8. Kunti's Dilemma

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Kunti wanted to meet her long lost son Karna. But when she rose, after everyone left, he too had already left.

She wanted to apologise to him, to love him, to remove his tears and to confess to this cruel world that Karna was her son.

Later, her five beloved sons arrived to meet her. Finally they were all together after a long gap of 12 years.

Kunti laughed along with her sons. But her mind was still occupied by Karna.

"Today, you made the Kurus proud, Arjun!" Kunti smiled.

"This means that the bow is a better weapon compared to the mace. I told you Bhrata Bheem!" Arjun said teasing Bheem and the latter glared at him.

"Oh dear Arjun, the bow looks great in your hand and mace in Bheem's." Yudhishthir the eldest and the most gentle one said.

"Listen!" Bheem said sarcastically, agreeing to what Yudhishthir said and hit Arjun on his back as all laughed.

"Whatever," Arjun replied brushing the argument off.

"I wish all you always stay like this." Kunti smiled softly.

"Don't worry, ma! We five brothers are like five fingers. If only one is missing, we feels incomplete and when we five are together— we don't need the sixth!" Arjun smiled, little did he knew whatever he said he would regret afterwards.

Kunti's smile faded, but she immediately put on another smile. She was a strong woman, when it came to keeping secrets.

"Yes Bhrata Arjun, you're right and Bheem bhaiya is the thumb among us!" Nakul said as all laughed.

"You joke a lot nowadays, dear Nakul!" Bheem said sarcastically as shook Nakul with his one arm around Nakul's shoulder and all laughed more.

"By the way, Ma we heard that Madirakshi and Suchitra have also came." Sahadev said.

"You heard right, bhrata Sahadev!"

All turned towards the door, finding the princesses of Mayurvan and Dushala, their dear sister. Overwhelmed, the Pandavas stood up.

Suchitra looked at Arjun lovingly before moving her gaze quickly to the other Pandavas. 

They had seen these three girls when they were small kids, and now they had grown into beautiful women.

"My sons, try to recognise them. Who do you think is Madirakshi, Suchitra and your beloved sister, Dushala?" Kunti laughed as the girls giggled.

"Wait wait, I can tell!" Nakul exclaimed.

"She's our sister— Dushala!" The twins, Nakul and Sahadev replied together.

"Oh bhaiya! You both are great!" Dushala said happily.

"Alright now my turn," Bheem said "she's our kind hearted, Chandrajaa Madirakshi!" He smiled pointing towards Madirakshi.

"Great Bhrata Bheem!" Madirakshi smiled proudly.

Yudhishthir smiled at them.

"And she's is–" Sahadev was interrupted by Arjun

"Suchitra!" Arjun said, all lost in the girl with rosy tinted thin cheeks.

Unknown to all, Arjun was looking at Suchitra all this while. He had been enamored by her beauty. He had missed her and Madirakshi all these years. And now when he returned, he fallen for her at the first sight.

"Suchitra!" He said again with a normal smile as his traced broke.

"Oh Arjun, I knew it! You would definitely recognise me!" Suchitra laughed with others as Arjun smiled.

Suchitra instantly blushed as she caught Arjun looking at her for a longer time.

At night, Arjuna stood in the balcony watching the beautiful moon that glistened in the darkness.

His mind was occupied with Suchitra; her laughter, antics, smiles and the way she enjoyed everyone's company. She was unbounded and carefree, a quality he always liked about her.

Madirakshi, for him, was a good friend, a very good friend and sister. But his feelings for Suchitra were different, was something more.

Arjun smiled thinking of Suchitra, the only girl he loved all these years.


He turned as soon as he heard a soft call. It was the girl in his mind, the second princess of Mayurvan— Suchitra.

"Chitra come!"

He said, his lips stretching into a smile while she walked upto him.

Suchitra looked him. In the night, his prominent dark colour almost made him look as if he had a shiny silver complexion. He was lithe but well built, quite like his unknown eldest brother, Karna.

When Suchitra realised she had been looking at Arjun for more than the usual again, she quickly lowered her gaze and fiddled with her fingers shyly.

Arjun had been observing Suchitra and he found his job quite interesting. He loved the way she blushed.

"You were really amazing today! I wasn't able to compliment you before, so I thought..." She complimented, turning back to her friendly mode.

"Thank you so much, Chitra!" He smiled.

Suchitra had long black wavy beautiful hair which end up just above her hips. She had almond like beautiful eyes.

Her complexion was rosy white. Her lips had a pretty pink shade and her waist slender.

Arjun really liked her outspoken nature. And not only this, he knew Suchitra was clever and smart as well.

"By the way, you've turned handsome."

"Well, is that a compliment?" Arjun asked, playing with her.

"Indeed!" She played along.

"Then thank you so much, your highness!" He replied dramatically.

"Oh I never mind!" Suchitra replied, the next moment they burst into laughter.


Heya readers!
Finally chapter 8 is edited and published.
Sorry for being late, I was busy with entrance exam and then some personal matters.
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Stay tuned! 😉

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