29. Reconciliation

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Karna paced back and forth in his chamber, anxious to speak with Madirakshi about their upcoming marriage but unsure of the right moment. He felt a mix of happiness and worry swirling inside him.

He was thrilled to be marrying Madirakshi, but he couldn't shake the concern for her well-being. It wasn't common for a Kshatriya princess to wed someone from a lower caste like himself, and he feared the challenges she might face because of it.

Finally deciding to seek her out, Karna was surprised when Kunti, the queen mother, entered the room.

"Rajmata?" he called out, a hint of astonishment in his voice.

Kunti smiled warmly as he touched her feet for blessings. "My blessings are always with you," she assured him.

"You should have called me instead, Rajmata," Karna said.

Kunti chuckled softly. "Can't I come?" She added, "Congratulations to you. I'm truly happy for you. Madirakshi is a remarkable girl!"

"Thank you," Karna replied, returning her smile.

"Arjun is also marrying Suchitra. Congratulations to you as well on your son's wedding, Mata," he added.

Kunti's heart swelled with pride at the mention of her two sons' weddings. She fought back tears and smiled, "My two sons are getting married," she thought to herself.

"I must go and meet Madirakshi and Suchitra too. I'll take my leave," Kunti said, moving to depart.

"Of course, Rajmata," Karna replied, a small smile playing on his lips as he watched her leave.

Karna decided to drop his plan to meet Madirakshi when a guard outside his chamber approached him, informing him that Arjun was requesting a meeting.

As Arjun entered Karna's chamber, he felt the weight of their rivalry hanging in the air. The room was dimly lit by a single oil lamp, casting long shadows on the walls.

Karna looked up from where he was sitting, his expression guarded. "What brings you here at this hour, Rajkumar?"

Arjun took a deep breath, steeling himself for the conversation ahead. "I come to speak of our impending marriages, Angraj. Our brides-to-be are sisters, and it is only fitting that we find a way to cooperate for their sake."

Karna's brow furrowed in surprise, but he nodded slowly. "Indeed, it is a rare coincidence that we find ourselves in this situation. But can our past grievances cannot simply be forgotten."

Arjun met Karna's gaze steadily. "I do not propose that we forget, but rather that we set aside our differences for the greater good. Our wives deserve our respect and cooperation, and it is time we put aside our animosity for their sake."

Karna sighed heavily, the tension in the room easing slightly. "Perhaps you are right, Rajkumar Arjun. Our wives-to-be deserve a chance at happiness, free from the shadows of our past conflicts."

Arjun nodded in agreement. "Then let us cooperate with each other in this endeavor, for the sake of our brides and the peace of our kingdoms."

With that, Arjun took leave. Karna responded with same respect, a silent gesture of reconciliation, a small but significant step towards a newfound understanding between them.

Madirakshi and Suchitra stood on the balcony of their chamber, reminiscing about the cherished memories of their childhood, teenage years, and the start of their youth.

They reflected on the happiness they had experienced in their kingdom of Mayurvan, in the city of Himavanti, and within the walls of the royal palace where they had spent twenty years of their lives. Now, they were preparing to leave it all behind.

With Madirakshi's wedding a day later and Suchitra's following through in two days, their lives were about to undergo significant and unexpected changes. They knew they needed to brace themselves for what lay ahead.

"I'll be marrying Arjun," Suchitra shared, capturing Madirakshi's attention. "You'll be marrying Angraj. I hope everything would be nice, after marriage as well."

Madirakshi smiled, recalling the words they had heard since childhood about their destiny to support and stand by each other. "We're destined to be together," she said. "We must remain together through all moments, both happy and challenging."

"Indeed," Suchitra agreed.

Their conversation was interrupted by Kunti, the queen mother, who they greeted with joined palms and genuine smiles.

"Pranam Mata," they said respectfully.

"Stay blessed," Kunti replied with a smile. "Congratulations to both of you. I'm so happy for you two."

"Thank you, Kunti Ma," Madirakshi and Suchitra responded in unison.

"I'm delighted for my Arjun," Kunti said, looking at Suchitra, then turning her gaze to Madirakshi. "Karna is a fine man. He will surely take care of you, and you must also strive to keep him happy."

"Absolutely," Madirakshi replied with a smile. "And you seem to have a soft spot for Angraj, don't you, Mata?"

Kunti nodded affirmatively with a smile.

The next day, Madirakshi stood at the wedding mandap, adorned in her bridal red attire. She looked up at Karna, her groom, who stood before her, radiating like the sun. As she placed the garland around his neck, she knew that today, he would truly become hers.

Arjun's heart raced with excitement as Suchitra stood before him, looking radiant as his bride. With a shy blush on her cheeks, she placed the garland around his neck.

Madirakshi, now a married woman, watched her sister with pure happiness. Beside her stood Karna, his smile reflecting her joy.

Madirakshi remembered her conversation with Karna after their own wedding. She approached him alone with a request.

"Could I please stay here for two more days? I really want to attend my sister's wedding," she asked softly.

"Of course, you should!" Karna replied, smiling warmly at her.

"Thank you for letting me stay," Madirakshi whispered gratefully as they watched Suchitra and Arjun, the stars of the day.

"No need to thank me, Gaurika," Karna said gently. "It's your sister's wedding, and you shouldn't miss it," he added with a soft smile.

Madirakshi beamed with happiness.

Little did they know, it wasn't just Madirakshi's younger sister getting married, but also Karna's younger brother.


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