14. Suchitra wondering

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Sweat rolled down his face, his golden complexion glistening against the raging fire. The only source of light in the darkness, in the backyard of his palace. With a thud, he cut yet another piece of wood using his axe.

Karna was guilt ridden. Pandavas and Kunti died and he wasn't able to do anything.

Duryodhana, who had just arrived to meet Karna, watched in concern as his friend took his anger out on the wood logs.

"Mitra," he called, quickly walking towards him.

Karan stopped in mid track, as soon as Duryodhan called. The latter took away axe from the former's hand, and was terrified to see blood oozing out of his friend's palms.

"What's this?!" Duryodhan asked concerned, looking at Karna's palms, severely wounded. "What's wrong, friend?"

"You could've stopped the Lakshagrah treachery," Karna said slowly.

Duryodhan sighed, "How many times are you going to ask the same thing?"

"Would you really be happy as a crown prince, after such a treachery?" Karna, who was raging inside, asked calmly.

"My father lost the crown to his brother, King Pandu." Duryodhan replied envious, "But I can't bear his son became the King. Never!"

"If you wish, I'll give this crown to you but never to those sons of Pandu!" He added.

"Even if the opportunity presents me this golden crown on the silver plate, I'll never accept it!" Karna said, his voice composed but his words carried the volume.

Duryodhan looked at him in admiration, "Come, let's get your wounds cleaned."

The news of the fake death of Kunti and her sons, the Pandavas, spread like wildfire.

When the Pandavas readied themselves to leave for the festival, Shakuni cunningly made everyone agree to Kunti joining her at the festival.

The entire Aryavart was utterly confused by their deaths. Despite all the disdain, a common thought reigned in everyone's mind: The Kaurava princes, Duryodhana and Dushasan along with their uncle Shakuni were surely behind this act.

In the beautiful city of Himavanti, Queen Sulochana was devastated by the news of Kunti, her dearest friend's, death. Madirakshi consoled her mother; since the bodies were completely burnt and no one could recognise them, there was hope that the Pandavas and their mother were still alive.

On the other hand, Suchitra fumed in rage, knowing very well that Shakuni had a hand in their deaths.

"I so wish to kill him. How dare he murder my friend!" She cried in hatred.

"You were totally right when you stated that Shakuni Mama and Duryodhan were behind this." Madirakshi paused. "And perhaps, Karna too." Her voice turned into a frail whisper.

"Possibly. But yes, he must have denied to this. He's a righteous warrior! He must be in a dilemma— whether to support what is right or his wrong best friend!" Suchitra replied, while her sister looked at her.

"Please don't get Karna wrong or hate him," Suchitra squeezed Madirakshi's hand, this time her tone was soft "If you truly love him, try to under him instead to hate. Also, who knows what actually happened in Hastinapur behind everyone's back."

"You could be very mature at times," Madirakshi given a small smile "and I can never hate Angraj. Honest!"

"After all, we just cannot, and should not, come to any conclusion without making the things crystal clear." Madirakshi added.

"You know," Suchitra stood up and walked towards the balcony, followed by her elder sister, "If what people have said isn't true. What if the Pandavas and Kunti Ma aren't dead?"

Madirakshi looked at her sister, without saying anything. 

"Gaurika, Chitra."

The voice was powerful yet melodious, familiar and recognisable.

The sisters turned, and there stood the Lord of Dwarka. 

"Madhav!" They were overwhelmed, he smiled back at them.

"You here?" Madirakshi said.

"Yes." He smiled.

"Did you eavesdrop our conversation?" Suchitra asked.

"To be honest, yes. I did," He smiled. "And whatever you said, Chitra, can be true."

The girls looked at each other. Krishna's pleasant words were indeed relieving and his words were enough to relief them.

Months passed, Kunti and the Pandavas, since found nowhere, were assumed dead.

It was a beautiful night and Angraj Karna was returning from Hastinapur. When the gust of cold winds, belonging to the chilled atmosphere, hit him and blew through his gorgeous mane.

He tried examining the surrounding, but it was too dark.

"Where are we, senapati ji." Karna asked his chief commander.

"We've entered in the kingdom of Mayurvan, Maharaj and right now we're at the borders of its capital city, Himavanti."


Heya! How are you all?
Sorry for making you all wait so long. But I had my issues, hope you will understand.
Anyway, the chapter is here.
Will try my best to update the following chapters soon.
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Stay tuned! ;)

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