11. Keeping sister's secret

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Suchitra knew her sister was hiding something.

She walked to Madirakshi's chamber and, without a warning, entered inside.

"What's going on with you?" Suchitra asked straight with arms folded.

"What?" perplexed, Madirakshi asked.

"You seems to be lost somewhere! I haven't seen you since morning. You didn't come to me, it was the first thing you used to do every morning. Something is there, you're hiding something from me. Tell me!"

"It's nothing Chitra,"

"No didi, that's a lie!"

"Why would I lie to you?"

Suchitra sighed. "You like someone, right?" She asked furrowing her brows as she sat in front of Madirakshi on the bed.

Madirakshi wasn't shocked, she knew that her sister knows her well.


"Yes or no" Suchitra interrupted impatiently.

"I don't know... or perhaps yes." Madirakshi bite her lip.

"And is that Angraj?" Suchitra streched each word.

"Uh yeah," Madirakshi hesitated.

"Oh yes! I knew it, didi!" Suchitra exclaimed out of happiness, while Madirakshi shushed her.

"Don't shout!" She scolded.

"Oh yes, sorry." Suchitra apologized, unable to hide her smile.

"So, all this happened on the day of Kala Pradarshan."

"How do you know that?" Madirakshi asked.

"Come on, what do you think of me? I'm your sister, and best friend after all!"

"That's true! But right now, I can't say anything confirm. The feeling is foreign to me." Madirakshi said with a small smile.

"Don't worry, will get to know that too." Suchitra cheered as her sister smiled.

"Come, let's go to the garden!" Dushala said pulling Madirakshi and Suchitra along.

They laughed at her cuteness, walking in the long corridors.

When suddenly Dushala said, "Oh wait!"

"What happened?" Suchitra asked confused, while Madirakshi too given a perplexed look.

"I've some work with Bhrata Duryodhan, it will take only take a while."

"Oh okay," Suchitra smiled.

Madirakshi as well nodded in yes. When she remember that now Karna must be there too.

It was been two days to their first meet and after that Madirakshi didn't dare to come in front of Karna.

"Uh... no I can't," Madirakshi said hesitating.

"Why Madirakshi? What happened?"

"What's wrong didi?" Suchitra whispered in her ear.

"Angraj must be there too!" Madirakshi whispered back.

"Don't worry, be normal and also I'm always here to keep my sister's secret!" Suchitra winked

"What's going on?" Dushala said suspiciously.

"Nothing. Let's go!" Suchitra told.

Karna sat with Duryodhan, talking to his new friend. It was only him and Duryodhan inside the eldest Kaurava's chamber.

"Bharata," Dushala called, gaining Karna and Duryodhan's attention.

"Oh Dushala come," Duryodhan smiled.

Madirakshi and Suchitra followed behind.

Karna looked at Madirakshi, but she didn't look at him once. He wasn't hurt, rather he was confused with her behaviour.

Suchitra, the silent spectator, nudged her sister and gestured to look at him, at the very least.

Slowly, Madirakshi looked up at Karna. He smiled at her, as she passed him a small smile.

Karna too wanted to see Madirakshi again, ever since he saw her for the first time. He didn't even know why.

Suchitra tried controlling her smile. She didn't care if Karna was a suta, she just knew one thing, that her sister was now in love with Angraj Karna and he was not any wrong person. And that was enough for her to support her sister.


Hello readers!
Edited chapter 11 is here!
And I want to tell you all a few things, that I'm changing in the book.

Firstly, I'm replacing city Avanti (which I've shown as Mayurvan capital) from a fictional city Himavanti, a city surrounded by the Himalayas.

Secondly, I'm also replacing Madirakshi's other name Avantika with the 'Gaurika', it means— a girl who is beautiful and fair in complexion. Like Draupadi's name is Krishnaa. I've already changed them in previous chapters.

I hope you're fine with this idea.

Please comment and hit the 🌟 button to vote.

Stay tuned! 😉

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