Chapter 9

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Olivia started talking... "Fitz, I know we can't be a normal couple. who go to dinner and parties together. I know we're going to have to live in hiding and afraid of someone finding us out. at least until I graduate from college. I know all that. but the truth is... I'm willing to live this with you. I want this. I want you. you're now mine, my hot teacher." she said with the biggest smile on her face.

Fitz was surprised by her words. "I thought... that you wouldn't agree to live like this. hiding with me. Liv, at the moment this is the only way we can be together, without me losing my job and without you losing your college. but I promise you. that one day we'll be able to go out to dinner together." Olivia smiled and hugged Fitz. "I want to kiss you in college tomorrow. I don't want to have to wait." Olivia laughed. "There's an abandoned classroom that no teacher uses and I can get the key. tomorrow I'll show you the classroom. Fitz explained. "I'm going to sleep here with you tonight and tomorrow I'm going to leave a little before you. so you don't take any chances." she said. Fitz agreed. Fitz grabbed Olivia and started kissing her neck "let's have more sex... I'm addicted to making you moan. Olivia Pope." Fitz confessed, "My pussy hasn't recovered yet and you want more?"

It was just another day. Olivia left very early and took care not to wake up Fitz. She watched him sleep and smiled.

Liv, I guess last night was pretty good with the teacher. you're going to tell me everything.
Olivia started to tell... "Abby, I don't even know how to explain it. it was all perfect. he treated me like a queen. he really likes me and he's willing to fight for what we're feeling. and... the part that I know you want to know... we had sex several times. Abby, you have no idea how that man knows how to make a woman cumming." "Liv, you're very lucky. to have all that muscular teacher for you." they laughed.

Abby reminded Olivia of a detail she had forgotten. "Edison was here looking for you and was very angry because you disappeared." was when Olivia remembered that she didn't break up with Edison. "Damn it, Abby. I completely forgot about Edison. Then I'll talk to him." Olivia and Abby arrived at Fitz class. She sat down and smiled at him.
In the middle of class, a student, Taylor... made a comment about Fitz near Olivia... she couldn't cover her jealousy. "Girls, have you seen how hot Professor Grant is? I'm going to fuck him. you can wait."

Olivia soon answered... "No, Taylor... you're not going to fuck Professor Grant... because... he has a... girlfriend." she stuttered and spoke in anger. Abby watched and gave Olivia an expression to stop talking. "What? Olivia... why did you get so nervous? I don't care if he dates that teacher Mellie. I'm younger than her and prettier than her. he'll prefer to fuck me. Taylor laughed. "Taylor, stop being ridiculous. the teacher won't want to fuck you. because he already has a woman... that he's in love and he wants to.". Olivia spoke without thinking. Abby interrupted, "Olivia, stop talking... let's pay attention in class." Taylor thought it was strange how Olivia had talked about the teacher, but she stopped talking.

The class is over.

Abby soon went to talk to Olivia about her jealous scene. "Liv, are you crazy? you practically told her that you're the teacher's girlfriend. you made a scene of jealousy. do you want Taylor to find out and tell everyone?" Abby said she was worried about Olivia. "You're right... Abby... I was jealous. The way Taylor said she'd fuck him. I hate these girls wanting Fitz. He's my teacher." Abby laughed at Olivia jealousy.

Fitz made a sign for Olivia to follow him and they were kissing for a few minutes in the abandoned classroom. then they left, in separate cars.

When Olivia got home, she found Edison waiting at the door.

"Hi, Edison... we need to talk." said Olivia. Edison pretended not to understand what she was talking about and went to try to kiss Olivia. She pushed, "No, Edison..." "What's the matter, baby? I'm in the mood to have sex with you. Let's go to your room..." said Edison. "Edison, we're not going to have sex. I think it was a mistake we two together again. it didn't work out the first time and it didn't work out now. I'm sorry, but I like someone else. please go away. hope you understand me. wish you'd be happy." Edison was very angry with Olivia, but he continues to deny reality. "Edison started laughing. Olivia didn't understand. "What are you laughing at?" she asked. "You, baby... you're out of humor today... what is it? I'll give you a massage. or I'll buy you food. what do you want? "Edison... are you crazy? didn't you hear what I said? get out of my house." Olivia started screaming.

Edison held her arm very tightly. "Edison, you're hurting me." Olivia said nervously. "Olivia, listen to what I'm going to tell you... you're not going to break up with me. you're my girlfriend, my... I'm going out now. to let you think about it and I'll come back tonight. you understand? I come back to us to sleep together and have sex." Edison spoke and left.

Olivia started crying from fear of Edison. she was alone at home.

Olivia stayed in her room crying when Fitz called. "Hi, my little Liv. how are you? I miss you," said Fitz. she answered "Hi" in a strange voice. "Liv, your voice is strange. What happened?" "Nothing" she lied. "Olivia... what happened?" he insisted and she decided to tell. "When I got here, Edison was here... I told him I was going to break up with him. that he was going to leave my house and he got violent. he hurt my arm and said he's coming back tonight. and that... that... she started to stutter. "What else? Fitz asked worried. "That she will sleep with me and have sex with me. I'm scared. because Abby is sleeping with David at his house tonight. and I don't want to call her and bother her. so... I'm scared that Edison will try to rape me. I don't know what he can do. it looks like he's crazy." said Olivia crying.

Fitz was furious. "What? I'm going to your house now. I'm going to sleep with you and when that man's junk shows up, I'm going to punch him in the face so hard. He's not going to touch you, Liv..." "No, Fitz... you won't do that. you won't come to my house. it's too risky for you. someone can see you. if Edison finds out you're my teacher. he'll ruin our lives. you can't hit him either, baby. he'll figure out who you are and he'll harm you in college. no, please. I'll fix it." said nervous Olivia. "So, you come to sleep here in my house. You won't be alone. Liv," he said. "No, baby. your house is also risky. that day was wonderful. but it's risky. i'll figure it out. i'll call Abby. it's quiet." she said. Olivia said goodbye to Fitz and turned off her cell phone.

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