23. All back again

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All the members of the Kuru family, along with the royal family of Himavanti, stood awaiting for the arrival of Pandavas, Kunti and Draupadi. Their eyes fixed at the palace main gate. Kunti, with her sons and daughter-in-law would be here any moment.

Madirakshi, Suchitra and Dushala, excitedly whispered to each other. Everyone was present there including Shakuni, but the apparent Kuru crown prince, Duryodhan wasn't.

Bhishma spoke to Dushasan, "Where is Duryodhan, son?"

Dushasan replied slowly, as if he was trying to find appropriate words, "He said, he won't be coming, Pitamah."

Dhritarashtra looked suddenly anxious, like he knew something, Shakuni had a cunning smirk, while Gandhari spoke, as soon as she heard her second son, "Duryodhan hasn't come?!"

"No Mata," Dushasan replied.

The blindfolded queen sighed, as she asked Sulochana to hold aarti thaal, and told Dushala to guide her till the chamber of Duryodhan. 

"Shall I come along?" Dushasan asked Gandhari.

"No. You stay here to receive your brothers and sister-in-law."

"Your mother is right." Bhishma said, Dushasan nodded quietly.

Madirakshi looked ahead at the gate. Karna had left this morning, due to an urgent message from his kingdom. She glanced at him from the balcony, while he was climbing the chariot, when his gaze accidentally fell on her. He smiled as she waved at him.

"Didi," Suchitra whispered.


"Stop smiling," she teased. "If someone noticed, they will think wrong!" Madirakshi glared as her sister as latter giggled.

Bhishma called for a servant, ordering him to ask Gandhari, how much time it would take for Duryodhan. The servant went obeying. No sooner, Gandhari was already back with Dushala alone.

"Duryodhan didn't come?" Bhishma asked Gandhari.

"No Tatshri," Gandhari replied upset and disappointed. "My son has his own condition to come."

Dhritarashtra looked embarrassed, as others purposely ignored what they just heard.

Soon, the anticipated moment finally arrived as the series of royal chariots entered at the palace, carrying Vidur, Pandavas, Kunti, Draupadi along with Krishna and Balram. The subjects and natives of the city welcomed them with enthusiasm, as they showered the petals of marigold and rose on them.

Splendour and pomp was everywhere. Vidur walked ahead, while Kunti along with her five sons and daughter-in-law made way towards the family members, who looked more than happy.

"Welcome, O dear sons of my brother." Dhritarashtra faked as he welcome the Pandavas. The blind king was happy but more than that he was anxious.

Kunti hugged Gandhari, then Sulochana, as soon as they met. Childhood friends were meeting after a long time. Madirakshi and Suchitra greeted Kunti who couldn't help but smile.

The Princesses of Mayurvan and the Pandavas smiled at each other. Madirakshi and Suchitra waved at the Yadava Kumaras. Krishna blinked with a beautiful smile, while Balram nodded smiling at them.

As the sons of Pandu met others one-by-one and took their blessings, Kunti pulled Draupadi forward introducting the latter to the members of the Kuru family.

"Pranam," Draupadi's greeted the elders in her silvery voice.

"What a beautiful daughter-in-law you've got Kunti," Sulochana smiled.

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