26. Invitation

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Madirakshi was overjoyed when Krishna arrived. She believed he would convince her father to agree to the choice she made. Meanwhile, Krishna, being all-knowing, decided to talk to the King of Mayurvan before meeting the princess.

"But Karna is a Sutputra, Vasudev!" Jaydev mused, expressing his concern.

"And he's the choice of your daughter as well, Maharaj Jaydev," Krishna smiled.

"Okay, even if I let her marry him, will she be able to face the humiliation of society? And didn't we all know that Angraj Karna is the friend of Rajkumar Duryodhan, who might drown himself and the people, who are on his side because of the his envy and anger, one day."

Krishna smiled, "Women are indeed powerful—they can create, destroy, and transform for the better. Madirakshi, like all women, could influence even someone like Angraj."

His words held the power, the magic to convince, and assured Jaydev.

Jaydev was silent for a brief time before he said, "But the invitations for the swayamvar are already sent, Vasudev."

"It's no problem Maharaj, send an invitation to Angrajya as well," Krishna smiled as Jaydev was convinced.

The chamber, illuminated only by the faint moonlight filtering through the window. Arjun paces back and forth, his face etched with worry, as he dealed with his conflicting emotions.

"How did I get myself into this predicament? Invited to Madirakshi's swayamvar as a suitor, yet my heart belongs to her younger sister, Suchitra." He muttered to himself, as he stops pacing, frustration evident on his face.

"Suchitra, with her laughter like tinkling bells and eyes that sparkle like stars. How can I stand before Madirakshi, when it is her sister who occupies my every thought?" He sinks onto a nearby chair, burying his face in his hands.

"But what choice do I have?" He thought distressed.

Nakul, enters the chamber, his brow furrowed with concern, his footsteps echoing softly in the silence of the chamber.

"Bhaiya," He called as Arjun looked up, "I couldn't help but notice you pacing back and forth. Is something troubling you?" Arjun startles slightly, his troubled expression softening at the sight of his brother.

Arjun forced a reassuring smile, "It's nothing, Nakul. Just the weight of impending responsibilities weighing on my mind."

"You're a terrible liar, Bhaiya." Nakul shook his head in disbelief. "I can see the turmoil written all over your face. Is it about the swayamvar?"

Arjun hesitates, torn between confiding in his brother and keeping his inner turmoil hidden.

"Yes, Nakul. It is about the swayamvar. Madirakshi's hand is the one sought by kings and princes far and wide. But it's more than that..."

Concern deepens in Nakul's eyes as he moves closer to his brother, placing a comforting hand on his shoulder, "You know you can tell me anything, Bhaiya. We're brothers, bound by blood and loyalty."

Arjun meets Nakul's gaze, grateful for the unwavering support of his younger sibling, as he spoke, laden with emotion.

"It's such a complex web, Nakul. Duty as a prince, unspoken promises to those we hold dear, political alliances, and matters of the heart. How can I handle all these complicated problems without losing myself?"

Nakul spoke in a reassuring voice, "We may not have all the answers, but together, we will find a way through the storm.

Arjun's tense shoulders relax slightly at his brother's words, finding solace, he comes to a decision.

"You're right, Nakul. I am a prince, sworn to uphold the traditions of my kingdom. I will attend the swayamvar, with dignity befitting a suitor, and pray that Suchitra understands the sacrifice I make for the sake of our families' old bonds, as well as that fate is kind to me in the end."

Inside Karna's study chamber, the atmosphere is solemn as he pours over scrolls and documents, immersed in his duties as the ruler of Anga. Suddenly, there's a knock on the door, and a soldier enters.

"Maharaj, a message has arrived from Mayurvan."

Karna gestures for the soldier to bring the messenger inside. The messenger enters, bowing respectfully before presenting Karna with a sealed letter.

"Maharaj, this letter is from the kingdom of Mayurvan."

As Karna accepts the letter, his curiosity piqued as he breaks the seal and reads its contents. His expression shifts from surprise to contemplation as he absorbs the invitation to the swayamvar of the princess of Mayurvan.

"An invitation to Rajkumari Madirakshi's swayamvar," He muttered surprised.

Later, as he sits alone in his study chamber, holding the letter from Mayurvan, his thoughts drifting to the princess— Madirakshi, with whom he shares an unspoken connection.

"Madirakshi... her name alone stirs something within me." He muttered to himself.

Memories of their brief encounters flash through his mind—her blushing face, words of wisdom, and the sparkle in her eyes.

"There's a warmth in her presence, a kindness that draws me to her." He thought, his heart racing.

"But how can I speak of such things when we've never exchanged more than polite conversation?" He closes his eyes, grappling with his emotions, unsure of how to proceed.

"Yet, if there's a chance... if there's even the slightest possibility that she feels the same way, I cannot let it pass me by."

With a determined resolve, Karna rises from his chair, clutching the letter tightly in his hand. Ready to embark on a journey that would shape their destiny.


Hello there!

Here you go with the new chapter!

Hope, you all like it.

Also, I've decided to continue the story ahead in this book itself, as Section 2, and dropped the idea of Book 2, (the Duology idea).

Please comment your delightful thoughts and hit the star button to vote.

Stay tuned! ;)

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