3. Predictions

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"Pranam!" The Yadava Kumar's greeted, Maharaj Jaydev and Maharani Sulochana.

They smiled nodding, "How are you both?"

"Everything is good and we're fine too," Krishna smiled.

"That's good to know. Madirakshi and Suchitra are eager to meet you." Sulochana smiled

"Even we are, Maharani!" Balram let out a small laugh "but where are they?"

"Yes, our sincere girl and the other younger naughty girl." Krishna laughed.

"You called me naughty Madhav!" Suchitra whined entering while Madirakshi giggled.

"Yes Kanha is right, Chitra. You're naughty, " Balram said after a pause "just like he is!"

Suchitra and Madirakshi laughed, listening to Balram.

"When I do anything? This makes no sense, Dau." Krishna said with a innocent face

"This definitely make sense!" Madirakshi joined Balram.

"True Madirakshi!" Balram laughed along with Suchitra as their siblings joined them too.

After spending some time with them, Krishna went to the royal gardens followed by a curious Madirakshi.

Maharaj Jaydev needed to attend some issues of the court and Balram accompanied him, leaving the younger ones to themselves.

"I really like your kingdom." Krishna said.

"Is it because of the many peacocks we have?" She teased.

"Well, that," Krishna laughed, "and also because Mayurvan is rich in nature and peace, surrounded by the beautiful Himalayas."

Madirakshi smiled.

"By the way, Madhav you wanted to tell me something. What is it?"

"Well, there is some time for it "

"Something serious?"

"Yes," He said, turning towards her. "Be ready, since you will never know when that time shall come."

"Won't you tell me anything?"

"There is a big aim in your life, Gaurika. Be prepared!"

"Things are going to take a turn soon." He said, smiling at her.

"You're Chandrajaa, born with a great motive." He added.

"Whatever you say, Madhav."

"What did Madhav say?" Suchitra asked, sitting beside Madirakshi on the bed.

"He was saying something about new turns and twists." Madirakshi told, "And as usual his talks were more like riddles!" She shrugged

"I sense something serious."

"Even you've started predicting things now?"

"No, just guessing."

"Then keep guessing, because you're not Madhav." Madirakshi giggled.


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