16. Unknown yet known

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Suchitra was tensed when Madirakshi didn't come back. The latter was taking more than the usual.

Worried, she decided to find her sister.
She walked through the forest, matching Madirakshi's footprints, and soon found her with Karna.

Her attention diverted to Madirakshi's wound, extremely concerned, she asked about it— Madirakshi told her that she was fine and that Karna helped her.

Suchitra was thankful to Karna, who nodded with a courteous smile, telling her that he did nothing much. They exchanged a small, delighted conversation before returning to the palace.

Thankfully, the princesses had come on a chariot, which they had hidden near the forest. With which, they rode back to the palace.

"You aren't this clumsy to get hurt Chandrika, what happened today?" Sulochana said concerned as she treated her daughter's wound.

"It just happened, Ma. Though, I'm fine now," Madirakshi gave a small smile, as she exchanged glances with her sister.

"And who tied this?" Her mother asked, referring to the cloth tied around her foot.

"Ma, Angraj Karn was crossing through there. He helped didi." Suchitra replied.

"So kind of him," Sulochana given a  genuine smile.

Madirakshi smiled while Suchitra spoke, "Yes, he's a generous and kind man, Ma."

"Indeed, it seems like that." Sulochana smiled as she treated Madirakshi's foot.

"It's done." Sulochana smiled at her elder daughter, "Now you rest." She smiled, palming her daughter's cheek.

Madirakshi smiled sweetly.

Sulochana turned to leave when Madirakshi lean near Suchitra, who was sitting beside her, "Get that cloth, sister." She whispered, Suchitra grinned.

"Ma!" Suchitra quickly ran beside her mother.

"What happened, Suchitra?" Sulochana looked at her puzzled.

"Ma, I'll clean that cloth. You must have other duties to handle as well."

"But any dasi can clean it,"

"No, give it to me, Ma. I'll use it somewhere! Please." Suchitra made the best puppy face ever.

"Alright!" Sulochana chuckled, though suspicious she didn't show it.

Suchitra took it and turned to leave.

"Suchitra," her mother called.

"Yes, Ma?"

"Please get eleven lotuses for Lakshmi puja,"

"Oh sure, Ma."

A small lake was situated near the forest, which was more like a big pond. Suchitra entered the water, plucking the lotus flowers, and kept them in her basket.

"Ten," she counted, "One more," she whispered and looked around the pond.

"There!" She sighed as she spotted out her last lotus.

She went there and was about to hold it from its receptacle, when an other hand— larger than her— came near the receptacle too.

She noticed it was manly hand. She perplexed, narrowed her eyebrows, and then looked up to the person's face.

It was a young man, Brahmin, to be specific.

Suchitra was mesmerized seeing him. He was handsome indeed. Beautifully dark in complexion.

Both of them kept looking in each other's eyes until Suchitra herself finished the staring game. She looked down, pushing her hair lock behind her ear, and mentally scolded herself. The young Brahmin too looked here and there, finding the situation awkward.

"Excuse me, Brahmin Kumar, you can have this lotus." She said softly, and the Brahmin looked up.

"No devi, it's okay. You take it," the Brahmin smiled. "I'll search another."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, devi,"

"Thank you," She smiled at him.

She noticed, though he was a Brahmin— his hands seemed to be rough and skillful like a Kshtriya (warrior). This made Suchitra suspicious about him.

"I never saw you here, Brahmin Kumar," Suchitra said politely, making him nervous.

"Have you come here for the first time?" She asked.

"Uh, yes devi, I've been just passing through," he stammered, seemed slightly nervous, and awkward.

"Oh, okay," she replied. "I shall take my leave then, pranam!"

"Pranam devi!" The Brahmin replied as Suchitra took the lotus and turned to leave.

He sighed in relief before smiling, lovingly looking at Suchitra. She turned her head slightly and caught him smiling at her. She, too, smiled beautifully as she walked ahead.

Suchitra accepted that she was indeed attracted to that Brahmin.

Arjun smilingly entered inside the hut, where Pandavas and Kunti were hiding in their agyatvaas.

"Bhrata Arjun, you got the lotus flowers— mother asked for," Sahadev asked, but Arjun was too lost in thoughts to reply him.

"Suchitra," Arjun whispered, which Sahadev heard.

"Suchitra?" Sahadev repeated, making their other three brothers alert.

"Suchitra is the name of which flower, dear Arjun?" Bheem teased while Yudhishthir smiled, looking his brothers, and the twins had a hard time controlling their laughter.

"Bhrata Arjun," Sahadev called.

"Who says love in blind? Love is deaf too, love makes people deaf!" Nakul laughed along with Sahadev and Bheem.

The sound of laughter brought Arjun out of thoughts.

"Uh, what happened?" He asked awkwardly.

"Well," Bheem trailed off, and again, the three burst into laughter.

Arjun looked here and there embarrassed.

"Arjun, did you get the lotuses?" Yudhishthir asked.

"Yes, Bhrata,"

"Then go and give that to Ma. She is in kitchen." Yudhishthir told, saving Arjun from the further tease.

Arjun smiled, nodding, and went inside.


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