10. Vidur's reasoning

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Madirakshi couldn't stop smiling as she ran through the corridors, on her way back to her chamber, after meeting Karna.

She suddenly stopped finding Vidur, who stood at the end of the corridor, thinking deeply, looking down the railing— at Karna, who was with Duryodhan.

She walked upto Vidur, with a confused look.

"Pranam, Kakashri Vidur." She smiled joining her hands.

"Oh Madirakshi," he smiled at the young girl who was like a daughter to him.

"You look tense, Kakashri. Everything okay?" She asked concern.

"Nothing like that, putri. And yes, everything is well." He said after a pause "actually I was thinking about Angraj Karna."

Karna! That name was her new interest.

"What about him?" She asked slowly.

Vidur turned towards the railing, looking down at Karna again.

"I am thinking— an excellent warrior, a man with radiant face, with a confident aura and with those kundals and that golden kawach— which looks celestial— which everyone saw that day, how can a man with all such strangely divine things could be a mere sutaputra?" Vidur explained. Whatever he said, was making sense to her.

Madirakshi too found all these things fascinating. She well agreed with Vidur, he indeed had a point and why not? He was the wisest man after all.

"This man has confused me." He whispered.

Madirakshi just nodded, not knowing what to say.

"I shall take your leave, Kakashri." She said at last, joining hands in respect.

"Sure putri." He nodded with a kind smile.

She left, as she thought deeply. Did Karna have some secret? What's the mystery?

The Pandavas were practicing on their respective skills in the practice area of the palace.

But the third charming Pandav, sat at the stairs, near— smiling alone. He was lost in thoughts of Suchitra from quite a while.

Arjun's face flushed red remembering the compliments by Suchitra.

"Bhrata Bheem, Arjun bhaiya is ill!" Nakul exclaimed.

Arjun's thought broken upon Nakul's yell.

"Don't shout! I'm fine!" Arjun replied irritated, closing his ears.

"Oh dear Arjun, you're so red! Are you fine?" Bheem asked approaching them with Yudhishthir and Sahadev.

"Are you suffering from fever?" Yudhishthir asked concern.

"Or perhaps something else?" Sahadev smirked.

"Oh! Now I understood!" Nakul and Bheem laughed.

"There is nothing!" Arjun replied, unable to hide his blush.

"We can see that dear Arjun!" Bheem smirked.

"Don't tease him unnecessarily." Yudhishthir smiled as defended Arjun from the continuous teasing, when their mother's voice caught their attention.

"Putra, why are you so red? Are you ill?" Kunti asked concern, checking his temperature, while Bheem along with the twins burst into laughter, while Yudhishthir had a hard time suppressing his laugh. For the first time, Arjun found himself helpless.


Hola readers!
Here's edited chapter 10
I hope you will like it
Will try to update the next chapter soon as well.
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