got her pregnant... you're crazy? if someone finds out about this story, it'll ruin your law firm and still get our family name dirty. you still gave me a granddaughter who's half black and half white? I don't believe it." Fitz was furious. "First of all, I've never had sex with my students. Olivia is not a bitch, I had sex with her because I love her and not just for her body. Liv is the woman of my life and I want you to respect her... Michaela is a beautiful, intelligent, healthy child. and that's what matters. you're a despicable racist... I warned you to keep these disgusting comments to yourself. I will not allow you to offend my family. go away from my house now, Big Jerry...".

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