Chapter 3

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"So what brings you to Los Angeles?" Ricky asks as we climb the steps of the apartment building. "Major hope, inspiration and a lot of nerve." I say and he laughs. "This is the place where dreams are made. Or so they say. Do you do a form of art?" I nod immediately. "I'm sorta trying to make it in the singer/songwriter business. My goal is the Los Angeles College of Music. I'm trying to make it in for the fall semester." Ricky smiles and looks down at me. "No way! That's where I go to school. I major in songwriting." My mouth drops. "What are the chances? And I just have to say, I literally met you a few minutes ago and the amount of respect I have for you is insane." I say and he laughs, pushing his hair back as we reach the eighth floor. "Nah, the respect I have for you is insane. To want to pursue something there? Incredible." He says and I blush, shaking my head. "I have to get in first. I only have three months before the fall deadline." Ricky nods and taps his guitar case. "Writing the perfect song for your application is brutal." I frown and nod in agreement. "Tell me about it. I need some good material. All I've got is my pathetic ideas on love." I say and I mentally slap myself for the second time that day. Ricky really didn't need to know that. He smiles though, a little chuckle coming through. "I've just got this feeling that whatever you write is actually going to be amazing." He says and I shake my head. "You've never heard one of my songs. Or my voice for that matter." I say with a little smile and he grins back at me. "I think we should change that." He says and before I can answer, he gestures to a door. "Welcome to your new apartment." He says and I smile. "I can't thank you enough." I say and he shakes his head. "No need to thank me. But if you want to, maybe once you're set up here you can invite me over to hear you play?" My heart flutters a little bit and I do my best to play it cool. "Huh, checking out your competition?" I ask smugly and he leans down to my level just a little. "It can't hurt. Plus, I'm sorta determined to hear about your ideas on love." He says and my breath gets caught in my throat. I've known this guy for like ten minutes, I remind myself. He gives me a little wave as he leaves and I let out the breath that I didn't realize I was holding.

After walking around my spacious new place (I have to say I'm pretty hyped, most decently priced places in LA are like shoe boxes) I decided to head down and start to unload my moving truck. I didn't hire anyone to help me with my furniture and boxes, but honestly I couldn't be spending money in places that I didn't have to, and I figured if it took all night to move in, I'd do it.

When I get back outside I smile when I'm greeted by Ricky, leaning against his car on his phone. "Utah woman! You're blocking me in!" He says and I gasp, covering my mouth. I immediately apologize. "Oh my god, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean-" Ricky cuts me off and waves his hand. "Hey, I'm kidding Nini." He says and I blush a little at his response. It's second nature for me to apologize to people quickly. After being with EJ, it just became a habit. "I'm just sorry you had to wait around in order to get out of here. I feel like an idiot, of course I parked behind someone." I say and Ricky takes a step towards me, shaking his head. "No honestly, it was my sign to stay back tonight. I had been debating going to this open mic thing in town. I really didn't want to but I didn't have a reason. Now I do." He says and I smile, looking down and then back up to meet his eyes. "Well good, because I drove that truck a long way and I fear the hardest part of the trip would be backing it back out of this lot, and I haven't even emptied it yet." Ricky laughs and he slips his phone in his pocket. "Well maybe I can help? I'm pretty good at emptying things." His face contorts after he speaks and I do my best to hold back laughter, knowing way too well how embarrassing it is to say stupid things. The way he rubs his hands together and shifts uncomfortably suggests a little bit of nervousness and I do my best to bite back my smile as well. "If you're up for it I'd love the help. Though I have to warn you, there's literally a couch in there. We're not just talking about tiny boxes." Ricky smiles and shrugs. "Don't worry about it, I'd love to help. But if any of your furniture injures either one of my wrists you'll be sorry." He says and I giggle (a weird sound for me, I don't just giggle) and he looks pleased with himself. "Ooh a musician's threat huh?" He nods proudly. "Yeah, if you could transfer some of that Utah toughness to me that'd be pretty great." He tells me and I start walking towards the moving truck. "Okay sure, keep it all for yourself." He says and I laugh turning to give him a smile. "You've gotta earn it mister." He smiles at me differently, the mood changing from joking to a feeling of something hanging between us. "I think I can live with that." He tells me with a smile.

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