24. Strange circumstances

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The royal family of Himavanti, left for their home. While, Krishna, who had planned on to leave for Dwarka, even before, stayed there. However, Balram left for Dwarka, to look after things in their kingdom.

Here, in Hastinapur, the environment continued to be stressful. Dhritarashtra decided to divide the kingdom in two half. So that, Duryodhan can remain the crown prince without any dispute, and Khandavprastha was given to the sons of Kunti.

Yudhishthir, perhaps in the hope of peace agreed to this losing proposition. Dhritarashtra's this decision wasn't for avoiding minor squabbles. The latter may have not thought about it— but, Shakuni had made a plan with great care.

Khandavprastha was on the west side of river Yamuna. It was hilly terrain, where dwelt the people of the Naag clan. That was the reason why, Khandavprastha, despite being a part of Hastinapur, it was never considered as such.

The game being played was that half the kingdom should be given to the Pandavas, so that nobody can blame Dhritarashtra for being unjust. But in reality, what was given to the Pandavas was next to absolutely nothing— which is why, Bheem, Arjun, Nakul and Sahadev didn't want to accept this proposal of division.

Everyone sat in Kunti's chamber— her sons, daughter-in-law, and her nephew, Krishna.

"Bhrata, Jyesth Pitashri's sweet talk is an unfavorable mirage." Bheem pointed out furious. "Even if not full, he did usurp the half kingdom for his son."

Yudhishthir sighed, "He's our elder Bheem. You shouldn't talk about him like that."

"But shouldn't elders also behave like one." Sahadev replied, a bit straightforward.

"Sahadev is this the way to talk your elder brother?" Kunti scolded.

Draupadi was perplexed, listening to her husbands' talks. This family political was a new thing for a princess like her— who was born young out the holy fire of the yagya— the time she spent in Panchal, she was brought up with love.

When Krishna passed her a smile, as if reading her thoughts. The discussion continued.

"Forgive me, Ma. But I was just–"

Sahadev was cut off by Arjun, "Is there a place for 'but'?"

"Alright then, let me ask this without any 'buts' and 'ifs'. Who give Jyesth Pitashri the right to divide the kingdom without asking us." Nakul asked.

Sahadev was wise and intelligent, indeed, while, Nakul who was known for his good looks, was actually a diplomat.

"If you all aren't ready to accept Yudhisthir's decision,  then I–" Kunti was interrupted by Krishna.

"You may regret words spoken in anger later, Bua."

"Then, you tell me Krishna," Kunti sighed, "Shouldn't they have faith on their elder brother, instead of questioning him."

"Ma, we all have faith in Bade Bhaiya, there is no question about that." Arjun spoke.

"Also, isn't it right, that when all the members speak their minds freely, it keeps the family together." Krishna smiled, before looking at Nakul, asking the latter to continue what he was saying.

"Go ahead, Nakul,"

"All I wanted to say is— Hastinapur is ours by right, and Bhrata Yudhishthir had been made the crown prince. Then, why did Jyesth Pitashri divide the kingdom, and give the part of the capital to Bhrata Duryodhan?"

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