2. Letter from Madhav

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He dazzled like the sun. Standing in the center of the arena, his face carried a divine glow. Tall, with broad shoulders, this stranger had even charmed Madirakshi. And then, he disappeared.

She opened her eyes slowly, a maid servant trying to wake her up. "Rajkumari, its time to rise."

Madirakshi sat up with a jerk, rivulets of sweat trickling down her neck.

"Are you alright, Rajkumari?"

The dasi asked, concerned.

Composing herself quickly, she replied, "Yes. Yes, I'm fine. You can go."

Obeying her, the maid left.

"The same dream, again." She thought, pressing her lips in a thin line. "Who is this man? He looks so divine."

Madirakshi sat on the dressing table, getting ready. Adorned with light blues and pinks, she looked ethereal.

"Just like the daughter of Chandradev." Suchitra complimented, resting her hands on her sister's shoulders. She smiled, and Suchitra helped her wear her earrings.

It was no secret. The entire Aryavart knew that Madirakshi was the blessing of Chandradev.

"Your dasi told me that you looked disturbed after waking. Was it that dream, again?"

Madirakshi looked at her sister's reflection in the mirror, a weary smile spreading on her lips. She nodded slowly, "I wonder, who is this man. Why does he always come in my dreams?"

"Didi, you know what I think?" Suchitra grinned, suppressing her laughter,"He must be your lover."

"Shut up!" Madirakshi threw a cushion at her, soon laughing along with her.

The sisters were dear to each other. Two years post the birth of their first child and Chandradev's blessing, Suchitra was born.

Suchitra; beautiful as a portrait and now, a beautiful damsel.

They, just like the other women of their kingdom, were trained in warfare and taught the Vedas.

A dasi interrupted them, informing them that Maharani Sulochana had called them to her room.

"You called us, Ma?" Madirakshi asked, approaching her mother. Suchitra followed her in silence, a small smile glowing on her lips.

"Yes, I did." Maharani Sulochana replied, smiling at her daughters, a parchment in her hands, "Vasudev is coming to visit us, from Dwarka."

"Really? Madhav is coming!" Suchitra squealed. Madirakshi was equally delighted, "That's great!"

A few months ago, Madirakshi had first met Krishna. But it didn't feel like their first, nor their last. Despite the many months, she still felt that she met him just yesterday.

Skin as dark as the night, curly raven black hair and lotus shaped eyes; a charming smile always played on his lips, swaying everyone's hearts. Decked in yellows, with his favourite peacock feather in his crown, he looked divine. Just like a God.

Handing Madirakshi the parchment, Maharani added, "He has sent a letter for you."

"Only for Didi?" Suchitra quizzed, earning a nod in reply from her mother.

"If you're disappointed about it, then don't. As much as we know Madhav, anything he does has a sensible reason behind it." Madirakshi consoled her sister.

"Well, that's right!" Came her reply.

Sitting up on her bed, Madirakshi rolled down the parchment, reading the message.

Dear Sakhi,

I hope you are doing fine. Dau and I shall be coming to your captial city, Himavanti, soon.

We will spend a few days here, after which Suchitra and you shall accompany me to Dwarka. I've told Rukmini, my wife about it and she is really excited to meet the two of you.

Also, there is something very important that I want to enlighten you about.

Your Sakha, Madhav.

A beautiful smile bloomed on her lips; Kanha's words left a touch of magic on her, always.

She, too, was excited to meet Rukmini ever since she heard of their marriage. The abduction of Rukmini, princess of Vidarbha by Yadava Kumar Krishna, on her wish spread through the entire Bharatvarsh like wildfire.

She read the letter again, wondering about the important message Krishna wanted to tell her.

Taking the beautiful peacock feather he sent with the letter, she admired it, forgetting the question that was bothering her a moment ago.


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