5. Arriving at Hastinapur

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A few days later, the Mayuravan princesses arrived at Hastinapur. The members of the Kuru family— Kunti, Gandhari, Pitamaha Bhishma, Dhritarashtra, Vidur, Kripacharya and Dushala, the only Kuru princess— greeted them. Shakuni, Gandhari's brother, was one among the welcoming crowd as well.

Kunti was very fond of Madirakshi and Suchitra right from their childhood; she was like a second mother to them.

Madirakshi looked around the palace. Hastinapur was in a festive and joyous mood. Some days ago, a message from Dronacharya had reached the palace, informing them about the completion of the education of the princes' and their return.

The citizens and the royals of Hastinapur were overwhelmed. A joyous Dhritarashtra and Bhishma ordered for a grand tournament to be arranged to test the princes.

The arrangement for the tournament was in full swing and the most anticipated day had finally arrived.

The arena soon filled with the people, while Dhritarashtra, Pitamaha Bhishma, Kunti, Gandhari, Dushala, Vidur, Kripacharya and Shakuni took their seats.

Madirakshi and Suchitra sat along with Gandhari, Kunti and Dushala.

"Kunti, finally we're going to see our children after the long gap of 12 years!" The blindfolded Gandhari said excited.

"Oh yes dear sister, I'm too excited to see our sons,"

"I too can't wait to see all my brothers!" Said the excited Dushala while the other two girls giggled.

"Welcome all!" Drona said aloud, entering along the princes.

"You all shall now witness the unmatched skills of my students." He added.

"Interesting," Suchitra smiled softly.

"Indeed!" Dushala added.

"Be quiet and watch girls," Madirakshi chuckled.

Vidur explained the events taking place to Dhritarashtra and Kunti did the same for Gandhari.

And then, the most awaited moment finally arrived. The princes had to come as per their ages— the eldest to the youngest.

Yudhishthir was at the head, the first to enter the arena. Kunti had tears of joy and Gandhari was equally overwhelmed.

After the introduction formality Drona announced, "Now there will be our first act. The sword fight!"

With that, the fourth Pandava, Nakul, walked in against Vikarna, the third Kaurava prince.

After their duel, Drona announced the second act, the mace fight.

Bheem and Duryodhan— the two extremely strong mace warriors and arch enemies walked in. The heat of their enmity was visible in their eyes.

The fight got interesting as soon as these two powerful warriors entered the arena.

"I think, Bheemsen would win over Duryodhan!" Some whispered.

Bheem possessed the strength of a thousand elephants. All thanks to Duryodhan, who tried killing Bheem in their childhood but Bheem was saved by Naag Vasuki and was blessed with the power of thousand elephants.

"This is getting intense!" Madirakshi whispered concerned.

They fought with pure hatred! The fight was getting so intense that Drona had to interrupt indirectly.

"And now for the final act, I would like to welcome my favourite student, who is an ace archer, he is the third son of King Pandu and Kunti and the spiritual son of Lord Indra— Arjun!"

The crowd roared in excitement, and the princesses of Mayurvan felt a sudden zest for the Third Pandava.

Welcomed by the cheers of the audience, Arjun entered the arena. Everyone whispered about the handsome prince amongst each other. Silvery dark in complexion, he had the rarest shade of all.

However, his dark complexion was quite different to his ever charming and all attractive cousin, Krishna.

With his back straight, he was tall and lean, sporting dark black hair and thin lips.

"He has changed into a handsome man!" Madirakshi complimented.

"Indeed," Suchitra whispered. She, charmed by the attractive man in front of her. She felt a sudden excitement in her heart.

Kunti was so extremely happy to see her son.

With his back straight, he was tall and lean, sporting dark black hair and thin lips.

He started with the Agniastra, and then used the Varunastra to put off the fire.

The spectators cheered.

"Wow, this is amazing!" Suchitra whispered amazed.

Madirakshi watched Arjuna, their childhood friend, in awe.

Arjun keep on showing his unmatchable skills. Kunti was in tears seeing her skilled son.

Everyone cheered for prince Arjun.

A proud Drona came in, "My student Arjun has made me extremely proud. He is the best archer ever born. The best archer the world has ever seen!"

Drona continued but interrupted suddenly "The tournament has come to an end–"

"Stop!" A loud voice interrupted Drona, and all eyes turned towards its owner.


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