18. Inviting able suitors

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Suchitra looked at her sister, as the latter dipped the end of a peacock feather in the natural red dye made of the hibiscus flower, and brought it to the canvas.

Fidgeting with her fingers, the younger sister called, "Didi."


"A Kshatriya princess can marry a Brahmin, right?" She asked, rolling her finger in her locks.

Madirakshi looked up from the canvas, giving Suchitra a suspicious look, "What did you ask? Look, don't hide anything from me!"

"Uh well, I met a Brahmin a few days ago," Suchitra replied honestly. "When I had gone to get the lotuses. He was young and quite good-looking."

"Oh, I see," Madirakshi smirked, "Tell me more."

"There is nothing more I know about him," Suchitra simply shrugged. "But yes, when I saw his hands, he seemed to be like a warrior."

"Hmm, interesting. What was his name?"

"His name!" Suchitra slapped her forehead in disbelief. "I forgot to ask."

"Wonderful!" Madirakshi sneered.

"But you didn't answer my question,"

"A Kshatriya princess can marry a Brahmin if she wants."

"Oh, got it," Suchitra murmured, while Madirakshi smiled listening to her sister, and continued with her painting.

Another afternoon in the prosperous city of Dwarka, when Balram, holding a parchment in his hand walked into Krishna's chamber.

"Kanha, did you read the message which came from Panchal?" Balram looked at his younger brother.

"I know Dau, we're invited as the chief guest for the swayamvar of Panchal Princess." Krishna smiled.

"Exactly," Balram replied. "I've heard the great kings and princes of all across the Bharatvarsh would be arriving there. But what about the Pandavas? How are they going to get there?"

"They will come to the swayamvar for sure because the next chapter of their lives will begin from there! That's their destiny. Don't worry, Dau."

"That means, the time for us to meet the Pandavas is near."

"Only the left four Pandava brothers.  We've already met Bhrata Bheemsen when he came to Dwarka last time. Remember?!"

Balram sneered sarcastically, "Your Bhrata Bheem had come to learn mace only. Remember?!"

Listening to Balram's annoyed tone, Krishna couldn't help laughing.

Yudhishthir was a seeker. So was Arjun. Ever since the treachery of Lakshagrah had taken place, the Pandavas went into hiding. Living as and in the company of Brahmins came as a good opportunity to Yudhishthir and Arjun, who would love to sit along and listen to the learned sages.

It was yet another regular night, when Kunti and her sons had meal with the Rishis, and now were discussing on various topics, when a Rishi told them to go to Kampilya.

"Why Kampilya?" Kunti asked.

"Haven't you heard, Devi? King of Panchal is organizing a swayamvar for his daughter."

"How come?" Arjun looked at them confused, "Wasn't she born just a few months ago?"

"That's right! But she's not an ordinary girl. She is born young of the sacred fire, thus already a maiden. Her birth name is Krishnaa, but Drupad has given her the name Draupadi."

The Rishi replied and enlightened them about Draupadi's tale of birth.
King Drupad wanted a son to avenge his insult. He went to the great sages, Upyaja and Yaja, who asked him to conduct the yagya.

From that, came out a young man, Dhrishtdyumna, and then a maiden emerged from the raging fire. "Who is none other than, Princess Draupadi."

"The latter's birth was followed by the prophecy,"

"What's that, Rishi?" Yudhishthir asked.

"The dark-complexioned girl, in time, accomplish the purpose of gods. That she would change fate of Bharatvarsh." The sage acquainted.

"I suggest you to go there too, along with your sons. You will get enough alms to last you a lifetime." Another sage said.

Later that night, Pandavas and Kunti were trying to fall asleep, inside their hut. When Nakul spoke, "The ceremony must be worth seeing."

"Of course," Yudhishthir smiled.

"Yes, remember what the Rishis said," Arjun said, turning towards his brothers, "The swayamvar will be an unparalleled one."

"King from all over the Bharatvarsh will be there," Sahadev spoke.

"And the Yadavs of Dwarka are invited as the guest too," Bheem added.

"Then, we must go there, Ma." Yudhishthir looked at Kunti.

"Why not?" Kunti smiled, "And, even I wish to meet Draupadi."


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