Chapter 19

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Michaela was tired and then she slept. Olivia and Fitz went up together to put their daughter in the cradle. The flirtation between them was getting stronger.

They left her asleep and went to talk. "Thanks for letting me come here today, I'm very happy to be present in Michaela life." he said. "No need to thank me... you're her father and I always knew you'd be an amazing father." she smiled. They were flirting without realizing it. "Do you want to see the house? I can show you." she asked. He said yes and they walked through everywhere comfortable.

On the wall was a family photo with *Olivia, Michaela and Justin* Fitz looked and didn't like it. *This guy Justin... he stole my family* Fitz thought. He was getting sad about it.

Olivia realized that Fitz was sad and came closer to him to make care to his face. "I know what you're thinking... that this is a family photo and that it should be you next to me and Michaela." Olivia said. "I'm not thinking anything..." he lied. "Fitz, I know you very well. Your expression changed after seeing this picture." Olivia went closer to him... and hugged Fitz. She put her hand on his hair and started caressing it... "You don't have to be sad, regardless of my marriage to Justin. Michaela is your daughter," she said while she was with her hands on his hair. They were facing each other, with their eyes fixed on each other and their lips close together... when he said, "What about you? I want my family back. I want the woman I love and my daughter." Olivia completely forgot where she was, she kissed Fitz lips.  A soft kiss, she started slowly... then she stuck her tongue in his mouth and the kiss got hot. Fitz squeezed her ass... they were rubbing each other. Fitz put her against the wall... and started kissing her neck.
When they heard the noise of Justin car outside, they stopped immediately.

Justin walked into the house and the two of them pretended nothing had happened. Fitz was happy with Olivia kiss and so he decided to talk to Justin. "I'm leaving... Justin. Now I've got your name right. Bye... Olivia, Can you come with me to the car? For us to finish our conversation." Olivia agreed.

Justin wasn't enjoying Fitz behavior around Olivia at all.

When they got outside... Fitz said quietly in her ear "Tomorrow at the office... I want to continue this delicious kiss you gave me...". "Fitz" she smiled. "You and I have a strong attraction for each other. I'll wait for you at the office tomorrow. Good night... the most beautiful woman I've ever seen in mine life." Olivia couldn't stop smiling. "Good night, Fitz..." he got in the car and left. -

When Fitz got home. Grace was waiting for him. "Where were you? Fitz... we need to talk seriously. Since you started working in this office, you don't give me any more attention, you don't remember me anymore... nor do we have sex anymore. what's going on? are you cheating on me?

Fitz thought about telling Grace the truth. but he couldn't. It was too cruel to tell her that he had sex with Olivia, that he kissed Olivia a few minutes ago... that he loved Olivia and that she was just an attempt at a relationship that went wrong.

When Olivia came back into the house. Justin was standing there with a serious face. She asked, "What is it, Justin? "I asked you if you still love Grant and you didn't answer me. Now... I'm going to ask you again, you still love Grant... Olivia?" Justin asked with a sad expression. "Justin, I don't want to hurt you..." she stuttered. "Olivia, you're not going to hurt me. I just want to know the truth," he answered. "Yes, I still love Fitz." she finally admitted to Justin.

Justin already knew that would be the answer. he knew Olivia didn't love him. but he loved her too much and he wanted to stay with her, thinking that just his love would be enough to make her forget Fitz. "Olivia, I'll be honest... I already knew you didn't love me. I just didn't know who the man you loved was. Now that I do, it's easier to fight for you... I'm willing to fight for your love. because I love you..." said Justin.

Olivia didn't know what to answer. she was happy to know that there are two men willing to fight for her love. she knows that Fitz will always win this fight for her heart. but she wouldn't take away Justin's right to fight for her too. "Justin, I need to tell you something. I can't hide it anymore..." Olivia had finally taken courage to tell him that she had sex with Fitz. but Justin was afraid of what she was going to say. so he preferred not to know.

He interrupted. "No, Olivia. I don't care. please don't say anything. let's go to sleep." Olivia didn't understand. but she agreed. they went to sleep.

It was just another day.

Olivia left for the internship and left Michaela with Justin as she always does. -

When she arrived at the office and entered Fitz's room, she had her back to hang her coat and Fitz grabbed her from behind... "Fitz, you're crazy...". "Yes, I told you I'm crazy about you," she started laughing. "Wow, Liv... how hot your ass is." "Fitz, you're a pervert," she joked. "I want to continue that juicy kiss you gave me yesterday and was interrupted by your ex-husband. Fitz laughed and Olivia couldn't stop laughing at Fitz jokes. "He asked me yesterday, after you left... if I still loved you." she said now with serious expression. "And you answered what?". "Yes..." she said. Fitz was all happy. "So you're getting a divorce?" "I tried to tell him that I had sex with you. because this lie is making me sick. but he wouldn't listen. he seems to imagine what I'm going to say and he's afraid of losing me. he said he's willing to fight you to win my heart." Fitz soon said, "He wants to fight me for his heart? then I accept that fight. your heart is my Olivia Pope and I want to see this Justin get it out of me." Olivia smiled. "Now... I want to kiss that hot mouth of yours..." he said. she agreed and they kissed.
When Olivia was leaving Fitz room and walking down the hallway all smiling. Grace looked at her and said, "May I ask why you left my boyfriend room with that happy bitch face?"

Olivia was furious. "What did you call me? A bitch? That's what I heard?" asked Olivia.

Grace debated, "Yes, I called you a bitch. You did just leave my boyfriend. Let me guess, Fitz is your boss at the internship and you're offering your pussy to him... in exchange for advantages in the law firm?" When Grace said that. Olivia remembered that Mellie said the same thing. The two insinuated that she is a bitch and that all she wants from Fitz are advantages. She was furious and decided to tell the whole truth to Grace face. "You know what? I'm tired of you white women wanting to imply that I'm a bitch, that I need sex to grow professionally and that all Fitz wants from me is sex. You want to know the truth Grace? My name is Olivia Pope. I graduated in law, you want to know how I'm known to everyone in college? As the best student, number one. I don't need to have sex with anyone to ensure internship. Fitz and Marcus hired me because they consider me the best. You want to know the best part? Fitz is only with you because I ended our relationship in the past. Fitz loves me, he's in love with me..." Olivia was tired of so many humiliations and she decided to rub the truth in Grace face.
Grace was paralyzed and exploding with anger inside with Olivia words.
She kept talking... "I'm sorry to tell you... but... your boyfriend loves me, he wants me, he's crazy about me. You're a white woman with blonde hair, you think you're the ideal woman for Fitz? but you're not... he's in love with me and I'm a black woman, with great pride. Has he ever said he loves you? Has he ever asked you to marry him? I bet he hasn't. Because he wants to marry me... if you have any doubt about what I said... go there and ask Fitz. Bye Grace... " Olivia debated and went back to work.

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