1. To experience

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Setting her phone to a side, Suchitra, who was going through facts about Mahabharat, turned to her sister who sat beside her.

"I still wonder, why had Bheem insulted Karna? And why did Karna choose to side with Duryodhana?"

Madirakshi smiled, a glint of knowledge in her eyes sparkled, "Karna was always neglected. Even insulted at many times."

"Affection and care— the two things he always craved for were first handed to him by Duryodhana." She added.

"There could have been a change for good if Rajmata Kunti had revealed her secret regarding Karna." Madirakshi paused, " But it didn't happen. Perhaps this is what we call Vidhi ka Vidhan."

Suchitra nodded, humming softly." I was wondering, what if Karna fought from the side of the Pandavas. But the sad part is, what has already occurred cannot be changed." She sighed while her sister nodded.

After a brief silence, she spoke puckishly, "Do you want to experience the good change?"

Madirakshi giggled on listening to her younger sister, "Why not. For the betterment!"

In the beautiful heaven, Arjun was on a  walk. He looked around, all his relatives were busy with some or the other things. After descending to Savarga, they attained the godly state— now serene and free from anger."

Looking around, his eyes stopped at his eldest brother. Karna!

Karna was talking to Yudhishthir and Nakul. Arjun smiled sadly, thinking what if he could have found the secret about his brother much before the battle.

How beautiful could have the experience been?

"What happened, Parth?" He looked back at the owner of the voice, much easy for him to recognize.

"Nothing much, Madhav."

It's the Supreme one, Krishna!

"Really?" Krishna asked, glint of playfulness in his voice. "Weren't you thinking about bhrata Karna?"

"It's no surprising, that you know everything," Arjun smiled.

Krishna smiled too as Arjun spoke, "Keshav, I wish..." he pause for a moment, before speaking again, "If I could know the secret about my Karna bhaiya, before."

"Keshav, Arjun join us." It was Karna and Yudhishthir.

"Yes, we're going to Bheem bhaiya and Sahadev." Nakul added.

"Coming," Arjun replied

"Let's go Madhav."

"You go, I'll be coming" Krishna smiled.

"Alright, as you say."

Krishna smiled as he looked at the retreating figure of his friend.

An experience. He thought.

Dwapar Yuga

Maharaj Jaydev and Maharani Sulochana, the royals of Mayurvan have been childless for years. Unable to find a solution to obtain a child, the couple visit Rishi Durvasa, for help.

"You have been chosen to be the parents of children who shall bring about a big change, for a betterment."

Under his guidance, they performed a yagna to Chandra Dev. Soon, they were blessed with a daughter. Silvery skin, like the moon, with beautiful intoxicating eyes— Madirakshi was born.

She came to be known as Gaurika, damsel with milk-like complexion. Chandrika, because her beautiful features shone like the moon-light and Chandrajaa, being Chandradev's daughter.

Two years post her birth, they were blessed with another daughter, Suchitra; another blessing, born to help her sister.


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