4. Krishna enlightens

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Two days back the princesses of Mayurvan reached Dwarka along with Krishna and Balram.

In the gardens of the royal palace in Dwarka, Krishna sat on his swing. The two sisters of Mayurvan approached him, "What happened, Madhav?"

"Excited already?" He asked, letting out a melodious laugh. "Sit down at least, Chitra."

Shaking her head, Madirakshi giggled and sat down, followed by her sighing sister.

"What is the thing, Keshav?" asked Madirakshi.

"Thing?" Krishna said innocently, "What thing?"


"Fine," He laughed.

"Madirakshi, Suchitra," He started, "You both are blessings of God himself. Chandradev blessed your parents with Madirakshi. You know why?"

They shook their head.

"This is because you are here for a change of course."

"But Keshav, how will we know what we have to do as per the future?" Suchitra quizzed. "We don't know what will happen in the future."

"Nobody knows the future, Suchitra," He smiled. " You just have to go with the flow. Everything else will fall in place."

"Let things go as destined, don't try to interfere; at the same time you will be able to make some good changes."

"As you say, Keshav. But how will the things start?" Madirakshi asked.

"That moment will come on its own," Krishna enlightened. "When it's destined to arrive."

Rukmini sat along Madirakshi and Suchitra, telling them her story. How she fell in love with Krishna, just by listening about him!

"My wedding was near, there was no option left and I couldn't afford to marry Shishupal. I wrote a letter to Shri Krishna confessing my love and requested him to take me away."

"How romantic!" Suchitra said dreamily while Madirakshi smiled sweetly.

Rukmini blushed "as per my family tradition the bride has to go the temple of Devi Girija,"

"So I requested him to take me away from the Girija temple."

"And then, he came come on his chariot and took me away with him!"

"How heroic is that!" Madirakshi admired.

"You're lucky Patrani Rukmini," Suchitra teased, Madirakshi giggled while Rukmini blushed.

Madirakshi and Suchitra were spending an overwhelming time in Dwarka. A week had gone by.

Krishna was sitting on the swing in the balcony of his chamber, when Madirakshi came in.

"Come Madirakshi!" He smiled before she could say something.

"How do you sense someone's presence?" She asked, sitting beside him.

"I'm quite amazing, you see" He joked making Madirakshi giggled.

"Madhav it's been a long time, when will the journey of our aim start?"

"Perhaps tomorrow, day after tomorrow or today. Who knows, it must have already started."

"Madhav–" Madirakshi stopped abruptly as a servant entered.

"Sorry to interrupt Dwarkadhish, two messages have arrived. One from Hastinapur and the other from Mayurvan for Rajkumari Madirakshi."

Krishna took the letters, "you may go now."

The servant nodded and went.

"Here," Krishna passed the letter of Queen Sulochana to Madirakshi.

Madirakshi read the letter and then looked at Krishna.

"What is it?" Krishna asked

"An invitation has arrived from Hastinapur. The Kuru princes will be returning soon, and we have been invited by Mata Kunti."

Kunti was Sulochana's childhood friend. Madirakshi and Suchitra used to enjoy playing with Arjun since they were of the around similar age. Yudhishthir and Bheem were older to them, and the twins were younger.

"Perhaps that same information is there in that letter too."

Krishna opened the letter and read it, "yes, you're right!"

Walking to the garden, Madirakshi informed her sister about their mother's message.

It was a full moon night.

All of them were seated together, enjoying the night when Krishna spoke, "There is an invitation from, Hastinapur."

"Hastinapur?" Rukmini and Revati asked, Balram looked equally confused.

"The Kuru princes are returning after completing their education under the guidance of Guru Drona. We have been invited there."

"That's great, but Kanha we have some important work. We can't go right now." Balram said.

"Then even I couldn't go, because if Shri Krishna is not here then as the queen I've to take care of everything." Rukmini said.

"That's right," Balram agreed.

"Even we're invited to Hastinapur, it would be nice if you all come along with us," Madirakshi said.

"Yes, that's true." Suchitra added.

"The time for us to meet them has not come yet." Krishna smiled.


Hola people!
Chapter 4 is here.
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Also, in the unedited chapter Subhadra was also there. Now in this edited story Subhadra is not born yet.
Next update will be tomorrow!

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