25. A daughter's dilemma

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Madirakshi, summoned by her parents, strode into their chamber. Suchitra followed closely, sensing the tension radiating from the room.

"Ma, Pitashri," Madirakshi addressed them, her voice steady and, tinged with apprehension as she took in their serious expressions. It was a bit odd to her, since they, together, had called for her.

Their parents exchanged a glance before her father spoke, his tone measured and laden with significance, "My dear, we have something important to discuss with you."

Intrigued, but wary, Suchitra and Madirakshi exchanged a quick glance, silently communicating their shared curiosity."We have decided to organize your swayamvar, Chandrika." Sulochana announced, her smile warm.

Madirakshi's heart skipped a beat, her mind racing to comprehend the magnitude of what was being proposed. Suchitra's eyes widened in surprise, mirroring her sister's shock.

"But, but without consulting me?" Madirakshi's voice wavered in disappointment.

Jaydev's gaze softened, understanding the weight of his daughter's unspoken objections.

"We called you here precisely for that reason, Madirakshi. Your consent is the most important to us. If there is someone else you wish to marry, we want to know."

Suchitra given a silent nod of encouragement. Madirakshi's resolve as she considered her next words carefully.

"I have already made my choice, Ma." Madirakshi declared, her voice steady and soft, concealing the tumult of emotions churning within her.

Her parents exchanged another glance, curiosity mingled with apprehension evident in their eyes, as they awaited her revelation.

"It is Angraj Karna." Madirakshi confessed, bracing herself for their reaction.

Shock rippled through the room as her father's brows furrowed in concern.

"Karna? But he's a Sutputra, Madirakshi."

Madirakshi met Jaydev's gaze unwaveringly. "He is perfect to me, Pitashri. I want to marry him."

Sulochana stood quietly, her expression unreadable as she absorbed her daughter's revelation.

"Madirakshi, please consider the implications," Jaydev urged, his voice tinged with concern.

Madirakshi, firm in her decision, spoke, "I understand, Pitashri. But I have made my decision. I will only marry Karna."

Silence environed the room as her parents exchanged a wordless conversation, grappling with the weight of their daughter's defiance and revelation.

"Then, as your father and as a king, I must consider the implications for our kingdom." Jaydev declared, his tone regretful yet firm. "We will proceed with your swayamvar."

Madirakshi's heart sank at his words, the weight of their insinuation settling heavily upon her shoulders; she knew she have to fight for it silently.

Jaydev was torn between his love for his daughter and, his concerns for her future. He knew that if Madirakshi married Karna, she would likely face judgment and ridicule from society. It pained him to go against her wishes, but he couldn't bear the thought of her suffering.

"I think you should have supported her choice," Sulochana voiced her thoughts to her husband, concern evident in her tone.

"I am not happy about opposing our daughter either. But I cannot stand to see her humiliated," Jaydev responded, his voice tinged with regret.

"I believe Madirakshi truly cares for the King of Angrajya. I have seen the sincerity in her eyes," Sulochana added, trying to provide some solace.

"Let me think about what we should do exactly." Jaydev sighed, his mind weighed down by the weight of their dilemma.

While, Madirakshi's distress only deepened. She knew there was only one person who could provide her with answers — Vasudev Krishna. With a heavy heart, she penned a letter to him, pouring out her grief and anxiously awaited his reply. She had unwavering faith that Krishna would respond, as he always did.

As another day dawned, Madirakshi found herself lost in thought while combing her long, black wavy hair in front of her dressing unit.

"Rajkumari," a servant interrupted her reverie.

"Yes?" Madirakshi looked up, her thoughts momentarily scattered.

"Dwarkadhish has sent a message for you," the servant informed her.

Eagerly, Madirakshi retrieved the letter and dismissed the servants who were tidying her chamber. She needed privacy to absorb Krishna's words.

With a sigh of relief, she began reading the letter:

Dear Gaurika,

I understand the turmoil that you and your father are facing. Your grief weighs heavily. Don't worry, I am on my way to Himavanti. For now, trust in your feelings. If they are true, they will guide you to your destiny.

Your sakha,

Madirakshi felt a wave of reassurance wash over her. Knowing that Krishna was on his way, filled her with hope.


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