20. Suryaputra Karna

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He rode his stallion near a forest. The series of events at Draupadi's swayamvar wasn't in favor of Karna.

He was rejected by the princess of Panchal. It was witnessed by all, including the Pandavas, Krishna, and Balram. Duryodhan was raged with the insult of his friend. Even the sun, Lord Surya, who was Karna's only solace, was raging. Lord Surya rays raged upon the entire arena.

"He's such an able warrior. A follower of Dharma. Why does he have to face so much humiliation?" Balram felt pity.

"Dau, there is only one thing worrying me regarding Karna— though he's a follower of Dharma, he's supporting Adharma!" Krishna looked at Karna, concerned.

After Karna was back at his seat, there was no warrior left, which came as a good opportunity for Arjun, who was disguised as a brahmin. He participated and picked up the bow on Draupadi's request.

Quickly taking his position, he directly shooted the arrow upwards in one go by looking at its reflection in the water downwards.

All looked at the Brahmin in shock, not knowing his real identity. Except for Krishna, Draupadi, and Karna.

"Arjun," Karna whispered.

"What?" Duryodhan spoke as soon as he heard his friend, "No, Karna, Arjun, along with his brothers and mother, was burnt. Remember?"

Karna's heart ached as soon as Duryodhan mentioned Kunti's death, but nevertheless, he was happy because he knew Kunti was actually and as well as the Pandavas!

He still remembers the day he mistakenly heard Vidur revealing to Bhishma that Pandavas and Kunti were alive.

His memory was going back to the particular day, when his chains of thoughts were broken by Duryodhan.

"Karna?" Duryodhan called.

"Huh? Oh, sorry, yes, you're right. I was mistaken!" Karna lied, giving a small smile. He knew Duryodhan would create a scene if he got to know Arjun was here. Thus, he decided to lie.

"No worry. But I still wonder how a Brahmin is able to pick this divine bow." He looked at the center, perplexed.

Karna looked down before looking at his friend again, "I'm leaving for Anga, Duryodhan."

"Right now?" Duryodhan asked.

"Yes, I need to clear my mind,"

"We understand, you go," Ashwatthama spoke, who was listening to his friends' conversation. Karna nodded and immediately left.

Stopping his horse at an isolated place in the forest near a flowing stream of water, Karna climbed down his stallion. He moved forward, looking at the sun.

"Why I've to face so much of injustice?" He asked Lord Surya.

"Some people, even my parents, say to me that maybe I'm of celestial birth, and that's why I've these kundals and kavach."

His tone was calm, but sadness was evident in his voice.

"I don't know anything about my existence! Who are my real parents? That's the question I've been living with all these years. I want my answers today, Surya-Narayan!" He blurted out.

"Son," he turned as soon as he listened to a call of a serene voice.

There stood a being who carried the same serene and divine glow as Karna. Dressed in red attire. A divine energy could be felt around him.

Before Karna could ask anything, he said, "I'm Suryadev,"

Karna looked at him in surprise.

Lord Surya smiled, taking a step towards Karna and placing his hand on his son's shoulder, looking at him with pure love and affection.

"Karna— you're my son," he revealed.

Karna stood their in pure shock. Now he understood why he always felt solace worshipping Lord Surya. Why did he always feel the sun removing his tears whenever he felt devastated.

"Are you saying the truth?" He asked, still not recovered from the shock.

"Yes, you're my son! You're Suryaputra!" Suryadev replied with pride as he hugged Karna.

"Pitashri," he called with affection, his eyes welling up.

"This means I'm of celestial birth, right?!" They pulled apart .

"Indeed, Karna, you're of celestial birth, and these kavach and kundals are indeed my blessings!" Suryadev smiled.

"Pitashri, who is my mother then?"

"I can't tell you that, son," he replied sadly.

"Why?" His tone was calm, though his heart was thumping hard.

"The tale of your birth is little different from others," Suryadev said. "You were born when your mother was an unmarried girl. It is something not accepted by society."

Karna looked at him, shocked, he opened his mouth to say something, but words didn't come out.

"It's completely depends on your mother whether she wants to reveal it to you— the secret about you being her son. Because a woman only has such right!" Suryadev replied.

"And that's why she decided hiding it,"

"Not me, not any other person who know about your birth, or even Narayan if wants to tell you about your birth, then they cannot. Unless and until yours mother agrees." He added.

"It's fine, I understand. Also, it is not like I'm an orphan. My mother is Mata Radha, and I'm proud to be called Radheya!"

"And that makes me proud. I'm proud to be your father!" He smiled with pride. After a long time, Karna smiled in real.

"Pitashri, I've a question. Would you answer it?"

"Of course, son,"

"Pitashri, is my mother a human or a celestial being?"

"She's a human." Suryadev replied to which Karna gave a nod.

"Just remember me whenever you feel troubled. I'll be there the instant." Suryadev smiled.

"Thank you, Pitashri." He nodded and touched Suryadev's feet. Blessing his son the latter disappeared.


Hello readers.
Hope you all are doing well.
Sorry for the late update, I as well want to complete the editing as I quick as I can, but some personal works indeed interfere. Hope you would understand.
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