9. First interaction

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The princesses of Mayurvan, having stayed in Hastinapur for over a week, started making their preparations to leave after three more days. They had begun to miss home. They had been away for quite a long time.

Madirakshi stood near the balcony railing of her chamber. There was only one thing in her mind, to be exact, a person Karna!

Before leaving, she wished to meet him, if not, then atleast get a glimpse of him. Parmeshwar knows when they would be able to see each other again.

Her thoughts are broken by the sound of wheels and horses.

She looked down and saw her wish came true as soon as she saw Karna— now Angraj, climbing down the chariot.

Her eyes flickered in excitement. Giving a last glance at him, she exited her chamber, only to get a look of the golden complexioned man, she had already begun to love.

She ran through the corridors, managing with her skirt. Taking a left turn, she stopped abruptly when she found the man of her dreams.

Almost bumping into Karna, she let out a small gasp.

Karna was slightly taken aback with the sudden appearance as well.

He looked at the beautiful damsel of silvery white in complexion, who stood in front of him. Her eyes as beautiful as a deer.


Fiddling with fingers, looking down with red crimson cheeks. She was utterly and ethereally attractive.

A smile spreading on his lips which he quickly hide.

He might have walked in when I exited the room. Madirakshi thought.

"I'm sorry, I didn't see you." She whispered slowly.

"I thought I should be the one apologizing," he replied gently, in respectful manner.

"Why? I'm equally responsible and also I don't mind asking for forgiveness." She said softly.

Madirakshi kept looking down. There was a small smile on Karna's lips.

"Who are you, devi?"

"I'm Madirakshi, princess of Mayurvan— Angraj."

"Princess Madirakshi— that means the spiritual daughter of Chandra Dev?!"

She nodded with a small smile.

"Why aren't you looking up then?" He asked perplexed "don't you like me, just like others–"


He was interrupted by Chandrajaa's abrupt reply. Looking up, she continued "I mean... as much as I know you're a virtuous man."

"I'm grateful that you think like that," He replied and found himself looking into her enamouring eyes. They were beautiful. Just like her.

When Karna remembered that he had to meet Duryodhana and could say something, Madirakshi said in a soft tone "I shall now take your leave, Angraj."

He nodded with a courteous smile and kept watching her, until her shadow disappeared.


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