Chapter 28

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The next morning, despite the fact that I went to bed early, I was exhausted. I climbed out of bed, showered and threw on a bathing suit. Today was a self care day. My mental state was not strong and even though I didn't have a therapist (yet) to help me deal with it, I knew the fact that I could recognize it was incredible and deep down I knew how to handle it. I figured starting with the ocean on a beautiful day is a great way to start.

When I get to the main level of the apartment complex, just as I'm about to walk out of the building, I run straight into Big Red. "Woah there! Hey Nini!" He laughs and I smile politely. "Hey Red! Sorry, I almost ran you over." I say and he smiles kindly. "I hear you do that a lot. That's how you met my buddy?" I smile and nod, knowing it's my best bet to get out of talking to him. He was nice, really. He just reminded me of Ricky, the guy who sorta stood me up and the one I was probably full-on in love with. (Though there's no chance I'd admit that.) "No it's completely become a habit since I've moved here. Just glad I didn't do too much damage." I laugh and he smiles. "You doing anything fun today?" He asks and I shrug, gesturing to my beach cover up. "Self care day at the beach." I tell him and he nods. "I'm actually sorta surprised you're not spending the day with Ricky again, he's been impossible to reach lately because of how much time you two are spending together." I fake a smile and look at my shoes. "Yeah, Ricky asked for a self care day himself. Sorta nice to regroup sometimes." I say, covering up the fact that I hadn't heard from Ricky ever since he told me he'd come back to my place. Red nods happily and checks his phone. "Well I gotta run, but I'm super glad I got to see you again! Don't be a stranger okay? And enjoy the beach." He says before saluting me just like he had yesterday. I give him a little wave and sigh as he walks away. That was painful and not because I didn't want to talk to him. Because I did. I want this world, the sweet and caring boyfriend, the friendly neighbors and the ability to write music with a stable mind. But I wasn't getting it, and it was obvious the universe was just trying to let me know that this life wasn't for me. For now, it was letting me know I had to rethink my decision on Ricky and keep my guard up.

When I get to the beach, I make my way over to the ocean, putting my headphones in and dipping my toes in the low-tide water. The water felt fresh and I could already feel my mind clearing. I take my cover up off, walking further into the ocean and standing still as the waves crash around my legs. This is what I needed.

After a little while, I decided that it was probably time to head back to my place but before I did, I wanted to call Kourtney. Sitting down on the sand, I take out my phone. Before I can open it up though, I flinch away when a guy runs into my area to catch a ball. I smile when he notices me and he brings a hand up to his mouth. "Oh my god I'm so sorry, HON you have to be more careful next time!" He directs to someone across the beach and I wave him off. "Oh my god, no worries, I'd be a hypocrite if I didn't accept people ramming into me." I tell him and he smiles. "I assume that's sorta your thing?" I nod. "More so than I wish." I say and he laughs. "Well, it's nice to meet you. I'm Carlos, and that..." he points to a blond haired boy just a few feet away. "Is my boyfriend Seb. He has a really bad aim." I laugh and stand up, shaking Carlos' hand. "I'm Nini, it's really good to meet you." Carlos smiles and he hits the ball with his wrists as he talks. "I hope you don't think I'm rude, but you don't seem like you're from around here." I shake my head. "I'm not, I'm from Salt Lake." I say and Carlos' boyfriend comes over, swinging an arm around Carlos and he beams at me. "We're from Salt Lake too! We go to UCLA though." My jaw drops and I smile. "Just as I was starting to feel a little homesick!" I say which earns laughter and Carlos sits down on the sand and gestures for me and Seb to sit as well. "Wait so tell us about you! Do you live here now?" I nod and look at the ocean before looking back at Carlos. "Yeah I moved here to hopefully get into the Los Angeles College of Music." I say and Seb smiles. "Honey, we've got a talented girl on our hands." I blush and wave him off. "Oh my god no, I'm actually having trouble writing the perfect song for my application. So if I get in, that'd be a miracle." Carlos smiles but shrugs. "I have no clue how I could help but-" I shake my head. "No no, trust me the last time I accepted help it bit me in the ass." I say and Seb turns his head. "Aw really? A special someone?" He asks kindly and I laugh. "I thought so, but he stood me up and I already have an iffy past with guys so I'm gonna handle this one on my own." I say and Carlos nods, rubbing his hand across Seb's back kindly. "I actually know what you mean. But if a boy is dumb enough to stand you up then it's really only his loss." I smile kindly and shake my head. "I appreciate that, but I rather not think about it right now. I'd love to hear about you two though! What do you guys study at UCLA?"

Carlos, Seb and I talk for hours. It had to be almost one in the afternoon before Carlos taps my hand frantically. "What, what?" I say with a laugh and he leans in. "The guy who stood you up? Does he happen to be really tall with brown curly hair?" My mouth drops at his distinct description of Ricky and I nod slowly. "Yeah... why?" I ask and Carlos leans in. "Don't look now hon, but there's a boy surveillancing the beach right now and he looks kinda panicky." I turn around slowly and do in fact see Ricky, scanning the beach and I can just begin to guess why. "Hide me." I say immaturely and Seb laughs, pressing his hand to mine. "Too late for that Nini, he just saw your back." I huff. "My back is a normal back, so maybe he doesn't-" Carlos leans in. "Yup here he comes." I groan quietly and Seb leans back to pretend to seem normal. "Hey Nins?"

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