Chapter 52

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"I think I'm getting pretty dry." I joke after a little bit and Ricky smiles down at me. "Wanna head home and put on real clothes before I take you out?" I grin and squeeze his hand. "I'd love that. Lemme just grab my stuff." I say, pulling away and reaching for my coverup, my notebook and the pen that I had brought along. "Here, let me help you." Ricky says, reaching out to hold my stuff as I slip on my cover up. "Thanks." I blush and as I straighten out my bathing suit Ricky turns my notebook over in his hands a few times. "Did you write anything good?" He asks, his voice holding uncertainty. I smile shyly and grab my notebook back. "Yeah actually, I think I wrote the best song I've ever created." His eyes widen and he grins, reaching out to take my hand. "You're not kidding?" I shake my head and he laughs. "That's amazing Nins, I cannot wait to hear it." I smile and press my face to his shoulder. "I'll show you in a little bit, it's not quite done." Ricky nods and squeezes my hand a little. "I'm looking forward to it." I smile at the ground and bite my lip before looking back up at him. "What time is it? I wanna know if I'll have a little time to work on it before we go out tonight." Ricky pulls his phone out of his pocket and checks the screen. "It's almost 2. I can stop by your place to get you at like 6 or 7?" I nod and think for a second. "Yeah 6 is great. I just want to do a few touch ups on the song, nothing big." Ricky nods and then it looks as though he realizes something. "You didn't bring your phone to the beach?" I blush and shake my head. "I turned off my phone last night and sorta never powered it back on." He nods. "Well that explains why none of my texts delivered to your phone." My eyes widen and I almost stop walking. "You texted me?" Ricky laughs in disbelief and nods slowly. "You bet your ass I did. I wasn't letting you go that easily. Then I went to your place this morning but you weren't there. I guessed the beach was where you escaped to." I breathe out in shock, the thought and the fact that someone wanted to check up on me so foreign and strange. "Really?" I ask and I'm not even sure if my voice is above a whisper. Ricky stops walking and nods, his jaw clenched again in a way to contain any emotion that might try to escape. I however can feel the tears pressing behind my eyes and I throw my arms around him in a hug. He doesn't hesitate for a second, his arms wrapping firmly around my waist and holding me steady. "I uh, I really like you in case that hasn't been established so I wasn't just gonna let you go." He says into my hair, his hands roaming across my back. I laugh and pull back to look in his eyes. "I think it was established, but I really like you too and I'm so glad you didn't leave." He laughs and his hands keep moving gently until I flinch away from him. "Oh, I think you just undid my bathing suit top." I say awkwardly, my face turning a few shades of red as I reach back to hold the parts together. He looks like he's trying to contain his laughter but I feel his hands reach around to hold the suit together for me. "How do you do this?" He asks, his fingers playing with the clasp and I blush harder. "Usually not on the sidewalk." I say vaguely and I hear him laugh as he turns me around, lifting my cover up and slipping his hands underneath. "Does this metal thing go in the..." I nod and cut him off. "Yeah the third little hole of fabric thing." He silently agrees and I feel his fingertips grazing my skin as he manages to put the suit back together for me. I feel goosebumps raise on my skin and it almost sends a shiver through my body. I try to act unaffected though and I sigh in relief when I feel the pieces of the suit connect again. "Sorry bout that." He says sheepishly when he turns me back around. I shrug and laugh (mostly an embarrassed chuckle but I doubt he notices.) "No worries, it happens." I say and he put his hand on the small of my back as we continue to walk. "Does it?" I shake my head. "No not really." I giggle and he throws his head back in amusement. "That's what I thought, but I appreciate you trying to make me feel better." I grin and shrug. "Yeah no problem, any time." He laughs harder and pulls me closer to his body.

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