Chapter 26

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Ricky flips through channels as I lay next to him on the couch, my legs over the edge and my head just touching his leg. His arm is rested on the back of the couch so that his fingertips can hang over my shoulder and every so often I feel them across my bare skin. I close my eyes and as I do so, I feel Ricky's hand move to my hair, pushing it back gently. "You tired Nins?" He asks and I nod sinking my back further into the couch. "Exhausted. I probably shouldn't have answered the door at all this morning, just slept." I laugh and I open my eyes to see Ricky smiling down with me. "Maybe, but now you can sleep with ease." He reminds me and I nod. "That's true. I might... is it okay if I close my eyes?" I ask and confusion crosses his face. "Why would you have to ask that? Of course it's okay." He tells me and I bite the inside of my mouth while I nod. Realization crosses his face and he smiles. "The real question is if it's okay that I'm here while you sleep." I laugh and shift my body so that part of it is on him. "I actually prefer it." I say and when I realize that I didn't actually ask him to sleep on top of him, I move back and quickly apologize. "Well I preferred you there, so if you could come back." He says humorously, lifting me back so that my head rests on his lap. "Oh okay." I laugh and snuggle into his leg which makes him chuckle softly. "Hey Ricky, I want to tell you something but I want to be fully functioning. So after I sleep okay?" I look up and his thumb crosses over my forehead gently while he nods. "You got it." He says and I nod, moving my head back to close my eyes. I fall asleep to his gentle touch keeping my hair away from my eyes. 

When I wake up I push my arm out to stretch, my eyes still closed and my body stiff from laying on the couch. My fist connects with hard muscles though and I gasp, looking up to see a grimacing Ricky. "I'm so sorry!" I exclaim and he laughs it off, rubbing his stomach before bringing his hand to my back. "You're all good, happens all the time." He says with a laugh. I smile and sit up, rubbing my eyes and stretching my arms into the air. "What time is it?" I ask and he checks his watch. "Almost five." I sigh, acknowledging the fact that I've wasted most of my day and I stand up to stretch out my legs. "So what was it that you wanted to tell me?" Ricky asks as I situate myself back on the couch comfortably. "Oh um, yeah that." I say, getting up again and walking into the kitchen to give myself something to do. Ricky stands up, stretching, then joining me next to the kitchen island. "Hey you don't have to tell me if you don't want. I know what it's like to have a burst of courage and then have it all dissolve." I smile and look down at the ground. "No I should probably tell you." Ricky nods and waits for me to talk. "So here's the thing... I think I kinda like you. Like a lot. And I know it's insane because we've literally known each other for less than a week but I feel safe and somewhat protected when I'm around you even though you make me unable to think straight and-" Ricky moves towards me, a bright grin spread across his face. "Woah take a breath. Let me talk." He says, his hand reaching out to take mine. "I kinda like you too. Like a lot." He says with a laugh and I blush. "So what do we do with this information?" I ask and he smiles, taking one more step towards me. "We can do anything or nothing. It's up to you. I know jumping into a major relationship right now is probably something you don't want, and I get that but-" I cut Ricky off and I rub my hand up and down his arm carefully. "I have to admit, I don't really know what I want." I say (more to his chest than to him because my god it's hard to look someone in the eyes while talking about this shit.) "Then I think you should figure that out. No pressure, not even if we choose to start a relationship together." He says softly, eyeing me carefully and pressing his fingertips under my chin. I play with the hem of his sleeves as I think and I look up at him. "Maybe we just take it slow?" I ask and he nods. "We can do that." He whispers and I nod but it feels like there's the familiar magnetic pull between us. I slowly press my front against his and his hands cup my cheeks as I bring his neck down. "This isn't slow." He reminds me and I breathe out quickly before pulling away a little. "I know, I know." I move my hands down to his waist, rubbing my thumbs gently across his shirt. "But fuck, do I want it." He says finally and I look up at him, the last bit of conformation between the two of us before I surge forward and press my lips to his. Screw slow. 

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